Some readers may recall this term bandied about several years ago, when Congress being Congress, went on a spending spree that can be accurately compared to giving an alcoholic an open bar tab and then being shocked when not only all of the top shelf inventory is cleaned out first, but the rest of the bar as well.
Take a wild guess what happened earlier this week?
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On Wednesday, the US Senate passed a Wuhan Virus Relief bill by a 96-0 vote.
This bill was being hammered out over the last couple of days because Congress “had” to do something.
Well after all of that serious negotiation, and no one given the opportunity to actually read the thing before voting on it, it’s going to the US House this morning for a vote. The bill called the CARES Act – Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (I still cannot get over how much effort goes into coming up with these acronyms), otherwise known as HR-748.
Anyone want to take a wild guess at the “necessary” Wuhan Virus related items that were snuck into that bill?
The organization (an excellent source of information, IMHO) took the liberty of doing just that. Instead of going through the 883-pages Congress couldn’t be bothered to read, a short summary of their findings can be found here (just 22 pages). Forbes did a further breakdown into individual earmarks. Here’s what Sen. McConnell & Speaker Pelosi deem not only important, but relevant Wuhan Virus Relief that The American Taxpayer needs to pay for:
• $150 million to National Endowment of the Arts and the Humanities (FY2019 budget: $253 million). How this meshes with the “social distancing” most of us have been “ordered” to obey is anyone’s guess.
• $50 to The Institute of Museum and Library Services (FY2019 budget: $230 million). I don’t know about anyone else here, but my local & county libraries have been “ordered” closed. Ditto for every local museum. And “social distancing” is apparently out the window (again).
• $350 million to the State Department for “Migration and Refugee Assistance.” This one is my favorite! Congress will not spend money on The Wall (or even put up a “Closed” sign at our border without members, usually democrats, throwing a temper tantrum), but it can find money for something like this?!?
• $75 million in the Senate bill funded the Corporation For Public Broadcasting. Did the Cookie Monster catch Corona? Are the Wildcrats infected by Wuhan?
• $7.5 million in the Senate bill for the Smithsonian Institute.
• $25 million in the Senate bill went to the John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.. The democrats are really swinging for the fences on this one.
And this is just the short list.
Let me give readers a few moments to let their BP go down several points before continuing.
Calmed down, yet? Okay, let me wrap things up.
Adhering to the democratic party axiom of “Never letting a good crisis go to waste”, the democrats have outdone themselves this time around.
The US House votes later this morning on HR-748. Let your elected representatives know that this IS NOT something that Conservatives can support.
They can be reached through here.
Tell them to vote “NO” on HR-748 until the pork is removed.