The name “Puppets not People.” Would be more apt.
Proposal 2 of 2018 is one of the most bizarre creations to be tested before the voting public. Several pages of changes to our state constitution without the benefit of a convention, and a significant change to state government through a vote where maybe TWO or THREE percent of voters will have a full understanding of the changes being made.
The Michigan Supreme Court failed miserably in stopping what amounts to a coup of Michigan’s constitution. It should immediately review and recall its decision, or face future docket challenges it cannot meet.
The mess this proposal will create is undeniable. Literally prepared for court battles, the proposal inserts language into our constitution that authorizes the commission to ‘prosecute’ the legislature for financial ability to defend itself against expected redistricting challenges. What this means is that unlimited taxpayer dollars will be used to fend off any taxpayer disagreements with whatever crazy apportionment happens.
This ‘clever’ bit of political takeover quite frankly takes the power AWAY from the people of Michigan. The Orwellian name ‘voters not politicians’ gives certain political influences (through social media and misinformation) more of a permanent grasp on the political mechanics, with little or no chance for timely corrections.