To tell those punk kids of ours to un-kink their goose necks.
A resolution to declare May 5-11, 2014, as Screen-Free Week in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, Screen-Free Week is an enjoyable and innovative way to improve children’s well-being by reducing dependence on entertainment screen media, including television, video games, computers, and hand-held devices, thus offering time for children to go outside, read, daydream, create, explore, and spend more time with family and friends; and
Whereas, Preschool children spend an average of 32 hours a week with screen media; and
Whereas, School-age children exposed to excessive screen time may also suffer the effects of childhood obesity, sleep disturbances, attention span issues, increased psychological difficulties, negative attitudes toward school, long-term academic failure, poor homework completion, less physical activity, and fewer family meals; and
Whereas, Children who are exposed to marketing practices, may have higher rates of depression, show more symptoms of anxiety, and have poor self-esteem; and
Whereas, Watching television commercials contributes to children’s dissatisfaction with their own body image, leading to an increase in eating disorders; and
Whereas, Research shows that children who are exposed to violent content in movies, video games, and television programs have a potential risk factor for becoming desensitized to violence; and
Whereas, Teens who are heavily exposed to various forms of sexualized media content are more likely to initiate intercourse, have several sex partners, contract a sexually transmitted disease, and men are less likely to empathize with female sexual assault victims; and
Whereas, The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for children under 2 and less than 2 hours per day for older children; and
Whereas, Increased screen time for toddlers leaves less time for engagement in creative play, establishing the foundation of learning, constructive problem solving, and creativity; and
Whereas, Research demonstrates the benefits of reduced screen time for children, such as a higher academic performance, healthier lifestyle, prevention for later behavioral problems and victimization by classmates, and a decreased interest in television in later years; and
Whereas, Screen-Free Week establishes the foundation for important lifestyle adjustments that will develop the well-being and quality of life in children all year round; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body
declare May 5-11, 2014, as Screen-Free Week in the state of Michigan.
I do declare, what manner of evil might befall us all without such marvelous legislative parenting tools?

I wonder but, are you kidding me?
No village. Period.
bloggable material for moi. Thanks, Jason. Tip of the hat to ya.
My pleasure.
Be it resolved that these representatives have overestimate their practical value to the rest of us.
Maybe a week isn't long enough... 23 years old and sounds like a tire with a nail puncture when it talks.