As the LGBT movement gets more bold, legislation is needed to stop widespread child abuse that is quickly becoming normalized across the country.
Other states have introduced such legislation, but Michigan is lagging behind. We need to be in contact with our lawmakers telling them about this problem and why it needs to be stopped right now.
- The “Youth Gender Reassignment Prevention Act” in South Carolina would suspend or revoke the medical license of any doctor who mutilates the genitals or provides drugs such as puberty blockers to children.
- Legislation in South Dakota would levy criminal sanctions against doctors who mutilate the genitals of children and give them drugs such as puberty blockers. It has already passed the state house.
- The Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act in Missouri would make it so that parents and the community have to be informed before a “Drag Queen Story Hour” children’s event is hosted in a public library. If librarians fail to adhere to the rules under the bill, they could be jailed.
- The Vulnerable Child Protection Act in Florida would also create criminal sanctions to health care professionals who perform mutilation surgeries and drug children who are said to be transgender.
- Similar bills have also been introduced in Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, New Hampshire, Colorado, and Kentucky. These bills are all active during the current legislative session.
So the national movement has already begun, and there is a huge precedent for these types of bills. All we need is to find one Republican with a backbone who is willing to stand-up for children against a well-financed and well-coordinated group of predators.
- Pedophiles and sex offenders have been exposed for hosting drag queen story hour events across the country.
- Videos and photographs have shown drag queens at these events exposing themselves to children, gyrating sexually in front of children, allowing children to grope them, and discussing sex acts with children.
- The program has already moved from public libraries to public schools and churches, and will soon be invading other places where children can be groomed.
- In addition to drag queen story hour, children can be seen performing strip shows at after-hours bars in bizarre and perverted events across the country.
- Children are also being used as centerpieces for gay pride parades, encouraged to crossdress, and then change their birth gender (a process that encompasses drugging the child and preparing them for gender mutilation at adolescence).
- Reports have shown that mentally ill children, such as those with severe autism, are being pushed into the transgender lifestyle.
- The “James Younger” case involved a seven-year-old boy who was coerced by his mother to live as a girl and then stripped of custody from his father. It has received national attention, and caught the attention of lawmakers.
“Drag Queen Flashes Crotch to Children During “Story Hour” Event” –
“Library’s ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Strip Show Goes Viral” –
“WATCH: Drag queen teaches kids to ‘twerk’ at library story hour”
“Kansas Library Debates Allowing Registered Sex Offenders to Participate in Drag Queen Story Hour Event” –
“Child Sex Offender, Transgender Prostitute Grooms Kids at ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’” –
“BUSTED: Another Drag Queen Sexual Predator Found Grooming Children in Texas Elementary School”
“Public Library Hosted ‘All Ages Drag Show’ Featuring Kids Giving Cash Tips To Dancers”
“Notorious Drag Queen Admits to ‘Grooming’ Children”
“Father Gives Horrifying Testimony of the Public School Brainwashing of His Autistic Daughter into Transgenderism”
“Mom whose 11-year-old dances in drag at gay night clubs cleared by Child Protective Services”
“VIDEO: Adults go wild as 9-year-old drag queen dances for dollars”
“New study suggests link between autism and gender dysphoria”
“Texas Officials Looking Into Case of Mother Trying to Turn 7-Year-Old Boy Into a Girl”
You can find your state house rep and state senator’s information here:
Please reach out to them and explain the problem to them. Also, let other constituents for your lawmaker know and get them to call. You can print off a flier that I created with information about drag queen story hour here.
Bring this up at church groups, social clubs, library boards, school board, anywhere you possibly can. Use the facts I have assembled in this article. Ordinary folks who are normally apolitical will get on board with fighting back against this once they know the truth.
Let’s get this legislation introduced, then we can educate the public from there, and start some serious rallies against this glorified grooming operation that will only continue to expand unless we do something about it.

Good thorough piece on the dangers to regular Americans by those afflicted with gender dysphoria, Mr. Trejo.
I'm a little short on time this morning, but one thing I would add is what happens when they begin to get a little emboldened to use the power of government to not only make others accept their "lifestyle" as acceptable no questions asked, but to prey on very young children under the guise of "tolerance"..
OABTW, this is happening right now just south of the border.
I suspect Michigan lags behind on legislation for same reason as Ilhan Omar's Minnesota is not mentioned- its muslim population.
Explain why else would creeping sharia choose to employ the gay so-called Right as their outreach agent who spectacularly failed in 2014? They work hand in hand to normalize the word: pedophobe.
Easy-peasy, look what happened in Saline on an innocent, maybe challenging question. Shitlib whites are the downfall of this nation. They’re too stupid to even question anymore. Mostly ruled by white bitter-bitches and their non conquering beta male first husbands.
This is the gift of feminism. Welcome to Forth Wave.
At least Muslims don’t tolerate that shit.