How unstable can one possibly be to not heed the warning of a 80% rejection from a few years ago to blunder on with a bigger and more dubious fuel tax hike of 45 cents per gallon on top of the last tax hike? Michiganians have no appetite for handing over more of their hard earned money to Lansing, which has been completely irresponsible with its contracts, especially, with favoring the union parasites that endorsed Whitmer. This women is pure evil and, she’s using school-age children as her political agenda hostages as well.
Sorry, deary, this ain’t the vagina monologues anymore. Gretchen’s station is to sign a responsible balanced budget and, honor her campaign promises (Whatever the hell they may have been), which did not include disrupting children’s education.

If Gretchen is smart she will sign the damn budget presented to her and, fix the damn roads with the increased funding provided by the Republican Majority without any tax increase. Then again, there is no trusting a snake who has lied throughout her campaign.
Ps. SML Shirkey, Speaker Chatfield, it would behoove you both to ignore this duplicitous twit as proven over the years he’s little more than a windsock as long as tax monies are tossed his way.
You Betcha!
(11)Nuh Uh.