873 search results for "Detroit"

Michigan Governor: State tax surplus could be used to limit cuts to pensions in Detroit bankruptcy proceedings

Michigan taxpayers have been overcharged by the state of Michigan to the tune of $350 million. That is what Michigan’s budget surplus really is, the state taxed its citizens an extra $350 million that they had no plan to spend. So, rather than sending the money back to the taxpayers, spending the money to fix our literally crumbling roads or simply hang on to the money for a rainy day, what does our nerd Governor propose?

Gov. Rick Snyder said Thursday he’s open to using one-time surplus tax dollars for the state’s contribution toward a fund to bolster Detroit pensions and settle the city’s bankruptcy.

Snyder has pledged $350 million over 20 years toward a $816 million fund designed to limit cuts to pensions and shield city-bought art at the Detroit Institute of Arts from being sold to satisfy creditors.

While private sector citizens in Michigan have had to go round after round of belt-tightening  (job losses, furloughs, pay cuts) during the reign of economic terror during the Granholm era. Now we have to punch additional holes in our belts for even more belt-tightening during the ongoing Obama disaster. Why should Michigan taxpayers take it in the shorts, again, protecting city worker pensions? Let them tighten their belts, or sell the DIA art and other city assets like other bankruptcies require. Get expertise available via Arizona Bankruptcy and Debt Solutions

BTW, you know after Snyder uses our tax ‘surplus’ protecting city pensions, he will come hat in hand looking for additional ‘revenues’ (i.e. taxes) to fix our roads.

*** Cross-posted at motorcitytimes.com ***

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Rick Snyder tells Michigan Taxpayers (living outside of Detroit) to go spin on it.

This story is certainly getting very little attention across Michigan.

I just cannot imagine why?

After living large from the public trough for decades, using the same pubic treasury to pay hush money in order to avoid embarrassing behavior from the public spotlight, money from the public treasury going to businesses that have bought off city council votes and getting a disproportionate share of a myriad of breaks and special carve-outs from Lansing during all that time (and I’m just starting here), Governor Snyder is going to play the crony capitalist game one more time and put Michigan Taxpayers on the hook again.


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Detroit City Airport to get Michigan Taxpayers “Bailout” Too

Detroit City Airport to get $28.5 Million Taxpayer Money in Revised Bankruptcy Plan Detroit City Airport Grave Yard

The fleecing of Michigan taxpayers money continues with revised bankruptcy plan. The $28.5 million earmarked in Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr’s revised restructuring plan would also set aside money for a study of the airport’s role in its east-side neighborhood.

The money would come from the city’s anticipated bankruptcy settlement and the total could go as high as $40 million according to some reports. The city’s general fund has subsidized the airport in recent years because its revenues “have fallen far short of expenses,” Orr’s plan says.

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ICYMI – Detroit & Statewide Pastors Stand For Marriage

Making national news today, Detroit pastors Ministers, and other leaders of faith stood their ground in defense of traditional marriage, and for the integrity of Michigan Voters’ 2004 decision to maintain the definition of Marriage as that between a Man and a Woman.The video of the press conference

The video below.

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Detroit News Report falls short on Michigan’s Road Fund Money Allocation Problem

gas-tax-hike-snyderMichigan ranks dead last in the nation when it comes to its per capita spending on its roads and bridges, according to a report citing U.S. Census Bureau data. Is it because Michiganders don’t pay a high enough gas tax, or have our legislators been re-directing our road tax dollars elsewhere?

Michigan has the 5th highest Gasoline Tax in the nation, only Democrat controlled CA, NY, HI, CT are higher! Michigan’s gas excise tax is 19 cents per gallon. Michigan also collects sales taxes and an environmental regulation tax for a whopping grand total of 39.4 cents per gallon.

Michigan legislators have been stealing, robbing and shifting “our” road fund monies for years! Now that the kitty is bone dry they have the gull to suggest “we taxpayers” pony up by accepting a gas tax and vehicle registration fee increases.

Michigan legislative Transportation and Infrastructure committee chairs Wayne Schmidt (R) House and Tom Casperson (R) Senate would serve their constituents and all Michigan motorist well by pushing legislation that would outlaw any further diversions of Gasoline Tax monies from roads, bridges and infrastructure. Unfortunately these two seem more concerned about “Horse Trading” with politically well connected real estate developers.


~ Article continues below.

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Snyder’s Detroit Bailout “Officially” Hemorrhages Our Money

Oh, joy… today makes it “official”.

via Crain’s Detroit

Belle Isle in Detroit is set to officially become Michigan’s newest state park.

The state is taking over the city-owned park under a 30–year lease deal with Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr.

On Oct. 1, Orr and Gov. Rick Snyder signed a proposed lease of the island to turn it into a state park; Detroit City Council counter-offered with a 10-year lease proposal, which was ultimately rejected by a state panel.

Included in the announcement of the proposed lease was the promise that the state would invest $10 million to $20 million in the park within the next three years.

The move goes into effect today; it’s expected to save the bankrupt city [cost all state taxpayers] between $4 million and $6 million a year.


At least Billionaire Roger Penske is happy that another of his toy racetracks is receiving the full backing of our wallets.

Bud Denker of Bloomfield Hills is senior vice president of Penske Corporation and executive vice president of Penske Automotive Group and Penske Performance. Denker joined the Penske enterprise after many years with several Fortune 100 companies including Eastman Kodak Company where he served as vice president of brand and marketing development. Since 2006, he has served as chairman of the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix and is also active in many Detroit-based organizations including the Downtown Detroit Partnership and The Parade Company.

Pure Cronyism.

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Detroit opinion leader makes erroneous comparison between business and government

Daniel Howes, Detroit News columnist recently published a rambling column discussing the parallels of the Detroit Automakers comeback (as illustrated by their Super Bowl ads) and the city of Detroit and its potential comeback. The column was fairly innocuous stuff until these two paragraphs:

Yes, I know the convenient dodge from those who would prefer to avoid the obvious parallels between running an automaker into the ground and running a municipal government into the ground: government is not a business.

Wrong. Both succeed and fail on the strength (or weakness) of managing reality, dollars and cents, not some mythical ideal that exists only in gauzy memory or an eighth-grade civics class. Neither business nor government can allow expenses to consistently outstrip revenue for too long, cannot charge customers or taxpayers more and deliver less, without inviting serious existential consequences.

So many things wrong with the above paragraphs.

Starting with the most fundamental flaw: business adds value by producing something (a product or service) and creates wealth, government can only take wealth (through the force of law) from one group of people and give it to another, adding no value and creating no wealth.

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Bankrupt – Detroit, Bailouts

“Decisions have consequences” as told in the newest movie by FTR productions & MrSmithMedia.

Rick snyder is about to give away $350 Million in taxpayer money to ‘save’ the DIA.  Not because Michiganians around the state made the mistake of financial mismanagement, but because of continually unaddressed cronyism, criminality and fraud within Detroit, and its leadership.

The Documentary addresses Detroit, the auto bailouts, and the reasons things have gone terribly terribly wrong. It will offer a precautionary tale for those who might wish to follow Rick Snyder down the continual slippery sloped that is Detroit, Michigan.

It premiers next week in Washington DC, and then will be available on Youtube.  Watch the teaser below!

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