162 search results for "gas tax"

Just in Time for the Election

Poof! PFM!

The average price of gas in Michigan is $ 3.10 a gallon for regular while the average is $3.06 in the metropolitan Detroit area.

In Monroe, gas has been hovering as low as $ 2.85 this week.

Ms. Hiltz sees the trend in prices declining throughout November and into December, and said it is possible for the state average to drop below $ 3, which hasn’t happened since 2010.

Notice how many in the linked article have been so conditioned that they’re *thankful* gas is around $3 when just a decade ago it was $1.44 a gallon? Sheeple were made to be shorn.

Keep that in mind for the Lame Duck in Lansing, if/when the Nerd is unleashed with his wholesale tax agenda & registration fee hike.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

Free And Open Markets OR Enforcement Of Contract?

How should the press release by Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette be taken?

Bill-SchuetteOne would think that a member of the party supporting ‘free and open markets’ would be inclined to liberate those same markets.

Yet recently and not for the first time, the Michigan Attorney General’s office has investigated, and prosecuted privately-held businesses for responding to demand and availability in ways they felt were necessary.  Using taxpayer dollars, the AG’s office obtained a $500,000 settlement from a provider of propane, because that business raised its prices.

Though some of the investigation had legitimate reason to happen (established deals were not being honored), the underlying premise that the AG’s office presents is one that seemingly panders to the “its just not fair” crowd. When Schuette says :

“I’m happy we can put money back into the wallets of hard-working families who paid steep prices to heat their homes last winter while already trying to make ends meet.”

He is not saying he is “happy to provide enforcement of contract”

THAT is a problem.  Its not the job of the Michigan Attorney General to make sure pricing is fair.  Its not the Job of the Office of the Attorney General to ensure people can afford their utilities or everyday needs. Its definitely not Bill Schuette’s job to “put money back into the wallets” of those he deems to have been victimized by a brutally cold winter, or those who must provide the resources to deal with it.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(4)

Did Robert Kosowski Lie To Gain A Key Endorsement?

Did State Rep. Robert Kosowski (D-Westland) lie about his voting record on education in order to gain the Wayne-Westland Observer’s endorsement? Despite misleading claims in the Wayne-Westland Observer, Kosowski voted to cut education funding and ban charter schools.

In his first term as Wayne and Westland’s State Representative, Robert Kosowski voted numerous times to expand the power of Tax Increment Financing Authorities (TIFAs) to take money from local school districts. Rep. Kosowski also co-sponsored House Bill 5852, which would force every single charter school in the state to close once its charter expires.

In addition to cutting the budgets of local school districts and banning charter schools, Kosowski voted for the “Common Core” standards, which increases federal control of local school districts and mandates additional standardized testing of students. Rounding out Kosowski’s voting record on education is his opposition to Education Achievement Authorities, which are the state agencies that help failing public schools.

In their endorsement of Kosowski, LeAnne Rogers of the Wayne-Westland Observer reported that Rep. Kosowski said “he’s not opposed to charter schools.” In a different article for the Observer, Rogers reported that Kosowski supported school funding increases.

It’s possible that Kosowski lied about his voting record in order to gain the Observer’s endorsement – and Rogers, the Observer editor, failed to do her homework. However, some have accused LeAnne Rogers of being biased after she misquoted Kosowski’s Republican opponent as being in favor of the gasoline tax. Dan MacDonald, a top commenter on the Observer’s website, claimed that “she pulled the same thing during the city council race.”

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(1)

Speaking of Brown Showers…

We have a candidate for governor, which now proudly campaigns on Obamacare.

And, who is left to pick up the tab for that when Snyder/Calley is gone? Let, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), explain that for you. Did you notice a Republican said the states are going to pay for it? Why Hell, even a plumber knows that sh!t runs downhill.

Enjoy paying for that along with the Snyder/Calley fuel tax and registration fee hike.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(2)

Give ‘em Hell, Kerry!

One of the highpoints from multiple outlets in the local media last night was the announcement from a certain incumbent US Representative candidate against a certain foreclosure king, some democrat (and maybe a Libertarian).

Okay, it’s kind of hard to tease this one.

Yes, it is official: Kerry Bentivolio WILL be running as a write-in candidate in the November 4th General.

It doesn’t mean that there isn’t more to add.

{More after the fold}

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What part of “Hell No” do you not understand, Senator?

I’ve had a few people ask me about what we can expect to see from the Michigan Legislature in the coming days.

My pat response has been to the effect nothing of substance for a few weeks. This is after all, an election year.

They are surprised by my response until I include the caveat that prognostication will hold only until November 5th. After than date, you will see legislation introduced that you would never have imagined by republicans.

{Continued below the fold}

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Primary Election Review & Analysis

Commentary on some of the more notable races throughout Michigan's Republican primary.

Conservative First posted results of races from around the state yesterday.

As a candidate I needed time to decompress.  I lost my contest by 89 votes, and as much as I campaigned, I was outworked.  I saw CF’s report and felt there is some more fleshing out that needs to be done.

Prop 1 (tax changes) wins easily 69-31.

This is not surprising as several million was spent to make sure it passed.  Of course THAT begs the question WHY would several million be spent to promote something that had as it’s main promise, an act already done by the legislature?  I guess since we passed it, now we find out what is in it.

1. Benishek wins 70-30.  Alan Arcand needs to fire his pollster.

We all know the polls were push polls, or better yet campaign ads used for shock and awe.
Don’t think 30 percent is a bad number against an incumbent congress critter BTW.  We will see Alan again.


3. Amash wins 57-43.  Probably not enough to scare away future primary challengers.

One thing he did correctly was snuff the ‘unity’ crap.  There is no unity in the MiGOP.  There will be none until Republicans start acting like Republicans.  I think 57-43 is enough however.  No one will challenge Amash without a damn good reason in the future.

4. Moolenaar wins 52-36-11.  Never underestimate the Midland establishment.  I rated this a tossup when Mitchell led by 23.

The TPX had its desired effect.  They needed a champ, and Moolenaar team needed a little boost to break John Moolenaar out.  We rooted for Konetchy here, but expected the Stabenow donations to sink Mitchell (As they SHOULD), and put Moolenaar up by a couple.  The win was significant, and John Moolenaar will be the next CD4 representative easily.

They could do worse.

6. Bussler gets 29% against Upton, confirming my suspicion that about 30% is the anti-Upton baseline in the GOP primary.

Lets suppose that is the case.  That is a powerful voting block.  Not just anti Upton, but GOP willing to vote conscience and not blind.  Consider that there are many more who simply refuse to participate.  Activate THOSE, and we have a new party.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

2014 Primary Election Results

Prop 1 (tax changes) wins easily 69-31.

1. Benishek wins 70-30.  Alan Arcand needs to fire his pollster.
3. Amash wins 57-43.  Probably not enough to scare away future primary challengers.
4. Moolenaar wins 52-36-11.  Never underestimate the Midland establishment.  I rated this a tossup when Mitchell led by 23.
6. Bussler gets 29% against Upton, confirming my suspicion that about 30% is the anti-Upton baseline in the GOP primary.
8. Bishop wins 60-40. No shock.  Schertzing survives a scare 43-38 in the dem primary.
11. David Trott wins 66-34 after Bentivolio ran a terrible campaign.  McKenzie barely wins dem primary 34-32.  Safe R.
13. Conyers wins 75-25.  Being on the ballot helps.
14. Brenda Lawrence wins 36-32-31 over Hobbs and Clarke.

Michigan State Senate:
2 (D) Johnson wins easily 63-22.
4 (D) Smith holds off Tlaib 52-41 after the race was initially miscalled.
5 (D) Knezek (white dem) leads Jackson (pro-life) 29-25.
11 (D) Gregory wins by 117 votes, 35-34-31.
13 (R) Knollenberg wins by 72 votes over Rocky and Moss 36-36-20. Good.
13 (D) Ryan Fishman raised 211K and lost 55-45 to Cyndi Peltonen, who raised 7K.  Hahahaha!  Move to Safe R.
15 (R) Mike Kowall holds off Matt Maddock by a relatively narrow 50-43.
20 (R) Margaret O’Brien wins 77-23.
28 (R) MacGregor beats Green 68-32.
31 (R) Mike Green beats Kevin Daley 49-46.
32 (D) Oakes beats Lewis 62-38.
34 (R) Hansen beats Sundquist 62-38.
37 (R) Schmidt beats MacMaster 55-45.  Boo.  MacMaster only won Cheboygan County.

Michigan State House:
1 (D) Felon Brian Banks wins 43-36.
19 (R) Laura Cox wins easily 73-27.
36 (R) Lucido beats Grot 51-49.  UAW wins.
38 (R) Crawford beats Lauffer 59-41.
39 (R) Kesto holds off O’Hagan 55-39.
42 (R) Lana Theis beats Rich Perlberg 50-26.  Good.
43 (R) Tedder beats Schroeder and Aliaga 31-29-22.
44 (R) Runestad wins 36-33.  Good.
45 (R) Webber beats Avery 46-43.
46 (R) Jacobsen holds off Mark Reilly 56-44.
47 (R) Vaupel beats Day 42-37.
56 (R) Sheppard beats Kubiske 67-33.  Good.
58 (R) Eric Leutheuser win with 34%.
59 (R) Aaron Miller wins with 38%.  Complete shock.  Miller is a 27-year-old teacher and distant friend of mine.
60 (D) Jon Hoadley beats David Buskirk 59-27.  Gay beats union.
61 (R) Iden beats Stinchcomb 55-45.
62 (R) Bizon beats Kale 55-45. (D) Helmboldt wins with 39%.
63 (R) Maturen beats Potter 53-47.
65 (R) Roberts wins with 26%.
73 (R) Afendoulis wins with 36%.
76 (R) DeJonge beats Allard 44-37.
79 (R) Pscholka holds off Duran 66-34.
80 (R) Cindy Gamrat wins 42-29-25 with most in.  Good.
82 (R) Todd Courser beats Jan Peabody 37-33.
84 (R) Canfield wins with 31%.
86 (R) Lyons holds off Rigas 71-29.
90 (R) Garcia beats Haveman 50-30.
95 (D) Guerra beats Braddock 58-42.
98 (R) Gary Glenn beats Karl Ieuter 51-49.
104 (R) Larry Inman wins with 21%.
105 (R) Triston Cole romps 63-29.  Good.
107 (R) Lee Chatfield beats incumbent Frank Foster 54-46.  Big win for conservatives.

Wayne County Executive:
Warren Evans wins with 46%. William Wild second with 24%. Incumbent Robert Ficano finished fifth with only 6%.

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RightMi.com Voting Recommendations Part 3

Suggestions for Michigan's contested State Representative seats in the Republican Primary

This should have been done a week ago.

Its a little more or less incomplete, but based on FB, websites, personal knowledge and other factors we have compiled a list of those whom we feel will represent their respective districts (AND MICHIGAN) well for the next legislative session.  We recognize that many of the candidates will feel they too represent a more conservative set of values than the recommendation, and we ask that they assist in holding their opponents words to deeds going forward.


RightMi.com has no recommendation.


RightMi.com recommendation is Ken Crider.


RightMi.com has no recommendation.


RightMi.com recommendation is for the guy who DIDN’T vote for the Welfare Medicaid expansion with HB4714, Arzo Smith


RightMi.com has no recommendation.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Tea Party, Dave Agema, and their Radical Agenda!

The Tea Party, Dave Agema, and their Radical Agenda!


2008 was a dismal year for the MIGOP. Election wins were far and few between. Another 2 years of Granholm and Democrat rule were what we had to look forward to. Many remember the GOP offices manned (if at all) by skeleton crews, with very few volunteers showing up.

Then came 2010 and the rise of the Tea Party. Offices were Packed with excited volunteers. (I can remember tables of volunteers being asked to use their own cell phone for calls, as all the other phones were in use.) A constant flow of people streamed in for Literature and signs to distribute. Tea parties sponsored rallies, forums, and debates, statewide, inviting all the republican candidates to attend. Some of these events attracted tens of thousands of people.

Media attention was at an all time high. The result was a Grand slam in MI, SUPER majorities in both houses, and a new republican Governor Rick Snyder. The pattern was repeated nationwide.

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