A little unique perspective can be very helpful.
I don’t think any of you need to be told what to think, but it is not hard to imagine that many (like myself), like to hear other well reasoned opinions about the more difficult topics of the day. Occasionally, we might even have an epiphany. So when Isabelle Terry wrote RightMi.com with the following:
There is a saying in Lansing: What happens in Lansing after 5 PM stays in Lansing.
It is a small suburb of Vegas in the debauchery sense.
Deals over taxpayer money suddenly turn to deals over acts of heterosexual sex, homosexual sex (likely more rampant than the heterosexual sex judging by the huge numbers of effeminate men romping around the MIGOP) and drugs use. The politicos are sluts in money, power, and physical highs.
Players play, secrets are kept.
That is… unless you are speaking the truth.
You see, secrets are kept…. ONLY if the pols go along with the political elite. Todd and Cindy would’ve been ok, their secret kept, if they had become Republican squish. RINO’s and the political elite don’t care about morality or anything else …. They only care about retaining power, chasing more power & money and chasing after slutty physical comforts. Aside from their suspicious endorsement of Little Ronna RINO for MIGOP Chair …. Todd and Cindy have held their end of the bargain with their Freedom Loving, Tea Party, Liberty and Conservative constituents. And THAT is THE unforgivable sin in Lansing:
Funnily enough…. This is EXACTLY why TRUMP is being attacked so! He dare to speaketh the TRUTH!
Free Market Competition, the preservation of the principles held in the Constitution, low taxes, a secure border, and espousing Judaeo-Christian principles of morality, extolling hard work/ gumption…. ALL threaten the power and hold of the political elite.
So I’m ECSTATIC that Todd and Cindy have not resigned!
Yeah, what they did was terrible. But here’s a news flash: Christians sin too! And it is precisely why the hold fast to atonement, redemption and salvation in Jesus Christ. You won’t see Cindy and Todd holding Adultery Pride Parades to trick others into engaging in sinful behavior. They will always hold up Traditional Marriage and family values even in light of their personal failings.
If we asked them to be perfect…. Shame on us. We simply elected them to do the job. We did not elect them to be beyond sin.
Todd and Cindy have not lost the moral high ground in their service to the good people in their districts. If sex outside of the marital bed were the litmus test in Lansing…. The capital city would be a ghost town that’s even more run down than Detroit.
I said “yeah, I can relate.”
We can find all the usual suspects gloating over the failings of these two ‘tea’ Types, and comparing, and also eagerly pointing out that others who relate to our values have in the past made a mistake or two as well, and all of this adds to the brand being tarnished. I realized that I wasn’t about to dump on a couple of those others, and am not about to start now.
Even if I have agreed previously that Courser and Gamrat should resign, I just don’t feel that way any longer.
Christ was/is all about forgiveness. The blessing that we receive is premised not upon the good works we can get government to do, but in how we accept Jesus as our savior.
We sin. We fail. We screw up, and even though we make those mistakes, we are salvageable if we seek redemption. God sees us as renewed through the sacrifice of his son on the cross.
We also need to accept His forgiveness.
Simply stop and consider what this means.
And thanks Ms. Terry.

Ya, resigning, it's not really the most pressing issue on my list. I mean, if those two want to place their families in the circus they've publicly created - so be it. Besides, it didn't slow Mike and Laura Cox, down one bit, did it?
Bigger fish to fry: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/us/politics/att-helped-nsa-spy-on-an-array-of-internet-traffic.html?_r=0
Now, guess which AT&T sausage swallower is gloating over Todd and Cindy bumping uglies?
Yep. There's many more on that Time Line.
More over at Dick and Betsy DeVos' house rectum thumper's account, too.
Was considering writing u a piece on quitting AT& T BECAUSE of Murray and his homosexual agenda promotions, and still might.
4 phone Lines, soon to be 6 under our control switching to an alternate provider. (to cable phone) Buh-Bye ATT!
As for his tweet.. He hasn't a clue of what remorse for a violation of morality is. He cannot possibly understand, or discover his whole lifestyle is a sham.
Yes and no, on that.
Yes, no one is perfect. Certainly not the overwhelming majority of that bunch under the dome up there in Lansing.
And as we recently were "reminded" about not even a few days ago when Craig DeRoche "came out" about his alcoholism, hitting the sauce more often than most people ever realized and his horrible grasp of Robert's Rules of Order. Ms. Terry's line about: "THOU SHALT NOT BEAR TRUE WITNESS TO THE POLITICAL ELITE. … THOU SHALT GO ALONG TO GET ALONG," most definitely rings true.
Neither Reps. Courser or Gamrat represent the area that I physically live in. That along with the fact that their respective spouses have forgiven them makes any call from my end for their resignation due to their adultery moot.
Here's where that "no" part comes in.
Their adulterous behavior aside, no one can refute the fact that they still have misused the privilege of holding their office for their own personal gain.
I shouldn't need to remind anyone here about the use of their Michigan-Taxpayer funded office to not only generate, but distribute the "inoculating" false flag attack piece with a gay prostitute. And then you have another problem when you begin using office staffers (and then firing them after they refused to "...GO ALONG TO GET ALONG"," ironically after giving them satisfactory job reviews along with a pay raise) to run interference regarding your actual whereabouts after the House adjourns and those two wanted to run off for a few hours to knock boots instead of working.
While others may excuse it, I certainly do have a problem with that right there alone.
There are more than a few people here at Right Michigan who blast into the republican kakistocracy whenever they fail to adhere to the Conservative Principles that they claim to believe in.
Going wink-wink, nod-nod and proclaiming that isn't acceptable, don't let me catch you doing that ever again!
If we turned a blind eye with what these two have done, especially when they claim to be representing the interests of the Tea Party here in Michigan, we would be no better than the republican kakistocracy when it comes to standing for anything.
I like to believe that we are much better than that.
Based upon what I've heard and read, Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat need to go.
Courser's post-affair moves were stupid, his being an attorney and all. Nuff said on all this!!!!!
It'll be interesting to see how the investigation into alleged misuse of taxpayer dollars and alleged wrongful firings plays out. (Funny! Now Lansing seems to care about the mishandling of taxpayer dollars???) I did not address the investigation because I trust the accused far more than i trust the investigators. After all, these are of the same bunch that gave us Medicaid Expansion and the Detroit Bailout. The same bunch that pushes higher gas taxes and Renewable Energy mandates and subsidies. The same bunch that gave us Common Core.
These public SINS of misusing public funds, making scores of people dependent on the government, enslaving people into a substandard healthcare plan, driving up the cost of energy needlessly, and keeping people ignorant with substandard national leftist indoctrination curriculum, are far more offensive than anything Todd and Cindy EVER did! Todd and Cindy could've caved to the political elite and become another John Boehner or Mitch McConnell type lawmaker. The two pathetic DC politicians are far worse than Todd and Cindy. We should be demanding the resignations of Boehner, McConnell and all the other American sellouts like THEM instead. Trust me.... if this were Tom Casperson and Wayne Schmidt, instead of Todd and Cindy... we'd never have heard a peep.
Ms. Terry,
There isn't one thing in your post that I disagree with.
Unfortunately, if my snitches are to be believed, something had been recently found.
I didn't get much more out of them. It could be due to either the TPTB trying to figure out how to get the maximum leverage out of it, it could be the Joshua Cline event later today or just something completely new.
Still, the bottom line here is this: Do we want to act like the republican kakistocracy who only pays lip service to everything you have mentioned. Or do we literally practice what we preach?
Because if we don't, I can guarantee you two names will continually pop up any time someone with any ties to the Tea Party criticizes the actions of the elites as their pat response.
I would be open to any other options that you or anyone else may have relating to how to handle this situation differently. But, right now, those are the cards that we were dealt.
Still stuck on Saul's Rule #13, huh?
You know something, KG, you'd get a lot further if you'd drop the pious horse shit.
There is angle being run here if you notice AT&T's sausage swallower tweets. Do note the fat bastard who favorited it works for
Arlan MeekhofRandy Richardville v2.0Look, I've been called many things, but "pious" was certainly never one of them (well at least not to my face, anyway).
As for Saul's playbook. I live behind enemy lines. His playbook is how the string-pullers operate in this part of the state.
And yes, I haven't missed the other side happy as a pig wallowing in their own waste at what these two have done. Actually considering who some of the players are, maybe they did just wallow in what they expelled from their own bodies? It does go a long way towards explaining the smile on their collective faces
So people aren't too keen about my position regarding them (Courser & Gamrat) and now there is backlash because of it?
Meh, I honestly could care less about it.
I don't know who originally said it, but I think that it is still appropriate nonetheless: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
I'm not going to give the other side to opportunity to argue:'But you looked the other way when those two did it" with every issue from here on.
Not playing that game!
You were saying, something?
And, this weak-sauce crap?
Sounds like the same handwringing bullshit that strong folk like Darwin Jiles, ignores.
So, who you really benefiting?
Not exactly what I meant when I said to my face (and you knew better, CS).
"I'm not going to give the other side to opportunity to argue:'But you looked the other way when those two did it" with every issue from here on."
^^^Prove that statement wrong.^^^
Because your path or, way is losing, and has been losing since 2010.
If you cannot see that, then that's on you.
Adopting the tactics of the side that has been criticized for their previous hypocritical actions is the correct course of action here.
Got it.
So, you're telling all of us either you can walk on water or, your shit don't stink. Which is it?
You've still avoided answering: Prove my statement wrong.
By that logic then, NO Christian can ever proclaim Judaeo-Christian teachings unless they've never sinned. And there is only one person that ever lived that never sinned. We are all fallen. We are all sinners. So hence... via our humanity we are all wretched hypocrites. I'd rather have free market, small government, pro-Constitution, pro-Life, sinners be lawmakers over the liberal minded sinners. Any day of any week.
According to the Lansing News, the Cline presser is for the purpose of sharing the inside story of what it was like to work in the Courser-Gamrat office. Granted, that's potentially quite a bit of ground.
As far as how to handle the "scandal" . . . my take is here.
You have a beautiful mind, ma'am.
"Todd and Cindy could've caved to the political elite and become another John Boehner or Mitch McConnell type lawmaker. The two pathetic DC politicians are far worse than Todd and Cindy. We should be demanding the resignations of Boehner, McConnell and all the other American sellouts like THEM instead. Trust me.... if this were Tom Casperson and Wayne Schmidt, instead of Todd and Cindy... we'd never have heard a peep."
Truer words have never been written. And, here's why we have assclowns like Boehner, McConnell, Schmidt, and Meekhof: http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/08/15/trump-gives-a-glimpse-of-the-golden-arrow-targeted-toward-mcconnelldonohues-achilles-heel-intensely-strategic/#more-104914
Well, KG, looks like we've gotta move this conversation over here. I've avoid nothing.
Ps. methinks, you doth protest too much.
Just two quick points. The statement was made, "Christ was/is all about forgiveness. " which I agree with. But it is prefaced with, "If we confess ours sins ..." Also, forgiveness does not mean no consequences. Moses sinned and as a result was not allow to enter the Promised Land, but he was forgiven.
So if we confess ours sins, we can be forgiven, but may still have to suffer consequences.
Do you think there have been no consequences to this point?