Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(7)


2014 ACU Michigan Legislature Ratings

The American Conservative Union has long been the premier organization rating members of Congress on how conservative their voting records are.  Recently, ACU began rating state legislators on their voting records, and it just released its third ratings of the Michigan state legislature.  I will summarize the relevant information here.

ACU State Ratings 2014–MI

ACU rated 12 house votes and 13 senate votes from 2013 and 2014.  Ten of the bills are the same for both halves of the legislature. The most common topics for the state house votes were taxes (3 votes), spending (3), and regulation (3).  The most common topic for the state senate votes were taxes (4 votes) and spending (4).

ACU Michigan state senate ratings 2013/2014:
100%: Pavlov, Emmons, Moolenaar
92%: Colbeck, Brandenberg, Rocca, Robertson, Proos, Jones, Schuitmaker, Green, Booher
85%: Marleau, Hune, Jansen, Hildenbrand, Meekhof
77%: Pappageorge, Kowall, Caswell, Richardville, Nofs, Kahn, Hansen, Walker, Casperson
62%: Hunter
31-33%: Hopgood, Andersen, Ananich
23%: Bieda
15-17%: Young, Johnson, Gregory, Warren, Whitmer
8-9%: Hood, Smith

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(7)

The LGBTIQ-crowd tries to screw Michigan Taxpayers just one more time.

Okay, they played the legal lottery and won.

I get that.

I don’t have to like that, but I get it.

We have a Supreme Court Chief Justice whose mental state is seriously suspect. A fellow Supreme Court Justice who is apparently too concerned with “leaving a legacy” than actually following the letter of the law. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the judicial activism displayed by other SCOTUS Justices in preceding rulings (and these) on unrelated cases should also be a cause for concern for any Freedom-loving American. But that is better left for another discussion.

Now, the LGBTIQ-crowd wants to turn the screws just one more time.

Shakedown Flag

Expect to see this flying in Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Hazel Park and Traverse City sometime soon…

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Now how do you suppose THAT got in there?

I’m in the process of looking for a new truck.

No, not something with 14 more wheels than most people are used to driving.

Just something for me to use personally. Impromptu moving vehicle. Grocery-getter. Off-road. Maybe taking on a side job or two plowing. Towing friends cars out of ditches. That sort of thing.

So, like anyone else who is in the market, I like to keep an eye on what to watch out for while walking around the dealer lot.

Then something I was reading caught my attention.

Yes, I am going somewhere with this.

{More below the fold}

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Trump is Right, Again

Oh, lookie here at this headline. The Donald sure knows how to make things happen. Within a week’s timeframe Trump, has ’em jumping through hoops on the deplorable treatment of our Veterans with a simple poke at the war zero who screws over anything and anyone for personal gain, and now, the Undocumented Democrats.

Michigan Republicans, Congress rush to ban immigrant ‘sanctuary cities’ in wake of murder

The Bee-esS is so thick in our alleged two party system one needs wings to stay above it. Michigan Republicans, which hold every lever of power in Lansing, have sat around with their collective thumbs up their posterior for damn near a half decade on this illegal alien issue.

Want an “extra” Billion Dollar$ for fixing roads? We wrote about where to find it here:

Does anyone see this schmuck bringing up that issue? Hell no! Tax more (new Revenue), spend more (without accountability) ’cause, you know, “jobs, jobs, jobs“. That sleazy organization is little more than being about defending and expanding “cheap” subsidized labor:

So, where do you think Slick Rick stands on the issue of illegal aliens? Why, he fabricates history in his Progressive little mind and spews it out as if it’s a normal thing to do. There’s the problem with Snyder’s brand of crony capitalism. His house of cards falls when sunlight shines upon his gamed leveraged use of public monies becomes apparent for everyone to see.

But I digress.

Back to illegal aliens. Remember this?

Gatecrashers. They’re an insult to all who have legally obtained citizenship. But, whose base are we talking about here? Democrats and their poverty plantation, which pandering whores like Boehner, McConnell, and Priebus, desperately try to imitate. Do not even get me started on the state party apparatchik’s dunce trying to wage a cat-fight with sHillary.

Luckily for Little Ronna, she has someone who is her mental midget equal. Yes, Brandon, we get the “Mexican immigrants” drift your race hustling, vote buying, MDP/DNC sleaziods parrot because if the gatecrashers voted Conservative, your Party would have the borders sealed tight in a heartbeat.


You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Blow it out Your ass, Brandon

You too, Chad.

What a pair of pathetic losers.

John “Amnesty” McCain’s record is fair game.

Yep. I’m with Denninger on this one.

Matter of fact, anyone who’d give money to the RNC has rocks in their head. “Period.”

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Bankruptcy Stalks the Guardian Building

Dead Man Walking JPEGThe ball is now in the Governor’s court, so to speak.  The report is not public yet, but the press release is out.  It only took the State independent review team 18 calendar days to figure out what everyone knows: Wayne County is in a ‘Financial Emergency’.  Here is the money shot from the Michigan Department of Treasury press release:

The team’s extensive report indicates that numerous conditions led to the determination that a financial emergency exists in the county. Those conditions include the following:

  • The county’s last four annual financial audits re­­vealed notable variances between General Fund revenues and expenditures as initially budgeted, as amended, and as actually realized. In addition, County officials underestimated actual expenditures in three of the fiscal years by amounts ranging from $16.7 million to $23.7 million.
  • County officials engaged in unbudgeted expenditures in violation of Public Act 2 of 1968, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act.
  • Although there was agreement among county officials that existing de­tention facilities are inadequate, there is no consensus about whether to complete construction on a new jail or to renovate existing facilities.
  • According to the county executive’s recovery plan, unfunded healthcare-related liabilities were estimated to be $1.3 billion as of the last actuarial valuation with funding set aside for this purpose of less than one percent of liabilities. Healthcare-related liabilities represent 40 percent of the county’s long-term financial obligations.

The Governor now has 10 days to take one of five actions: do nothing, conduct another ‘neutral’ evaluation, arrange a consent agreement, impose an emergency manager, or file the County for Chapter 9 bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

$18,000,000.00 that Did Not go to Fixing Roads

Our tax dollars at work because we all need virtual reality in Detoilet.

So, there you have it. The Nerd’s affirmative action toad had a pet project to oversee.

Really, dingbat? Perhaps, Little Ronna should be telling us what Hillary would be doing any different from, Lansing Republicans.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)