So, where is the REAL “Constitutional Crisis”?

This is a buzzword that you’re going to be hearing quite a bit over the next several days.

The democrats, along with their willing accomplices in the republican party (NO, this is NOT a typo), are going to be pulling out all of the stops and throw a temper tantrum worthy of a three-year old child as they allow the crisis along our southern border to fester and grow while they try obfuscate along with deflecting attention away from and prolong the problem for as long as they can.

Turning away potential voters/cheap labor/brand spanking new entitlement recipients does not bode well during the next election cycle.

Oh, and there’s more…

{Hit that little red button below find out what that is}

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Caliphate Curser Strikes Again

So, let us understand, this fun advertisement for a pub crawl is offensive and, this article Rashida wrote for Farrakhan is not.

Got it?

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The Swamp Looms Over The MIGOP State Convention Once Again

It should come as no surprise to any conservative that the SWAMP is looming over the MIGOP State Convention scheduled to take place Friday and Saturday at the Lansing Center. While we tell voters we are going to drain the swamp, typically the swamp is coronated at these kind of affairs. It’s part of the immense hypocrisy that stains our party.

The swamp has its chosen candidates picked out. At the top of the ticket is former State Rep. Laura Cox, who lost a winnable State Senate seat to a completely unknown Democrat no-name challenger last year. After demonstrating her inability to connect with the public, she is going to be rewarded with the biggest leadership position in the party. It doesn’t get much more swampy than that.

Making matters worse, Cox is running a gutter campaign against her opponent Gina Barr, who was Director of Women and Urban Engagement for the Republican National Committee and worked as a regional field director helping win elections for Republicans across the country. The special interests are deluging delegates with false information urging them to vote for Cox, whose record of supporting tax hikes, spending increases, and crony capitalism in the state legislature is well-known.

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Showing your true colors.

Despite the calls for “bipartisianship”(remember when THAT was the buzzword), “tolerance”, blah-blah-blah, etc, AG Nessel officially went off the reservation yesterday and signed Michigan onto a multistate lawsuit AGAINST Pres. Trump and his actions to protect everyday Americans from the illegal aliens massing along the southern border.

This is what happens when the republican kakistocracy runs a boat anchor at the top of the ticket and p.o.’s The Grassroots when it doesn’t cut ties with a certain Supreme Court Justice. Tom Leonard would NEVER have signed off on this!

Curiously, as of this morning, she didn’t feel that it was important to share her passion to protect a major threat to Michigananians with the rest of us through official channels.

I’m running late for a run, but more to follow later…

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If you own a business and are subject to Michigan’s PPT AND have less than 80K in fixtures etc., get this done ASAP.

You have two days from this posting to file this with your local taxing authority.  The upside is that this year may be the last year you have to file this annually.

Grab it HERE (or click on the image)

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So You Want To lower Insurance Costs?

Start with a sense of agreement that our GOP controlled legislature has with the new leader of the smurfs.

Insurance costs too much.  And since Lansing is already aglow in the possibility of adding more taxes on top of the 40% increase in plate fees and added gas taxes, we need a break right?

Who better to underwrite such ‘breaks’ than insurance carriers, right? Government always finds ways to shunt higher costs on to taxpayers OR those in an industry that they have manipulated for so many years.  So what is the message when we see this?

After Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State address on Tuesday, state Rep. Michele Hoitenga, R-Manton, said that insurance reform will be one of the GOP’s top priorities this session. Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, established a separate committee to devise a way past obstacles to bringing down rates.

In a tweet, Chatfield said citizens need a bipartisan solution.

“It’s time we cut through politics and deliver real reform to our rigged car insurance system,” Chatfield’s tweet says. “Families and seniors are paying too much, and they deserve relief. I’ve created a special committee to reform car insurance and have asked [Rep. Jason] Wentworth to chair it. Let’s get it done!”

We deserve relief.

Whew!  Glad we got that settled.  So let me make it real easy.

First start off with that part of the process that enjoys a failing google grade.  It adds $hundreds a year to each vehicle we own, and holds onto $20,000,000,000.00 of Michigan ratepayers money.  Yeah, that’s $20 Billion.

Its a tax.  Don’t forget that.

And actually.. just start and end with that and then watch for a while.

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Does a Peacock Complain About its Livery?

For someone who has held elected titles in Lansing, from 2001 thru 2015, this was not an accident unless she has Richard Bernstein selecting attire for her. Curves? Is that what corpulent menopausal females refer to it as now? It’s as if they believe that others do not have eyes.

And, on cue, not allowing an opportunity to go to waste, a white male Republican steps forward to Virtue Snivel. Lee, shall we discuss what a loser is and inappropriate? Soros NPV junkets? Millennials… the guiding compass in the House, which means this state is- totally screwed.

That stated, I fully cede the notion that there is a way to vote our way out of this creeping socialism, nanny-government mess that is Michigan. There are just too many bent-knee pandering fools and reprehensible, Retreads within to counter the opposition.

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