Have conservatives and conservative Republicans ever felt that no matter how correct we are, the wind is always in our faces?
Jack Hoogendyk has an interesting look at something that shows those of us on the conservative side of the fence face opposition from even those who are presumably our friends. An analysis of contributions apparently reveals we (or at least “Republicans’) face roughly complete financial opposition from union interests, and a fence sitting 50% from business interests.
“I did a little research using OpenSecrets.org, the web site that tracks campaign contributions. Here is what I found. No matter how far down the list you look, union PAC’s all give donations to Democrats at about a 24 to 1 rate. 96% of all union PAC dollars go to the Democrats. But what about “business” PAC’s? This is where it gets interesting.
Of the top 8 business PAC’s, 52% of the dollars go to Republicans, 48% goes to Democrats. The union bosses are putting all their eggs in the Democrats’ basket. The business groups like to play both sides of the fence.“
So did Humpty Dumpty. We know how THAT ended.
At this point, best advice to business would be that its time to pick a side, as chances of avoiding the crossfire are less with that fence between you and the enemy.