I mean, it’s only money, right?

Yesterday the City of Detroit announced that it is closing the Huwan virus “overflow” facility at the recently converted Cobo Hall (aka TCF Center).

The facility which cared for no more than 20 patents at a time (it was designed for about 1,000), will now be held in “reserve”.

What you didn’t see in the media is the cost Detroit paid to have this conversion done.

I mean, it’s not like Detroit has money to burn.

Or, that they haven’t taken everything into account all of the variables when they made their choices (like a certain despotic governor we all know and love).

But hey, it’s only money.

Who cares where it comes from?

wink wink!

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Nah, This Ain’t Gonna Fly With Michiganians

Law enforcement officers, I feel your pain.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) on Thursday extended the state’s stay-at-home order put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus.

A news release from Whitmer’s office noted that the order would expire on May 28. Previously, Whitmer’s order was set to expire May 15.

State county prosecutors recognize the illegality and, many “elected” Sheriffs (very important difference) are not willing to walk the Road to Hell Democrat Whitmer is leading this state down.

Even soon to be recalled sweaty forehead Whitmer’s Attorney General Nessel flinched at these unlawful actions, which ended up with a father of 8 being shot dead by governor GRETCHEN ESTHER WHITMER illegal agenda. Those that see the name in all capitals understand what that means.

Walk away, LEO.

Simple as that.

Avoid what every freedom loving citizen in America dreads but, are losing everything they ever worked for, that will answer the call, God forbid- if stupid enough to “follow orders” after 8 weeks out from house arrest.

Walk away.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Finley Suffering Another Bout of Constitution Indigestion

Is there really any doubt as to why the Fakestream News media is going the way of the buggy whip when Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation associated Digital First Media‘s Nolan Finley writes such mindless drool.

But just because you have a right, doesn’t mean you should exercise it in irresponsible ways.

Showing up at a mass protest with a pistol on your hip or a rifle slung across your shoulder is irresponsible.

It could easily be read as an attempt to intimidate. That’s particularly true when the guns are brought into the Capitol building where lawmakers are doing the state’s business.

Police monitoring the gatherings are put in the extremely difficulty position of trying to discern whether those carrying weapons are a threat to commit violence. Officers have to guess which guns are present as a symbol of protest, and which are there for ill intent.

Things can go bad in a hurry if they guess wrong.

Sorry, dummy Nolan, that’s just not how “…shall not be infringed.” works. Furthermore, if/when police are complicit in any politicians’ disregard for Rule of Law, and tyranny reigns, then Rebellion becomes Duty.

More please!

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Governor Leading The Lawless

Something occurred to me this morning.

One of the ways in which government has been able to operate at a board level is by Zoom, of some other streaming service.  The problem with this however, was the ways in which the streaming option limited the ability of those who wish to attend meetings and keep government open and transparent.

The answer was Executive Order 2020-15.  EO 2020-15 changed the requirements of having the meetings, to allowing by remote access with limited public interaction:

Acting under the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and Michigan law, I order the following:

Effective immediately and continuing until April 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm, to the extent that the Open Meetings Act, 1976 PA 267, as amended, MCL 15.261 to 15.272 (“OMA”) requires that a meeting of a public body be held in a physical place available to the general public or requires the physical presence of one or more members of a public body, strict compliance with section 3 of the OMA, MCL 15.263, is temporarily suspended in order to alleviate any such physical-place or physical-presence requirements, as follows:

Etc., and so on.. (feel free to follow through and see the conditions)

The order allows forms of electronic meetings that would not otherwise be allowed under legislative authority without the power assumed by the governor.  It essentially kept local governments ability to operate under ‘stay home’ conditions that might arise.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Dangerous Dana “Nasty” Nessel now Attemps to Wash Away the Blood on Gov. “Half” Whitmer’s Hands

Rather interesting about face by “Nasty” Nessel.

May 1, 2020: Nessel leaves enforcing stay-in-place edict to local cops

The state’s top law enforcement officer says she will allow local police to “exercise their best judgment” about whether to enforce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-home edict until a lawsuit challenging the governor’s emergency powers is decided in court.

Bottom line, Michigan’s AG knew that the governor’s orders expired on April 30, 2020 at 11:59 pm and, any further actions by Half Whitmer are illegitimate and unlawful.

May 5, 2020?

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(0)

The ball is now rolling.

Multiple media outlets and the Michigan Republican Party have reported that a lawsuit has been filed in the Michigan Court challenging Gov. Witless’ authority to crank out an endless litany of Executive Orders relating to the Wuhan virus.

They have asked for an expedited ruling in this matter.

Two quick points:

First, it was filed in the Michigan Court of Claims. Their track record in this area, Judge Murray’s legal rationale especially, is questionable at best and laughable at worst. Martinko, et al vs. Whitmer is a perfect example of my skepticism.

I DO NOT see them ruling favorably in this case. It will most likely be going to the Michigan Supreme Court.

Second, this is only going to address PA 302 of 1945, it does not address anything else.

We already have an AG shooting off “opinions” on the legality of a rogue governor’s actions. While it is doubtful that they will be upheld, AG Nessel’s actions do throw a monkey wrench into the works of bringing Michigan back.

FYI, I’m speaking to a few people regarding a second front to dealing with PA 302…more to follow.

Another “lost decade” is not out of the realm of possibility if the governor’s actions are not remedied in time.

Stay tuned.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan: led by a Sweaty, Narcissistic, Lawless Buffoon

Just another day in Clown World.

There is no way for anyone to take this administration seriously, anymore.

“Big Gretch” must be impeached and/or recalled. There is no other discussion- Period.

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(1)

Out of the mouths of babes.

Short post today.

While driving around last weekend, I noticed something unexpected that I didn’t pick up on right away.

Business that were deemed “unessential”, had opened up, some with customers seen entering and exiting.

Families, some with small children were seen walking around and playing in parks.

And before people think that I’m narcing on business in Macomb County, quick reminder I drive…a lot! This didn’t take place in Macomb. ‘Nuff said there.

Yesterday afternoon, I spent some time with family and we ended walking up to the local park.

One of my younger family members had asked me about what was happening, why they were not in school and things like that.

I attempted to explain to them as simply as I could about what happens. I explained to them that people try to act as best as they can based on the information available. I also told them that when people get scared, despite the information available, they make choices which make absolutely no sense. I tried to break it down as best as I could, but despite my best attempts, I don’t think that they got it.

By that point, we had gotten to the playground and they had lost interest. We watched them for about an hour running around, and even gasp, playing with other children from that area. The other parents were not objecting.

That brought a smile to my face once the realization kicked in was occurring. People have had enough. People are not waiting for permission.

Hopefully, this is a trend that will continue to grow as the week progresses.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(1)