Tag Archive for Banana Republic

Welcome To The Third World.

bananas-504478_1920I have been amused in the past when liberal Democrat demonstrations spark a chant of “This is what Democracy looks like..

No.  its not.

They have achieved the goals of their epic struggle against tradition, rule of law, and flat out decency and morals. It is NOT what a Democracy looks like.   This is what a Banana Republic looks like:

FBI Director James Comey has announced that Hillary Clinton acted ‘carelessly’ but committed no crimes with regards to her private e-mail server through which she conducted official government business.  Further, he announced there would be no charges filed whatsoever.  This is despite numerous criminal offenses being already known by the general public through a plethora of FOIA.  Officially, there is no longer any rule of law in this country.

Read the rest.

Ya Mon.

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