Negotiating is not this governor’s forte.
During the budget battle she admonished the legislature for not jumping on board with her 45 cent a gallon tax increase. None of her party’s house or senate members even tried to make it happen. She was all on her own.
But Gretchen wouldn’t allow the state to move forward without a budget, so she signed what was given her. She signed it, using the veto pen in a way she may have thought would bring the legislature back to her. Yet in actuality, she revealed her own apathy for certain segments of government largess.
And at the same time she did another curious thing. She sent a message to our state workforce, suggesting that if anyone so much as speaks to our legislators, they might regret it. By lining out protections for those employees within, who also want good government. From West Michigan Politics:
State employees are no longer protected if they expose questionable activities to state legislators.
Here is what Whitmer removed:“”The department shall not take disciplinary action against an employee for communicating with a member of the legislature or his or her staff.”
A Whitmer administration source says that language is somehow “unenforceable,” which simply doesn’t add up.
No, it does not. Why veto the protections then?