The Madison Project Michigan has just issued its first round of endorsements.
Our values are Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Limited Government, Defenders of Religious Freedom. We only endorse candidates who clearly demonstrate their conservatism. We evaluate every House and Senate race in Michigan, and our endorsements are only extended to key competitive races which have a strong conservative candidate with the ability to win.
The Madison Project Michigan PAC raises money for conservative candidates through our network of grassroots conservatives. We provide our members with campaign profiles of selected candidates, and contributions to the PAC are used to support those candidates.
Please DONATE to the Madison Project Michigan PAC to help us elect solid conservatives in Michigan.
ENDORSED CANDIDATES (more endorsements will follow soon):
Senate District 7 Patrick Colbeck, Republican – Canton
Senator Patrick Colbeck is a leading conservative voice in the Michigan state senate. He was first elected in 2010, defeating several more established politicians. He immediately became a champion for Right to Work, building a coalition that eventually saw the bill passed and signed into law in 2012. He also led the effort to stop Medicaid expansion in Michigan and has been a reliable vote for conservative causes. He faces a primary challenge, but his main battle will be in the general election. He is being targeted by democrats and unions, and his opponent will be democrat State rep. Dian Slavens.
House District 42 Lana Theis, Republican – Brighton
Lana Theis is Brighton Township Treasurer and former Chairwoman of the Livingston GOP. She has been a leading advocate for conservative causes for many years, including limiting government’s power to raise taxes. She is solely endorsed by Michigan Right to Life. She faces a primary that includes a liberal “Republican” who endorsed Obama and raising taxes. The district is safely Republican.
House District 43 Jose Aliaga, Republican – Clarkston
Jose Aliaga is an Independence Township Trustee who is also a teacher. He has advocated for conservative causes in both Independence Township and across the state. He faces a competitive primary in a safely Republican district.
House District 44 Jim Runestad, Republican – Waterford
Jim Runestad is an Oakland County Commissioner and small business owner. He led the effort to mandate E-verify for county contractors, to ensure that these jobs go to American citizens. He has also advocated for fiscal responsibility and civil liberties on the county commission. He faces a competitive primary in this safely Republican district.
House District 47 Wendy Day, Republican – Howell
Wendy Day is a former Howell School Board Trustee who fought to bring transparency and fiscal accountability to the district. She also ran the Tea Party group Common Sense in Government which helped to eliminate the illegal SEIU ripoff of home health care workers. She faces a competitive primary in this safely Republican district. (Note that Phil Campbell is also an acceptable candidate in this race.)
House District 61 Phil Stinchcomb, Republican – Portage
Phil Stinchcomb has been a Kalamazoo County Commissioner since 2010. He is a sales representative selling steel to manufacturers. He has been a leading advocate for property tax reform and fair valuation of housing. He faces a competitive primary in this fairly Republican house district. See Phil’s Announcement Video here.
House District 71 Tom Barrett, Republican – Potterville
Tom Barrett is a US Army veteran who has served three tours overseas, including one in Iraq. He is a longtime conservative activist who has fought for many conservative causes and candidates across the state. He is not opposed in the primary. He is challenging liberal democrat State rep Theresa Abed in the general election in this highly competitive district.
House District 80 Cindy Gamrat, Republican – Plainwell
Cindy Gamrat is a Registered Nurse and homeschool mom. She is also the founder of the Plainwell Patriots TEA Party group. She has advocated for many conservative causes across the state. Cindy faces a competitive primary in this safely Republican district.
House District 98 Gary Glenn, Republican – Midland
Gary Glenn is a longtime conservative activist in Michigan. He is President of the American Family Association of Michigan. He was the author of the Michigan Marriage Amendment passed by public vote in 2004. He was a leader of the Michigan Freedom to Work Coalition which helped to pass Michigan’s Right to Work law in 2012. He faces a competitive primary in this safely Republican district.

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