It should come as no surprise to any conservative that the SWAMP is looming over the MIGOP State Convention scheduled to take place Friday and Saturday at the Lansing Center. While we tell voters we are going to drain the swamp, typically the swamp is coronated at these kind of affairs. It’s part of the immense hypocrisy that stains our party.
The swamp has its chosen candidates picked out. At the top of the ticket is former State Rep. Laura Cox, who lost a winnable State Senate seat to a completely unknown Democrat no-name challenger last year. After demonstrating her inability to connect with the public, she is going to be rewarded with the biggest leadership position in the party. It doesn’t get much more swampy than that.
Making matters worse, Cox is running a gutter campaign against her opponent Gina Barr, who was Director of Women and Urban Engagement for the Republican National Committee and worked as a regional field director helping win elections for Republicans across the country. The special interests are deluging delegates with false information urging them to vote for Cox, whose record of supporting tax hikes, spending increases, and crony capitalism in the state legislature is well-known.
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(16)Nuh Uh.