An opportunity to STOP the Obama agenda - Will we get it?
Most the regulars here would love nothing more that to see a second round of voting for the US House Speaker’s race.
Its something that has not apparently happened since 1923, and would be a significant blow to the Obama agenda. Will Boehner hang on to the necessary number of votes? Will the 29 needed defections in the Republican caucus happen?
We can only pray that it does. Two more years of blindly allowing the president to use the constitution as his personal wet wipe is not what this country needs. Blindly allowing the expansion of the the Obama Bureaucracy is hardly a way to return this nation to its former glory. And running up the debt on our children, their children, and a few more generations to follow, is bad government plain and simple.
We urge our Michigan Republican delegation to consider the consequences of letting the WORST PRESIDENT EVER continue to rot this country through emperor’s decree.
Remind them (numbers below the fold) THIS MORNING!
District # — Name — Phone
1 Benishek, Dan 202-225-4735
2 Huizenga, Bill 202-225-4401
3 Amash, Justin *** 202-225-3831
(Amash previously voted against Boehner for Speaker. He also voted against the CRomnibus bill)
4 Moolenaar, John 202-225-3561
6 Upton, Fred 202-225-3761
7 Walberg, Tim 202-225-6276
8 Bishop, Mike 202-225-4872
10 Miller, Candice 202-225-2106
11 Trott, Dave 202-225-8171

Care to place any bet where this one votes?
As for the CD-1 Witch Doctor in Fred's Progressive Country Club, y'all's gotta be sh!tting, right?
Moolenaar will roll with the flow too. Watch.
Since Boehner sang Kate Happy Birthday and made her Uncle one of the most powerful men in the free world by virtue of his willingness to be joined at the hip with same..I'm guessing that at least 'one' vote for the assured.
VOTE IS at 12:45
Here's a list of members you should call before 12:45 p.m. Eastern today.
Pick out a few lawmakers, call their offices, and simply urge them to vote for someone other than John Boehner today.
If they tell you there aren't enough votes to elect someone else, remind them that if they vote for Boehner, that is certainly true. But if they take a stand and vote for someone else, he most certainly can be replaced.
Americans did not send them to Washington to stick their fingers into the wind; they sent them there to do the right thing.
Justin Amash (R-MI) 202-225-3831
Brian Babin (R-TX) 202-225-1555
Mo Brooks (R-AL) 202-225-4801
Ken Buck (R-CO) 202-225-4676
Ron DeSantis (R-FL) 202-225-2706
Scott Desjarlais (R-TN) 202-225-6831
Jeff Duncan (R-SC) 202-225-5301
John Duncan (R-TN) 202-225-6440
Tom Emmer (R-MN) 202-225-2331
John Fleming (R-LA) 202-225-2777
Trent Franks (R-AZ) 202-225-4576
Scott Garrett (R-NJ) 202-225-4465
Glenn Grothman (R-WI) 202-225-2476
Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) 202-225-2715
Jim Jordan (R-OH) 202-225-2676
Raul Labrador (R-ID) 202-225-6611
Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) 202-225-2931
Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) 202-225-2311
Mark Meadows (R-NC) 202-225-6401
Alex Mooney (R-WV) 202-225-2711
Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) 202-225-5501
Gary Palmer (R-AL) 202-225-4921
Steve Pearce (R-NM) 202-225-2365
John Ratcliffe (R-TX) 202-225-6673
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) 202-225-2415
Matt Salmon (R-AZ) 202-225-2635
Mark Sanford (R-SC) 202-225-3176
Mark Walker (R-NC) 202-225-3065
Randy Weber (R-TX) 202-225-2831
Daniel Webster (R-FL) 202-225-2176
Roger Williams (R-TX) 202-225-9896