The pickings may seem to be slim these days.
However, If you know of an active Michigan blog that it NOT included in our link list on the side, be sure to let us know. In the meantime we have managed to find some folks from around the state who are worthy of some readership. Enjoy.
Jen Kuznicki – Republicans That are Unfit for Office in the House of Representatives There. That was easy enough.
MTTM – Looking For The Real Fraud? The attorney general has made his top ten list. MTTM updated it.
The Detroit Constitutionalist – Victories and Losses at the February 2015 MIGOP State Convention Another perspective on the MiGOP convention
The Other Club – Corporate Whore in Chief Read his other stuff too.
The Shekel – Why Gun Control Won’t Work – A Continuing Series Yep.
The Voice OF One Crying Out In Suburbia – The Donald Trump Model Of Church Not something we might normally think about. Read the previous (Lead up) post as well.