
Maybe Bat Guano?

Mike Shirkey forgot to use the dollar sign for his 's'

It is what it is.

Mike Shirkey, Michigan’s Republican Senate leader said what he felt at the time, but forgot that triggered people trigger.  Obviously his position is one of institutional respect, and the branches of our governmental authority must work together for the benefit of Michigan.  But straight out calling the governor and her Democrat counter parts a bad name?  Heaven forbid we continue our word oppression of the overly sensitive progressive.

It started earlier this month with Shirkey’s spokeswoman saying the governor “has proven herself untrustworthy” following a series of public events where Whitmer supported an organization — and then vetoed their state funding in her budget standoff with Shirkey and the GOP.

Then Shirkey spouted off in a speech before a group of College Republicans at Hillsdale College, reportedly painting Whitmer and her fellow Democrats as being “on the batshit crazy spectrum,” The Hillsdale Collegian student newspaper reported Thursday.

Oh crap, now he did it.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Remember Them

This is a day of memoriam, not of celebration . . . “happy” does not EVER apply.

I originally published this article back on the previous version of this site, eight years ago, and thought it overdue for a republish. My source material at the time was an interoffice email, circa 1998, from a shipmate (with whom I’m still in touch), whose letter I’d still had in my digital files, but have since lost. At least to me, the original author is unknown.

As the graphic below illustrates, a mere seven percent of the total American population have ever served in military forces of the United States. (I remember reading somewhere that only 1% of the total American population is currently serving.) To make this number a tad more practical, if you were to door-knock any random twenty houses in your neighborhood, statistically only one of those households would contain someone who’s active duty, a reservist, a guardsman, a retiree, or other veteran.

On a day dedicated to national memoriam, we do well to properly remember those who’ve served, even if we cannot personally name even one of them.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Whack A Mole

Michigan’s favorite NPV advocate is back at it.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, and nearly everything we still hold dear. Reminding us that the left never sleeps, and that anyone can be bought, Saul Anuzis has popped his head up for yet another game of whack-an-NPV-Mole.

Lying about what Trump said at a rally in support of the dumbest progressive unconstitutional effort since 1913 and the income tax, Anuzis and deposed RNC hack Michael Steele heap on the stupid.  And Tom LaDuke is having none of it.   LaDuke reminds us on Redstate

The two men that wrote this piece for the Detroit News are Saul Anuzis former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party and Michael Steele who is the former chairman of the RNC and current MSNBC talking head. Both men are relatively famous for leaving both the state party and national party in a bit of a mess after they left their respective positions.

Now here is what Trump ACTUALLY SAID in Dallas from Rev

Remember these phony people, there is no way to get to 270 you had to get to … So I kept going to Maine. I love Maine, but Maine too, you get one. It’s cut in half. Maine, to you get one. I went there four or five times because … They got me up, the phonies, they got me up to 269, couldn’t get to 270 so I went … I won, by the way, I won Maine too. I got one. But I went there and I went there a lot. That’s the beautiful thing about the electoral college, you go everywhere. You don’t just spend the three … winning the popular vote would be much easier. I’d rather have that. I’d go to four states and relax. I went to 21 States.

Let’s look at the money quote again.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Reformation Angel

Revelation 14:6-7

Have you ever had a complete stranger come up to you in the mall or at the supermarket, look at your baby daughter or son, and say something like, “Oooh, isn’t he or she an angel?”

What do you suppose they mean when they say that? In what ways was your baby like an angel? Perhaps people have the notion that angels are pretty and cute, and that’s the impression that one gets when they see an angel picture in a Christian book store. So in that sense, a baby might remind them of an angel. Of course we might also refer to someone as an angel who is unusually kind to other people (“they are such an angel!”). But I doubt we have ever had someone come up to our baby and say, “Wow, what a…a…messenger!” And yet that’s what both the Hebrew and Greek words for “angel” really mean: a messenger.

The Book of Revelation, from where our first reading is taken, is the only book of prophecy in the New Testament. And in his vision of forthcoming events, John sees an angel coming in the future. Some have supposed that this angel is a prophecy of Martin Luther. In fact, when Luther died in 1546, his pastor used this very text to base his funeral sermon on – because Luther was an angel. He was a messenger of God.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Ability To Strike

Unions, and particularly the UAW ought to be the biggest Trump supporters around.

The temp issue that seems to be holding up the negotiations could easily be rectified in a south looking economy.

General Motors would/could plan a shrinkage, but for the Trump economy which promises more reward no matter which way the negotiations turn. The economy is booming and set for an even greater long term growth cycle.  Partly due to more permissive regulatory climate, and a favorable correction of trade rule imbalance.  The US of A is no longer subsidizing the world’s oppressive government in the same way, and our balance sheet is strong.

The unions right now have an upper hand.  Not because of successes of liberal/left policies, but because of the success of Trump, and pro growth, which puts a strain on the available work force.  In other words when everyone is working, no successful business can take existing employees for granted.  This is supply and demand in action.

For labor, this is nothing short of utopia.  From a bargaining perspective who is more advantaged in a strong economy that has historically low unemployment?

It needs to be said that Donald Trump has been a friend to labor.  How better than by simply providing an environment where they can legitimately exercise a lesson in ‘value?’

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

When They Are Wrong

What the Media Don't Know About the AR 15

What is an Assault Rifle / The Debate

It appears the political establishment, the media and their “puppet” hosts and pundits, and a large percentage of the public, especially those who are anti-gun rights advocates know very little if anything about the functional differences between an AR-15 and an “assault rifle”. This conclusion is based on their discussions and commentary where they erroneously allege that “assault rifles” are generally available for purchase by the public.

What is an AR-15?

Politicians, the media and antigun rights advocates erroneously characterize to an uninformed public that an AR-15 is an “assault rifle”. The AR-15 is NOT a fully automatic weapon. A fully automatic weapon shoots multiple bullets with one pull of the trigger.The AR-15 fires only one bullet each time the trigger is pulled. The letters AR stand for “Armalite Rifle,” based on the company that created the weapon. The term AR is akin to a brand designation and not an abbreviation for a descriptive or functional purpose. The number 15 is the model number. The letters “AR” do not mean “Assault Rifle” as erroneously alleged.

AR-15 rifles are legal in all 50 states, and may be purchased provided the purchaser passes a mandatory FBI background check required for all retail and gun show gun purchases by licensed dealers and in compliance with Federal and State Law. An AR-15 is not a military assault rifle because it does not meet the rapid fire standard, nor does it have other functional capabilities that are build into a military style rifle such as the M-16.The uninformed non-gun advocate may confuse an AR 15 with a military style M-16 because of non-functional similarities in design and appearance.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

Psalm 139:1-18

Most of you know that I am involved with Michigan’s Heartbeat initiative and in the ensuing weeks I will be encouraging all of us to participate in Life Chain Sunday. As such, the Holy Spirit has put it on my heart to reflect on the sacredness of human life. The child in the womb, the elderly, the weak, the mentally challenged, and those with physical limitations are all precious in God’s sight.

Our Heavenly Father is the giver of life. Genesis 1:26-27 reads: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Or as the psalmist put it, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Human life is a gift that should be celebrated and protected. Unfortunately that is not always the case. The right to life is an issue that sparks heated and sometimes hostile debate. The issue of abortion is one that divides families and friends. Some people are pro-choice while others are pro-life and the argument as to when life begins rages on.

I believe, with all that is in me, that life begins at conception. Many disagree with me, but the reality is, my opinion does not matter and neither does theirs! In fact, it doesn’t matter what the congress says, it doesn’t matter what the President says, it doesn’t matter what Planned Parenthood says, it doesn’t even matter what the Supreme Court has to say on the subject… what really matters is what God has to say about the value of human life.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Don’t Say We Didn’t Tell You So

The fallout from Michigan's prop 2 is clear as milk.

Prop 2 was a disaster in the making.

Controlling the process was never going to be neutral, and clearly the control would be in the hands of whichever party controls the elections, the questionable Jocelyn Benson.

We have pointed this out in the past with a series of videos, and now the outcome draws near.  The Michigan Republican Party in trying to ascertain the nature of the process being designed by our current Secretary of State for the NEW Gerrymandering schemes is being stonewalled with ridiculous FOIA fees. From the Detroit News:

The Secretary of State’s office estimated it would cost $45,904 to process an initial Freedom of Information Act request that sought “a vast amount of information” from the department, Chief Legal Director Michael Brady told the Michigan GOP in a June 7 letter.

The state used a “conservative” labor estimate to calculate a $10,049 fee for a “narrowed, but still very broad” second request, Brady said in a separate letter denying a Republican Party appeal.

All they want is an unadulterated explanation from documents addressing the process being formulated from the Sec of State.

Real transparency.

And as many who are familiar with FOIA might know, the cost is supposed to be premised on the labor rates of the lowest paid clerical workers who can perform the task.  This suggests one of two possibilities; that the clerical workers in the state are grossly overpaid, OR that Benson’s office isattempting to keeps it’s motivations and early planning from the people of the satet for political reasons.

One or the OTHER.


You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)


Inman likely no more guilty than many others in the legislature.

I was driving through St. Louis when I got the news that Larry Inman had been indicted.

It was pretty big news.  Disappointing, yet it didn’t surprise me.  In fact, there has been so much ‘questionable’ activity going on in Lansing for decades that it was not surprising that a representative with a record of poor instincts would be the victim of a sting operation.

At least that is my assessment of what happened.  Clearly there is pay for play in our state politics.  The existence of the MEDC, and by extension any organization that profits from doing business with the state would have incentive to fill campaign coffers.  Ask any one who still raises money after they have been term limited why they do so.  If they don’t tell you directly, then look at their campaign statements on the debt side.

It’s not for charity.

Mistakenly express the the wrong sentiment, in a way that is contextually vulnerable, to the wrong people, in the wrong format. Then whammo!  You get a Representative Larry Inman indictment.

But the GOP led house, wishing to remain unscathed in a (heavens forbid) scandal of such magnitude would prefer to let Larry off the bus, ask him to inspect the rear brake lights, and …well as one might see by now, the bus does have reverse.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

SE Michigan Tea Party Meeting – May 21st (Utica)

It’s not on the website yet, but the next meeting of the SE Michigan Tea Party will be featuring former Michigan State Senator Pat Colbeck who will be discussing the Michigan Grassroots Alliance which is an organization to coordinate interactions with elected officials, community leaders and candidates for public office with vendors and PACs.

The event will be held on Tuesday, May 21st at the Dave and Busters in Utica at the corner of Hall Road & the M-53 expressway. Doors open at 6:00pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.

If anyone is interested in learning more about the Michigan Grassroots Alliance, you can read more about them at their website or on Facebook.



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