Here is a different take on the culture war. Contagious transformation – Genocide Alert: Homosexuality Systematically Killing Black Americans!
Indeed it is. Grassroots in Michigan – A Tax by Any Other Name is Still a Tax
True Story – Steve’s been talking about this. Motor City Times – Detroit News behind the MCT curve on the impending ‘tsunami’ of retail store closings
Fear deregulation of electricity in Michigan! Or maybe not. The Other Club – Citizens for Enervating Michigan’s Economy
Those stupid ‘selfies.’ The Shekel – Snapping ‘n Sharing Selfies Snares Stupid Scoundrel
Izzy Sez take a look at the different perspectives here. Watchdog Wire – Hot topic: What Should Lansing Legislators Do With Michigan’s $1 Billion Surplus?

Jason, thanks for the linkage. It's most appreciated.
Most welcome. Always worth a trip over there Steve!
I read an article sometime back on, I believe, American Thinker that described the epidemic of HIV in the africanhyphenamerican community as having for its cause the practise of the "down low". Male members of that demographic gather for sex with one another and often take HIV home to wives and/or girl friends. If the female component happens to have sex with others they help spread the infection.
The linked article suggests that the homosexual "community" wants to get on the goodie train that africanhyphenamericans have enjoyed for years. Ahyphenas get a lot of latitude when it comes to things such as hiring preferences, special rights in the legal system, etc.