So long, loser!!!
Let the vitriol begin from the Swamp-dwelling RINO/establishment sycophants in 5-4-3-2-…
{And, here we go!!!}

So long, loser!!!
Let the vitriol begin from the Swamp-dwelling RINO/establishment sycophants in 5-4-3-2-…
{And, here we go!!!}
Good afternoon fellow Patriots. Once upon a time in America, outside your immediate family, two people you could trust when in came to matters and concerns for your health was your family physician and your local independent pharmacist. Hospitals were locally managed and controlled by the members of the community, and staffed by the doctors living in the community or surrounding area.
Specialists were brought in on an as needed basis, or patients were referred to the nearest medical center, usually a university hospital with an associated medical school, when complex medical issues required specialist consultation. There were no mandatory treatment protocols that physicians must follow when caring for patients. Physicians were free to use their training, diagnostic skills supported by necessary testing procedures to ensure appropriate, proper and ethical treatment pursuant to their Hippocratic Oath. The most widely accepted short form translation of said Oath within the public domain is “…first do no harm”. However a complete translation would read as follows:
“I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.”
Enrich yourself or the woefully mis-educated youth in your life. OCTOBER 7, 2023
We have problems in our nation because too many have learned it all wrong. Government was created to serve specific purpose, Your rights trump federal desires, and are a check on what the governments can do. The constitution defines the government, and the bill of rights places limits on it.
Sign up and empower yourself. Information for the Elk rapids event included here. Othe boot camp events can be found here.
The “Save the Electors” Telethon will be taking place on Tuesday, Sept. 5 from 10am to 9pm. The telethon will be livestreamed by The Gateway Pundit!
This is a historic event that will change public perceptions and give the electors the resources they need to fight back against the malicious, politically-motivated prosecutions of leftist AG Dana Nessel (learn more here).
Telethon guests include former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Mike Lindell of Frank Speech, Shawn Farash (famous for his spot on Trump impersonation), DC Draino, former Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake, Justice Gableman, Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips (of “2000 Mules” fame) Jim Hoft, Brandan Straka, Sam Sorbo, nationally known comedian Joe Dan Gorman, MI Representatives Schriver, Smit, Carra and DeSana and MI State Senators Lindsey and Runestad. More guests are joining daily.
“We plan to tell the stories of how Electors have been personally affected by this madness,” said Matt Seely of the Michigan Conservative Coalition, who is hosting the telethon.
“Our amazing line up for the Telethon will encourage citizens to make a donation to the Legal Defense Fund for the Electors online here. On the day of the Telethon live operators will also be standing by to take donations,” he added.
Share the promotional graphic and spread the word. It is time to unite behind this righteous cause. The electors stood up when it counted, now we must have their backs!
A video showing a different narrative than what the fake news tells you.
I have my opinions on the 2020 election and it’s outcomes. And with the Fauci/Gates depopulation plan fully operational, all bets were clearly off with regard to truth in elections or issues in governance
Having said that, and living the last few years with inflation, additional foreign wars, loss of military assets, general national embarrassment, and a growth in gender schizophrenia driven by freaks who run our government?
Anyone who would vote for Biden (or any Democrat in Michigan for that matter) in 2024 .. should be considered mentally challenged, certifiably insane and dangerous, or at the very least stoned beyond belief.
Change my mind.
Then pass the munchies.
If so,
Which is worse, those who are purposefully driving our republic into ruin or those people allegedly on “our side” who are directly contributing the underlying problem?
{Click on that red button below to find out who is up to what this time…}