RightMi.com readers can rest easy knowing THIS guy won't ever back down.
Appearing at the May 16, 2015 MiCPAC, Michigan’s RNC Committeeman Dave Agema spoke to conferees. This year’s event was held in Troy.
The MiCPAC event is held annually by the Michigan Conservative Union.
You Betcha!
(19)Nuh Uh.

Why is this the hill so many Michigan conservatives have decided to die on? Serious question.
Feel free to elaborate on why a milquetoast pandering to anything that comes along valley position is better. Please.
Ha! See this: http://moonbattery.com/?p=58719
Notice that? Cultural Marxism is the same Harry Hay cult religion as those dirt worshiping fools of AGW bullshit. None of the Socialist bastards will be happy until we all are digging our Sustainable™ dinner out of the dirt in the dark surrounded by fruitcakes.
Outstanding... sharing
Meanwhile, the pro-aborts are rolling merrily along.