The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)


2014 Michigan Congressional Races

Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and Red Racing Horses.

Michigan will see several interesting congressional races in 2014, with four open seats and several competitive primary challenges.  Michigan now has 14 congressional seats.

There are several articles that analyze the general political leanings of the districts.

Michigan Redistricting: Congressional Map Passed
Republican Michigander Congressional District Profiles (Sidebar at right)

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Michigan Citizens Targeted By CAIR Lawsuit

Silence!  I Keel you!

Or at least I shut your infidel trap up!

No this isn’t a Jeff Dunham Comedy hour, and its not Achmed the dead terrorist.  Yet for some folks in Pittsfield Township Michigan, it is the silencing terrorism of lawsuits being used to prevent vocal opposition to a new islamic center.  The not-so-funny efforts of [Hamas front group] CAIR, to shush neighbors of a proposed speaker laden madrassa and prayer center comes as no surprise as efforts to use Michigan courts against local residents continue.

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) explains:

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A Conservative Political Party Test: Which would you cast your vote for? A Moderate Republican or a Conservative Democrat?

Continue reading below the picture 1 John F Kennedy Discrediting Liberal Values

Once again we’re being lied to. The mainstream media wants us to believe that only “moderation, cooperation and compromise” can save the GOP…and America. This is one of the greatest lies ever told.
First of all, moderation won’t save the GOP. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is the GOP has had a long list of moderate “saviors:”

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Michigan Governor: State tax surplus could be used to limit cuts to pensions in Detroit bankruptcy proceedings

Michigan taxpayers have been overcharged by the state of Michigan to the tune of $350 million. That is what Michigan’s budget surplus really is, the state taxed its citizens an extra $350 million that they had no plan to spend. So, rather than sending the money back to the taxpayers, spending the money to fix our literally crumbling roads or simply hang on to the money for a rainy day, what does our nerd Governor propose?

Gov. Rick Snyder said Thursday he’s open to using one-time surplus tax dollars for the state’s contribution toward a fund to bolster Detroit pensions and settle the city’s bankruptcy.

Snyder has pledged $350 million over 20 years toward a $816 million fund designed to limit cuts to pensions and shield city-bought art at the Detroit Institute of Arts from being sold to satisfy creditors.

While private sector citizens in Michigan have had to go round after round of belt-tightening  (job losses, furloughs, pay cuts) during the reign of economic terror during the Granholm era. Now we have to punch additional holes in our belts for even more belt-tightening during the ongoing Obama disaster. Why should Michigan taxpayers take it in the shorts, again, protecting city worker pensions? Let them tighten their belts, or sell the DIA art and other city assets like other bankruptcies require. Get expertise available via Arizona Bankruptcy and Debt Solutions

BTW, you know after Snyder uses our tax ‘surplus’ protecting city pensions, he will come hat in hand looking for additional ‘revenues’ (i.e. taxes) to fix our roads.

*** Cross-posted at ***

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Frank Foster Views Race And Lifestyle Choice Equally

fosterIts not surprising to see the comments by Foster in today’s Petsokey News story.

Lee Chatfield, a candidate challenging Frank Foster for Michigan’s 107th State Representative race is being questioned for campaign donations accepted from true Republican Dave Agema’s pac.  Agema, a conservative who (contrary to progressives and apparently Frank Foster) believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that is between one man and one woman.

Foster, utilizing the Alinsky tactic of isolation would like to paint Chatfield in the manner that progressive liberal Republicans have tried previously with Agema himself.  But there is a very good reason he would do so. A reason that most folks might not be aware.  From The Petoskey News

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Secretary of State Ruth Johnson Starts Second Term Campaign

RuthMichigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson officially announced her bid for a second term Monday, sharing her vision with voters to build on her success enhancing customer service, protecting the ballot box, fighting fraud and improving the lives of Michiganians.

Not exactly a boring candidate, Ruth shows up in different ways yet always in style.

Johnson’s high-energy, four-stop Campaign Kick-off Tour included motorcycles, buses and boats. Johnson rode a Harley-Davidson Sportster in Waterford, was flanked by a fleet of buses and other motor vehicles in Lansing, met with supporters in Grand Rapids and paddled her kayak in Holland to highlight the many ways her office positively impacts residents across the state. 

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I don’t smoke pot, but I think you should be able to

First, let me talk about me for a moment.  I consider myself a Republican.  I am a precinct delegate, a member of the Ingham County Republican Executive Committee, and a frequent delegate/alternate to State Republican Conventions.  Let me also say this: I don’t smoke pot.  By that I mean, I tried it — once.  It wasn’t for me. I have seen people who have been addicted to it and them getting admitted in Addiction treatment center delray beach.  I don’t judge people who do.  It could be completely legal and I don’t see myself partaking in it.  Point being, I’m hardly a  stoner or a druggy: I don’t have a dog in this fight.

So, that’s me.  Now to the issue: we need to end prohibition.  I know the headline lured you in thinking I was just talking about Marijuana.  WRONG! I’m talking about all of it: Marijuana, Meth, Crack, Cocaine, Heroin, you name it.  Why?  Let me lay out a few reasons.

1. The War on Drugs Simply isn’t Working!

Yep, that’s right, the war has been going on for decades and we are losing, folks.  Back in the early 1900’s, when there was no prohibition the percentage of the population that used what we now consider to be illegal drug as compared to now was actually less.  Trillions of dollars spent on the war — how can this be?!?!

By continuing prohibition, you’re actually making an incentive for people to push drugs and I mean push them hard.  If these things are a commodity you can buy at any corner store, the profit margin on this stuff is going to be lower — much, much lower.  Right now there is a huge profit margin which makes opportunity for adventuring black market entrepreneurs.  With a lower profit margin, these things become far less profitable to “push” on a person to person basis.

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They say Complete Streets is a goal?

OK, I’m first to admit that I have totally overlooked the therapeutic benefits of our fuel tax dollars going towards creating bike lanes on congested potholed roadways, and other resourse expenditures such as, Rick Snyder’s “Showcase” $1,000,000.00 per mile bicycle path.

How silly of me to discourage Progressive folks such as Rick Snyder in his pursuit of Jennifer Granholm’s utopian but costly agenda. To borrow one commenter’s expression with regard to BAMN in other topic, “suck it” John Lindenmayer.

Video H/t to Irish’s salute to Earth Day

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