Ain’t this Detroit News story just delightful?
BREAKING: Mich. Economic Development Corp. now estimates MEGA tax credit liability is $9.38B until 2031, up from previous $6.5B estimate.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) February 18, 2015
Imaging that. And, CPA Snyder’s $250,000/year numbers guru John Nixon, bails out of Michigan a year ago, too? Go figure.
Snyder enlisted the help of Detroit attorney George Scott Romney, the brother of 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in bringing Nixon to Michigan, because Romney shared ties to Utah and the Mormon faith.
“They’re just a wonderful family,” Romney said of Nixon, who along with his wife, DeAnn, has six children between the ages of 4 and 17.
“I was disappointed” to hear Nixon was leaving, Romney said, but “I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for him.”
Leaving is “a wonderful opportunity”? That’s an understatement. Then again, ‘ol Elder “Arithmetic” Romney ain’t never been too sharp with numbers, has he?

Jennifer 'Canuck' Granholm should get an honorable mention here. She wasn't content to leave Michigan with just one lost decade.
I suppose we could play that game, however, who gave her the tools to use? Team R's John Engler, and his founding MEDC chair, Rick Snyder.
Engler's third term was an absolute disaster and a fitting opening act for Jennie's runaway spending. Engler's MDoT Director, Jimmy DeSana, was also responsible for many of the ills in our state's road programs.
Not disputing that at all. The fact remains that Fat John and Slick Rick gave Granholm the tools to use. Now, if one would really want to get into how sh!tty Team R is... upon Nerd-elect Slick Rick taking the reins from Jennie, they both decided that the MEDC required even more of a People's Republic of Ann Arbor flavor with this joint announcement:,4584,7-212-57648_21974-248284--,00.html
Want to go bonus round on how sh!tty Team R truly is? Let's discuss which Romney gave us the State Income Tax that Jennie and Team R raised in '07, and Snyder stopped from rolling back down to 3.9%:,9171,870515,00.html
More than doubled since Romeny and Milliken, the Nerd's mentor was in office.
Fun stuff, eh?