Beauty stripped of her title because of Misogyny
Apparently the empowerment of women hits a dead end under certain conditions.
Beauty queen Kathy Zhu has apparently taken too many ‘liberties’ with her status representing the mitten state. Submission required, truth telling forbotten. From PJ Media:
On Thursday, 20-year-old Miss Michigan Kathy Zhu shared a screenshot of Miss World America organizers notifying her that she had been stripped of her title and her ability to compete in the beauty pageant.
“Miss World America’s State/National/Chief Director accused me of being racist, Islamophobic, and insensitive. They stripped me of my Miss Michigan title due to my refusal to try on a hijab in 2018, my tweet about black on black gun violence, and ‘insensitive’ statistical tweets,” Zhu tweeted with screenshots of emails from the organizers.
MWA Michigan State Director Laurie DeJack wrote, “It has been brought to the attention of Miss World America that your social media accounts contain offensive, insensitive and inappropriate content, and in violation of MWA’s Rules and Conditions, specifically the contestant requirement of ‘being of good character and whose background is not likely to bring into disrepute Miss World America or any person associated with the organization.'”
The Miss world organization will likely regret this.

I for one support Kathy Zhu...100 % PERCENT!!! She's stands for the Michigan...I would like to continue living in!!!
Opps typo error...."she stands for the Michigan...I would like to continue living in".
Well, considering there's a phaggy English Baby Boomer running Miss World America, none of this should come as a surprise to any Natural-born American. Just look at what is the Mayor of Londonistan, and the answer becomes extraordinarily obvious.
My only advice to Ms. Zhu, would be is to retain counsel of L. Lin Wood, and abandon the path she's currently on now of being a pity-seeking darling of social media. What she is doing may feel good but, the pay sucks and, they still win.
Case in point:
Stop whining- sue. As stated in comment above, until the mental midwits of the progressive Left politically correct thought control world face legally binding consequences for their exclusionary actions it's all a showboating waste of time, which is why we have today's 🤡 🌎.
Honk, honk