Michigan’s top election official has soiled the bed.
Not unexpected, but very real and is as evident as the mess dripping off 6tally sheets in Detroit since counting started Tuesday evening. Giving Jocelyn Benson the benefit of the doubt, I guess we could call the entire affair ..gross incompetence. You can decide if it is enough to explain illegal mailings, purposefully overwhelming clerks with procedure changes, and dropping late notice and unnecessary and illegal rules about firearms in election places.
Her office is apparently unavailable at the most critical times during the count, and when fraud is literally happening before folks eyes, there is no adherence to state law. To call this ‘planned malfeasance’ would be a compliment, as the evidence piles up making the case for felony election manipulation seemingly only possible in 2020.
In 2016 there weren’t agents in Michigan’s top offices. In 2016 they didn’t see Donald Trump even having even the slightest chance of winning the ‘blue state’ of Michigan. It’s 2020, and three criminals run the prison, and they saw him coming this time.
Antrim County offers a glimpse at what might happen when we have problems with electronic equipment and such, but Detroit is as Detroit as it has ever been, and with it’s large population, it offers great cover for the largest election fraud operation ever perpetrated on the voters in Michigan. this state has seen it for decades, and that is why there are laws that protect the sanctity of the vote, and why there are procedures to allow challenges to illegal ballots and over counting.
This time it was overwhelming, and those laws are being ignored. Ballots appearing after cut off times, ballots being re-run, ballots with no names being run? Challengers are being kept away from inspecting after calling out these problems, and a majority of this action happening in one particular place.
Any judge looking to answer the Trump campaign’s concerns on this will have to have options however.