Tonya Schuitmaker pro Roe v Wade a disturbing development
An Attorney General can ‘decide’ not to defend the constitution.
A state AG can decide based on personal motivation to pursue (or not) just about anything that strikes their fancy. This is why it is important to understand the core beliefs of those whom we might elevate to such a position.
Imagine if the contentious Roe v. Wade were to be sent back to the states so that the state of Michigan could decide. Would the AG support the efforts to protect the sanctity of life; protect the unborn from the brutality of abortion on demand? Where would the AG’s conscience lay?
Those who support the Right to Life might be troubled by the following from Senate Journal 15 of 2017:
Senators Warren, Hopgood, Gregory, Young, Conyers, Hertel, Ananich, Knezek and Hood offered the following resolution:
Senate Resolution No. 15.
A resolution to recognize the 44th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court issuing its ruling in Roe v. Wade.
Whereas, The Michigan Senate recognizes the anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, decided on January 22, 1973, affirming that the United States Constitution safeguards a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions, and that government should not intrude in the most private and personal family matters; and
Whereas, Women’s reproductive freedom is vital to a woman’s health, economic security, and the ability to participate equally in society; and
Whereas, Comprehensive reproductive health care, including safe abortion, is a vital component of a woman’s overall health; and
Whereas, Like other medical procedures, the safety of abortion is furthered by evidence-based practices developed and supported by medical professionals; and
Whereas, Any regulation of medical care should have a legitimate purpose and if possible, be enforced in a way that increases, rather than decreases, access; and
Whereas, In the landmark decision Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the Supreme Court recently reaffirmed a woman’s constitutional right to access safe, legal abortion, confirming more than 40 years of precedent; and
Whereas, One in three women will need an abortion in her lifetime, and as such, safe, legal, and accessible abortion is an essential component of comprehensive reproductive health care; and
Whereas, Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures performed in the United States with more than a 99 percent safety record; and
Whereas, A woman’s right to access safe, legal abortion without burdensome restrictions imposed by a state is at stake due; and
Whereas, Everyone should have access to comprehensive health care in the state of Michigan; and; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate, That we denounce violence towards abortion providers and their patients; and be it further
Resolved, That we denounce efforts to undermine the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision by eliminating access to abortion in Michigan and throughout the country; and be it further
Resolved, That we affirm that all people have the right to access reproductive healthcare services without fear of violence, intimidation, or harassment and; and be it further
Resolved, That we affirm the right to access health care without interference in this state, including safe and legal abortion; and be it further
Resolved, That we hereby recognize the 44th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court issuing its ruling in Roe v. Wade.
Pursuant to rule 3.204, the resolution was referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
Senator Schuitmaker was named co‑sponsor of the resolution.
Why on God’s green earth would she do such a thing?
Rule 3.204 reads as follows:
a) All resolutions shall be accompanied by nine (9) true copies. Resolutions which are not subject to provisions in other Senate rules shall be read once by title to the Senate, and referred to the Committee on Government Operations. Once submitted to the Secretary of the Senate, resolutions become the property of the Senate and shall remain in the possession of the Secretary of the Senate. Concurrent resolutions shall be transmitted to the House on adoption.
b) Once a resolution is submitted to the Secretary of the Senate, any Senator and the President of the Senate wishing to co-sponsor it shall complete a form provided by the Secretary of the Senate. A member must be present and specifically request to be named as a co-sponsor of a resolution. After adoption of a Senate resolution, the presiding officer may open the voting board to allow Senators to add their names as co-sponsors.
c) After a Senate concurrent resolution has been adopted by both Houses and is returned to the Senate, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized to order the printing of the concurrent resolution unless amended by the House or otherwise directed by the Senate.
As clearly noted by emboldened part, this is no accident.
And Tonya Schuitmaker wants to be the one chosen to defend our constitution? To defend the life of our unborn?

As it was explained to me, when Roe is overturned, multiple state laws would automatically get "reactivated", among which include:
MCL 750.14
PA 211 of 1990
MCL 333.17015
Unless Sen. Schuitmaker thinks that she can emulate Eric Holder's method of acting like an AG for the next four years?
Again I wouldn't worry too much about this. She'll merely be a footnote after the Convention later this month.
UPDATE - I believe it is only fair to point out that she did request removal of her name officially the next day.
This is the proof.
Take it for what it is worth.
BTW.. Medicaid expansion in Michigan was abortion on demand expansion.