Washtenaw County fails in its mission to equally apply the law.
Stupidity must be painful or it continues.
Unfortunately, it continues. From Jihad Watch:
Back in November, a University of Michigan Muslim student reported that she was “accosted by a white man who told her to remove her hijab or he would set her ablaze with a cigarette lighter.”
So eager was she to be the face of an “Islamophobic” attack by a white supremacist that she invented the whole story about this “white man.” Yet rather than be held accountable, “the Washtenaw County Prosecutors Office is not proceeding with any legal action,” perhaps because they don’t want to appear “Islamophobic.”
At the time of her fabricated report, the university’s public safety and security division flew into emergency mode and rushed to “call the incident an act of ‘hate and intimidation’ and ‘ethnic intimidation’”.
Michigan penal code 750.411a says “not so fast”
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (2) and (3), a person who intentionally makes a false report of the commission of a crime, or intentionally causes a false report of the commission of a crime to be made, to a peace officer, police agency of this state or of a local unit of government, 9-1-1 operator, or any other governmental employee or contractor or employee of a contractor who is authorized to receive reports of a crime, knowing the report is false, is guilty of a crime as follows:
And while the prosecutor has a degree of latitude as to whether this crime is prosecuted, the lack of prosecution in this case clearly defines ‘unequal treatment’ under the law.
The law is NOT equally enforced in Washtenaw is it? In a ten year period Washtenaw prosecutors stuck it to 197 felony false reporters, and 139 misdemeanor false reporters.

Someone needs to tip off the AG. Maybe Schuette will do something about it.
Heh heh heh
Yeah, I'm sure that he'll get right on that!
This was sent to my email this morning and seems to be appropriate here:
Got into a argument with 2 Muslim docs this AM regarding the Trump ban on Muslims for 4 months. I presented the "jelly bean" theory of terrorism to them and they both shut up and walked away. (you have a bowl of 10,000 jelly beans of all colors. 2 of the jelly beans will kill you instantly if eaten. How many jelly beans will you let your children eat?) Neither one responded.
Such a fabulous analogy.
Thank you Sue Schwartz.
It is a good analogy indeed.
I appreciate the President telling the media how we see it. The biased media is getting a dose of "wake the hell up," and it's about time.