The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Jack Has Our Back

Congressman Jack Bergman recognizes the difference between an executive act as commander in chief, and that which is a declaration of war.

Constitutionally, congress has the sole authority to declare war.  No one has any argument against that, and throughout the last several administrations this authority has been tested far too often.  However when the 45th POTUS, who has pledged to reduce and remove our presence in the region responds (as he should) to an immediate need to defend our men in the theater of wars created by all of his predecessors, he is backhanded by our congress.

The feckless congressional leadership in its attempt to undercut the efforts of the president to implement his peace through strength mission voted to morally support our enemies by allowing the passage of a resolution that claims the president has none of the powers guaranteed him by our constitution.

General Jack accepts none of that.  He says:

“I voted against H. Con. Res. 83, the House Democrats’ dangerous War Powers Resolution. As it’s merely a resolution, this type of legislation is never presented to the President and therefore holds no force or effect of law. The Democrats are clearly not serious, and this purely political resolution is just another attempt to weaken President Trump and ultimately weaken America.

“Attempting to tie the Administration’s hands at this time is dangerous, and Democrats publicly projecting to our adversaries that we won’t use force puts Americans at risk and endangers the safety of the United States and our allies.”

The 1st District representative is right.

If congress wants to end our efforts in the middle east region, This is not the way to do it.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

We Killed A Terrorist.

For folks who simply hate our president too much to pay attention to the facts, understand one thing:

Soleimani was a bad guy and has been undermining our efforts to conclude our business in Iraq and get the hell out of there. For a little perspective, its good to have people who have been in the business of #WAR offer their thoughts.

Michigan’s congressman General Jack Bergman issued the following statement last evening:

Tonight we pray for safety for our Service members and allies fighting to destroy terrorism across the globe.

I’ve flown in and out of Al Asad Airbase in Iraq many times as a Marine and have witnessed the important work done by our troops there. This oppressive Iranian regime has always been an aggressor and bully in the region, and as we see yet again tonight, they’re continuing down the path of evil escalation. The United States stands shoulder to shoulder with the good people of Iran who seek freedom and do not support this terrorist regime.

Let’s be clear: The United States eliminated a terrorist when we killed Soleimani – the Iranian government must take note and end its aggressive actions immediately. Our troops stand ready and in position to counter any attack on our positions and our allies.

Thank you General.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

30 Minutes or less….

Remember that Benson campaign lie? Well, get a load of this.

“We have heard the call from individuals and communities across the state seeking a sex-designation that matches their reality,” Benson said in a statement.

Their reality….

Take a bow, Boobus Michiganderus, you voted for this.

Have you ever noticed that it’s the lunatics who like to pretend their vegetables are meat are also likely to embrace the irrational concept that *women* have dicks?

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(2)

What Month is it?

From the desk of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, via Lt. token.

Refuse every convicting test… other than the stupid subjective ones that make you look stupid no matter what!

Anyone wanna bet dollars to doughnuts the Democrat Ferndale gay Oakland County Executive got Rebekah sprung though the visitors door to avoid the press? Bouchard has a lot to answer for here.

Another bet? If Rebekah’s blood test comes back with THC present, she qualifies to run for next governor? No? OK, always leave the scene so cops can look the other way.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(2)

Virginia Gun Grab

This is America’s canary in the mineshaft…

Leave it to the Democrats to play on both sides of the fence at the same time. While attempting to misuse the Constitution to their advantage by fabricating impeachment articles against a President they do not believe was legally elected under its rules, they are demonstrating in Virginia the very purpose of the 2nd Amendment to it.

In case you missed it, the state government of Virginia is now totally controlled by the Democrats, courtesy of nearly $3 million in campaign donations to them by….Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg. Mr. Bloomberg also provided them with some legislation he wants them to pass of course, to include gun confiscation. The Democrats have suggested the Governor use the Virginia National Guard to accomplish the task anywhere in the state where compliance may be sketchy.

The legislation also outlaws citizen militias, imagine that…as a “well regulated militia” might pose a problem to enforcement. These people who threaten armed force against their citizens to implement unconstitutional laws are the same people who advocate for open borders and sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. The same people that have spent the last 3 years trying to undo the results of the 2016 election. They do not deserve to be in ANY position of political power, not in America.

January 20th 2020 the new session of the Virginia legislature begins…the call to arms has already gone out over social media…there will be a confrontation. I’m certain Mr. Bloomberg will be watching, I hope the rest of the country watches as well.

Molon Labe, Mr. Bloomberg, and please, come for mine personally…

For more background, visit this link…or do your own search…

“These lawmakers, who work for us, U.S. citizens, are threatening to use the military against citizens to enforce gun confiscation and seize our private property.
If allowed, this would set a dangerous precedent across the country.
This action is precisely why the Second Amendment was created. It’s to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government.”

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

A ‘Solemn’ Day

The marathon of speeches during the impeachment debacle yesterday saw scores of Democrats decrying the need to be there.

They all started out with “I wish we we didn’t have to do this”  or “this is something we wish we wouldn’t have to do” or “its a sad day.” The Democrats openly lamented the grave responsibility they had to enforce the constitution and checks and balances or some other crap they could insert into a political ad later in 2020.

The broad array of projection, obfuscation and outright lies might well have been designed to bore away watchers even as many of them secretly may suspect they have completely and utterly shit the bed.  The house speaker even suggested withholding the resulting partisan vote from the Senate unless they get the rules set in a way that will work for them.

The house speaker even had to shush the Democrats in the house when they began to cheer the resulting vote (with zero Republicans) as she knows the only way to convey the ‘solemnity’ of the occasion is to get the morons in check and STFU.   Good luck with that.

I present to you the face of the new Democrats.

Rashida Tlaib’s “Let’s do this” lends to such solemnity as Pelosi’s prayers for our president do for the soul of our people’s house.

#Trump2020 by a landslide?


You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

There’s A Pick Up

This is one of many videos circulating after Congressman Elissa Slotkin announced that she would support impeachment.

It hardly shows the overall sense of what is going on in the 8th congressional district, but it does reveal that the Democrats do not care that they are committing political suicide.  That is an interesting take-away from all of this.

The hatred for Donald Trump from the left is all consuming and irrational.  It allows them to ignore the illegalities of their own players, and pretend that the legitimate actions of our commander in chief somehow have earned removal from office.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.  It will surely guarantee that he is reelected as well as carry Trump supporting republicans into office once again.

There will be more of this.  And there isn’t a legislator in our nation (like Slotkin) who can say after the fact that they were not at least warned.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)