And in other news…
Nolan appears to be suffering from a “heavy flow” day. Whatza matter Nolan? Not enough “pragmatic” losers for you to champion, anymore?
And, some Boomer generation Femocrat with the Progressive two last names thing going on attempts to whitewash The Religion of Peace™ and a whole lot of dead bodies. American Sharia? Really? Good luck with that.
BONUS: Want to see how quickly Bobby Schostak turns away from the Republican Party’s unanimous commitment to the definition of marriage? First, click here. Then, click here.
Does money or principles prevail? You decide.
Have a FaBuLoUs rest of the afternoon.

I looked at the comments at the end of the femocrat's article early in the day and there wereseveral less than islimophile comments. I looked later in the day and noticed that most comments either pro or con islime were gone.
Nolan has had this problem for years now.
I had asked him during the last gubernatorial race if he could name all of the candidates (and not just Bernaro & Snyder).
He couldn't.
He tried to spin his inability answer with the "not a viable candidate"- argument in a pathetic attempt to save face and just dug himself in deeper.
OABTW, I still say that clown graphic is disrespectful to legitimate clowns.
When a person who should be knowledgeable about something
{okay, that was weird... here's the last paragraph.}
When a person who should be knowledgeable about something as everyone on the ballot in a particular race as Nolan should be, and not ignore people because of "corporate" decisions or just pure personal bias, he needs to be looking in the mirror if he has any problems with the caliber of candidates running for any political office.