Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Well, would you look at that.

One of the things that never ceases to amaze me in the twilight days of the legacy media is just how much they are collectively out of touch with their audience.

They cannot grasp why their audience has moved onto more trustworthy sources of information.

Meta study, from a respected educational institution no less, showing the ineffectiveness the go-to government reaction to the Wuhan Virus?

That’s tinfoil hat stuff…spike that story!

Preliminary test data showing Moderna vaccine causing unusually high number of heart inflammation cases? FDA not wanting to release similar data for public review?

Nope, it can’t be true! Pure Lies! Why would an unaccountable governmental bureaucracy ever sign off on something unsafe?

CDC refusing to release V-Safe data for review. V-Safe is a mobile app similar to VAERS database (tracking adverse reactions to medications), but instead of medical professionals making entries, individuals can do so directly.

La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, I cannot hear you.

But when something big happens across our border; just how long do you think that they can keep that story under wraps?

{Post continues after the fold}

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Remember To Spay And Neuter


You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(1)

New Years Eve Eve

Going to be a live stream with a bunch of active conservative types on FaceFart.  It could be an entertaining night

From Rescue Michigan’s Adam de Angeli:

It’s going to be one heck of a live stream, with commentary from some of the hardest-working and most effective grassroots leaders in the Michigan conservative movement.

We’ll be recapping 2021: the good news and bad, the victories and defeats. We’ll be sharing what we know, what we’ve learned, and what’s in store for 2022.

If you cannot possibly tune in live, the show will be archived for viewing at your convenience, but if you can join us, we hope you will.

It’s not just our panel of guests, it’s the live interaction with all of you in the chat that make these shows so worthwhile.

It’ll be a marathon of a show, so it will, in large part, be a free-form conversation, with our guests and all of you that fight in the trenches to preserve and restore our great tradition of liberty in America.

There will be a lot of discussion, reflection, and a strong dose of levity for these trying times.

Looking at the cast..  It ought to be interesting.

The feedback alone would be worth the price of the ticket.


You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Merry Christmas!

After returning from Christmas Dinner with the family after an almost two-year hiatus due to the unknown virus from unspecified origin…I’d like to share the following clips which were shared with me tonight, in the hope that it will bring a smile you, as it did to me this evening.


I agree wholeheartedly with the iPOTUS above.

I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and please don’t forget the reason for the season.


You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

It’s Time for a Grassroots Reality Check

Since at least Jan.6 – when it became abundantly clear that the election would be stolen and Trump would be ousted from the White House – the grassroots has been its own worst enemy.

Conservatives throughout the madness of a stolen election and the unprecedented fallout have grown increasingly desperate, relying on false idols to pied piper them with false hope and becoming increasingly unmoored to objective reality. In doing so they have empowered the RINOs and the far-left radicals by living up to the most caricatured portrayals of conservatives as humiliating, deranged crackpots who are not worth taking seriously.

Just look at all of the failures and dead ends that conservatives, populists, patriots, America Firsters, freedom lovers, and so forth have pursued over the past year.

We all hoped that the “Kraken” lawsuits offered by Sidney Powell and many other attorneys to challenge election fraud would come to fruition. They did not.

We all hoped that the Arizona forensic audit would be a game changer and have cascading ramifications throughout the country. Instead, it fizzled.

We all hoped there would be a “plan” of sorts from the Trump White House to deal with election fraud that everyone could see coming from a mile away. No such plan ever existed.

We heard how the military was going to reinstate Trump – mind you, the same military filling its leadership ranks with transgender communists who believe in critical race theory – but that never happened.

We heard that the white hats were going to deliver, under the jurisdiction of Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr, with serious investigations and indictments over deep state crimes. Instead, all the conspirators got away scot free and now enjoy well-paid positions in government, media and the corporate sector.

Can we sense a pattern here? Disinformation agents put out fantastical notions to keep the grassroots satiated, that never even come close to coming to fruition, and by the time that the previous predictions have failed, the same buffoons who led the grassroots astray rush headlong into their next narrative of gibberish or look for scapegoats to avoid capability. 

You Betcha! (37)Nuh Uh.(6)


Don’t ever let your kids or the dog drive your car.

That might be a good idea if the ‘bi-farcian’ sponsors of HB5272 have their way, anyhow. On Tuesday at 9am, the Michigan House Judiciary Committee will take up testimony on House Bill 5272, which would authorize state and local police to use un-manned “photo radar” machines to issue speeding tickets on Michigan roads. Language in the bill actually says you are presumed guilty until proven innocent:

(4) In a prosecution for a violation of this section, prima facie evidence that the vehicle described in the citation issued was operated in violation of this section, together with proof that the defendant was at the time of the violation the registered owner of the vehicle, creates a rebuttable presumption that the registered owner of the vehicle was the individual who committed the violation. The presumption is rebutted if the registered owner of the vehicle files an affidavit by regular mail with the clerk of the court that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation or testifies in open court under oath that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation. The presumption also is rebutted if a certified copy of a police report, showing that the vehicle had been reported to the police as stolen before the time of the alleged violation of this section, is presented before the appearance date established on the citation. For purposes of this subsection, the owner of a leased or rented vehicle shall provide the name and address of the individual to whom the vehicle was leased or rented at the time of the violation.

Those are a couple of iffy “if” statements there comrades.

Perhaps these losers: Gary Eisen (district 81) Joseph Bellino, Gregory Markkanen, David Martin, Ben Frederick, Robert Bezotte, Pat Outman, Beth Griffin, David LaGrand, Julie Brixie might get a call or a letter from their misrepresented constituents?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Let’s Go Brandon

The Michigan conservative coalition is going to cheer on Brandon.

Not the race car driver dear reader, but the good folks in Brandon township!  Organizers sent this out yesterday

Just for fun! We’ve put together a “Let’s Go Brandon” fest, to celebrate the America first agenda!

It will be held November 20 (Saturday) from 1 to 4 p.m. in Michigan’s own Brandon Township. The fest will include live entertainment, former Indy driver Ricky Bobby, food trucks, Let’s Go Brandon merchandise and more. The location will be in Brandon Township’s Crossman Park located at 437 Mill Street, Ortonville.

The Let’s Go Brandon phrase has become a popular way to politely communicate that Americans’ are fed up with Washington, D.C. Show up and let the out of touch politicians know exactly how we feel about what DC is doing to our country!

Ricky Bobby Treadway ( will be there! Sound familiar? That’s due to the popular movie Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ( Ricky is coming all the way from Orlando to Brandon Fest to be with us. This is a free event and all are welcome. The event will be outside so dress for the weather and bring your flags and respectful signs. Spread the word!


Workers for Consumers Energy are planning a protest against Consumers for their Vaccine Mandate. If you’re in the Jackson area, you’re welcome to join them from 11am to 1pm on the sidewalk at One Energy Plaza in Jackson. This is a coordinated effort by salaried and union workers standing together. Not complying is the only way to defeat this mandate madness!

The Never Again Tour, is a student led Medical Freedom event. Meet on the Capitol steps SATURDAY from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Come out and support our future conservative leaders who are being terrorized into submitting to mandated masks, vaccinations and more.

Michigan Vaccine Choice will also meet on Saturday at the Metro Detroit Christian Church in West Bloomfield from 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m regarding C19 – The Quest for Truth. Featured speakers include Tammy Clark, Kristen Kelly and Dr. Christian Parks. Tickets are $20 at

Lot’s of ways to get out your frustrations, pick one!

Plenty to do!

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)