The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (31)Nuh Uh.(2)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Who Needs You Anyway?

cropped-logo-2.pngOK, its not quite like that.  It cannot be.

We need to have SOME friends, or we might just as well sit in our easy chairs and drink a toast to ‘the end.’  And here is a little secret: The numbers in our readership are not where we need them to be for effective message delivery.  And effective message delivery is needed to convince our friends why they are our friends, and to let our opposition know that they are on the wrong track.

Simple right? has in the past provided something not available in the regular media, and missing in other blogs. While being provocative enough to earn a disowning from the old site, I had hoped we could avoid being vulgar and outright offensive for the sake of being offensive.

You Betcha! (31)Nuh Uh.(2)

Tuesday’s TOTD

Hmmm, now where have we seen this exact kind of pathetic display of low T beta manlet before?

Oh! That’s right …it was in this Michigan video here starting at the 1:32 mark.

Sorry, Lt. Puss-cake, forget about 2018. Man Law: you poke it you own it.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

2015-2016 Legislative Scorecard Available Soon

scorecardTruth be told, there aren’t many things to be happy about from Lansing this year.

We have budgets that include unbelievable payola to the political patronage players, unsustainable liabilities, and new taxes jammed down our throats to pay for it all.  The Republican brand is being destroyed by a cancer within, and those who ‘serve’ us have become addicted to the ‘crack’ of campaign assistance.

Where will your supposedly conservative elected official rank?



You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(9)

Poor Chad

Yet another “journalist” hopelessly lost in the low T orbiting beta manlet SJWosphere.

Uh-huh. ‘splodey heads.

Isn’t it also fun to watch all the shitlibs and cuckservatives go from #JeSuisCharlie to #WeAreAllMuslim in the blink of an eye?

Merry Christmas, folks!

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan’s PC Christmas

Its not illegal for Michigan’s governor to wish folks a “Merry Christmas.”

The ACLU has probably fought that battle before and lost. And In Texas, the governor signed a bill in 2013 clearing the decks for public institutions in that state to freely express the real reason for the season.  From the Houston Press:

Governor Rick Perry signed what has become known as the “Merry Christmas bill” last week. In addition to permitting holiday greetings, the legislation also says that schools are allowed to display scenes or symbols associated with winter holidays on school property, such as a Christmas tree or a menorah, as long as there is at least one other religious or secular symbol present as well.

Now THAT is a real governor.

The freedom FROM religion nuts would like to equate expressions of faith by government officials which are allowed under the 1st amendment, to mandating a state religion which is not allowed under the 1st amendment.  And even while absurd legal battles still rage on about nativity scenes on public property, opinions or sentiment from respected offices or positions are clearly allowed.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Omertà: The New Code of Michigan Campaign Finance Reporting

Michael Kowall Image 2The Michigan House and Senate sent a much revised and dramatically expanded Senate Bill 571 H-3 to Governor Snyder last Wednesday. Introduced by Senator Kowall as a 12 page bill establishing some esoteric campaign finance rules for various types of PACs in Michigan, this bill morphed into a 53 page political grab bag incorporating SB 638 S-2 at the very last minute. It creates a whole new way to conceal political expenditures from public scrutiny until long after an election is over. Think of it as the mafia’s code of omertà applied to Michigan campaign finance.

Michigan’s nitwit news media are decrying the limits placed upon a ‘public body’ in Section 57(3), which prevents them from using public funds to propagandize voters on local ballot questions. This limitation doesn’t go far enough. Remember how the Michigan Municipal League, the Michigan Association of Counties, and the county road commissions pulled out all the stops for Proposal 2015-01? No prohibition against this in SB 571 H-3, but there should be. Citizens should not have to fight their tax dollars in the political arena. Section 57(3) would be a real benefit to Michigan politics if it had been extended to state ballot questions, but it wasn’t.

Now to the really devious aspect of SB 571 H-3, which our nitwit media missed. MCL 169.233(3)(a) currently requires ‘independent committees’ to report their financial expenditures on behalf of candidates and ballot questions four times a year. ‘Independent committees’ currently have to file reports on their campaign finance activities during February, April, July, and October. This is not quite a quarterly basis, but it is fairly well spaced out through the year. MCL 169.233(1) already exempts ‘independent committees’ from the regular election campaign statement reporting schedule – immediately before and after elections – required of most other committees. MCL 169.233(5) requires ‘independent committees’ to file reports of expenditures made within 45 days before a special election, but it is easy to use prepayments and accounts payable to avoid this window during most special elections. And this 45 day reporting window does not exist for regular elections. So you are only going to get quarterly reports from ‘independent committees, except in rare circumstances.

Section 33(3) of SB 571 H-3 completely eliminates the February campaign finance report for all types of committees, including independents. This creates a bastard reporting schedule consisting of two quarterly reports and one semiannual report five months after November elections.. Most political committees have to file pre and post election statements, so their campaign expenditures and sources of funds will continue to be known on a timely basis, regardless of this change. But independent committees are not required to file pre and post campaign reports for regular elections, so they will now have a six month interval after their October reports before they have to report their finances – on April 25th of the following year.

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