The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Save The Electors Telethon Sept 5, 2023

The “Save the Electors” Telethon will be taking place on Tuesday, Sept. 5 from 10am to 9pm. The telethon will be livestreamed by The Gateway Pundit!

This is a historic event that will change public perceptions and give the electors the resources they need to fight back against the malicious, politically-motivated prosecutions of leftist AG Dana Nessel (learn more here).

Telethon guests include former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Mike Lindell of Frank Speech, Shawn Farash (famous for his spot on Trump impersonation), DC Draino, former Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake, Justice Gableman, Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips (of “2000 Mules” fame) Jim Hoft, Brandan Straka, Sam Sorbo, nationally known comedian Joe Dan Gorman, MI Representatives Schriver, Smit, Carra and DeSana and MI State Senators Lindsey and Runestad. More guests are joining daily.

“We plan to tell the stories of how Electors have been personally affected by this madness,” said Matt Seely of the Michigan Conservative Coalition, who is hosting the telethon.

“Our amazing line up for the Telethon will encourage citizens to make a donation to the Legal Defense Fund for the Electors online here. On the day of the Telethon live operators will also be standing by to take donations,” he added.

Share the promotional graphic and spread the word. It is time to unite behind this righteous cause. The electors stood up when it counted, now we must have their backs!


You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Change My Mind

I have my opinions on the 2020 election and it’s outcomes.  And with the Fauci/Gates depopulation plan fully operational, all bets were clearly off with regard to truth in elections or issues in governance

Having said that, and living the last few years with inflation, additional foreign wars, loss of military assets, general national embarrassment, and a growth in gender schizophrenia driven by freaks who run our government?

Anyone who would vote for Biden (or any Democrat in Michigan for that matter)  in 2024  .. should be considered mentally challenged,  certifiably insane and dangerous, or at the very least stoned beyond belief.

Change my mind.

Then pass the munchies.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Questions For The Day – Elected Self Evaluation

Are you an elected official?

If so,

  • Do you believe that we must all eventually face our maker, and answer for our actions?
  • As an elected person, are you a person who sees an opportunity to advance your influence over your community, or to make that influence less impactful and imposing?
  • Have you considered that every new rule you make or support, generally creates a new burden on someone? Or that at the very least, you ‘shift’ the burden from one party to another?
  • When you vote to enact new restrictions, do you find yourself justifying the decisions based on your own contemplation, or by reasoning offered from others?
  • Do you see new taxes as a source of that allows government to improve its services, or as a way to control behavior?
  • Has your election changed how you feel about new rules, taxes, or government’s role in people life?
  • Has your election changed how you see the size of government? Is it too-big, just-right, or not-enough?
  • In the performance of your duties, are you inclined to create new restrictions or find new ways to liberate your voters?
  • In reviewing your record to date, would you you be truly proud of the decisions you’ve made – IF viewing them through the your pre-elected lens and focus?
You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Clearly you fail to recognize the problem.

Which is worse, those who are purposefully driving our republic into ruin or those people allegedly on “our side” who are directly contributing the underlying problem?

{Click on that red button below to find out who is up to what this time…}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

And just who do we have to thank for this?

I STILL fear for the Republic.

That been said, I am disappointed, but I am certainly not in the least bit surprised with what transpired last November.

After last year’s raging dumpster fire of an election, there really wasn’t much to say about its outcome.

With what had transpired over the previous two years, the 2022 election should have been simply a formality, and we could’ve been focused on getting Michigan back on track, had the drive been there to accomplish that task.

Regrettably, certain people in our state were more concerned with “their candidate” winning than promoting (or even defending for that matter a political philosophy).

Their ego…conceit…hubris…call it what you’d like, blinded them to the actual threat.

Now, people are beginning to take notice of the consequences from their actions, or more accurately, LACK thereof.

And only now is it beginning to frighten them.

{Continued after the fold.}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Magic in the Faucet

Thomas Edward Lawrence was born on August 16, 1888 in Wales. Popularly known as Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrence became famous for his exploits as a British Military liaison to the Arab Revolt during the First World War.

The desert raids of British officer Lawrence and his Arab rebels tied down many Turkish troops who could have been fighting the main British armies in the Middle East. Lawrence of Arabia’s struggle against the Turks during World War I was classic guerrilla warfare, and his personal account has become a classic of world literature. And, of course, many of you have seen the movie about the life of Lawrence of Arabia.

Lawrence wrote about his Arabian adventures in The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. During the war, Lawrence formed close friendships with many of the Sheiks of Arabia. After the war, he brought some of these Sheiks back to England to show his appreciation for their support against the Turkish domination.

They had a wonderful visit, appeared before the Joint House of Commons and Parliament and had an audience with the Queen. On the last night of their visit, Lawrence offered them just about anything they wanted to take back with them to their desert homes. They led him up to the hotel room, into the bathroom, and pointed to the faucets in the bathtub and said that they wanted to take faucets with them so that they would magically provide them with running water in the deserts.

They didn’t realize that the faucets were superficial. Behind them was plumbing, a hot water heater, an energy source that heated the water, a city main that supplied the water, and from the city main went a line to an outside source of water!

The magic was not in the faucet! It was what was behind the faucet that gave the water!

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)