
Surprise Surprise

Dick and Betsy’s cupcake caught in his own web of lies.

Another of cupcake’s bald-faced lies? “Cut the income tax rate.

Pure bullshit.

Enjoy Snyder and Calley’s Obamacare entrenchment, Greg.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Speaking of Brown Showers…

We have a candidate for governor, which now proudly campaigns on Obamacare.

And, who is left to pick up the tab for that when Snyder/Calley is gone? Let, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), explain that for you. Did you notice a Republican said the states are going to pay for it? Why Hell, even a plumber knows that sh!t runs downhill.

Enjoy paying for that along with the Snyder/Calley fuel tax and registration fee hike.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(2)

To Serve….

What happens when Terri Hibma’s former 2010 running mate (this two-time loser) is allowed to go unchecked?

Ben-Franklin-sheep-and-wolvesPolice in Grand Forks, North Dakota are hailing their new fleet of drones as the “vanguard of police work,” according to the Guardian. But privacy activists are worried that the drones may be a threat to constitutional rights.

Officers in Grand Forks have been operating a fleet of drones, some small enough to fit in a suitcase, others in a larger, fixed-wing design. The department is one of only about a dozen departments across the country testing drones.


Yes, jackboots without any restraint. North Dakota’s state Senate, much like those in Lansing, are useless. Why has there been no movement on HB 4455 of 2013? Why has Speaker Bolger taken it upon himself to make the fringe cupcake agenda a priority over securing our Natural Rights for all?

Transparency, the man asks? Sorry, that’s just not within the MI-GOP character traits.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

CATO: Michigan Gets A “D”

Rick Snyder's tax policies earned the state a 44 out of 100 score in CATO's recent 'Fiscal Policy Report Card'

The average score for Democrat Governors according to CATO’s recent fiscal report card is 46 of 100.

Rick Snyder Came in at 44.  Though RTW and the MBT repeal was applauded, the push for higher gas taxes and the bloated overall budget, as well as the long term cost of Medicaid expansion to taxpayers walloped his GPA.  Along with charts, comparisons, and analysis, Cato writes:

MICHIGAN Legislature: Republican
Rick Snyder, Republican Took office January 2011
Grade: D
Due to political correctness, the word 'dun**' is no longer allowed on head dressings.

Due to political correctness, the word ‘dun**’ is no longer allowed on head dressings.

After a successful business career, Governor Snyder came into office eager to help solve Michigan’s deep-seated economic problems. He has pursued many important reforms, such as spearheading the restructuring of Detroit’s finances and signing into law right-to-work legisla­tion. He repealed the damaging Michigan Business Tax and replaced it with a less harmful cor­porate income tax. In 2014 pushed through a phased-in elimination of property taxes on busi­ness equipment, which will help spur capital investment. The cut was approved by Michigan voters in August 2014.67

However, Snyder received a low grade on this year’s report card largely because he is support­ing a $1.2 billion-a-year fuel tax increase. That would be a huge hike, pushing up overall state tax revenues by nearly 5 percent.

He also scores fairly low on spending. The general fund budget increased 7.3 percent in 2013 and an estimated 7.8 percent in 2014. The governor also supported Medicaid expansion under the ACA, which will be a costly burden on Michigan taxpayers down the road.


While there can be absolutely ZERO expectation that Mark Schauer would fare any better, the expectation of fuel taxes increasing is realistic as Rick Snyder has said he wants to Increase revenue from fuel sales .

“Increasing revenue” as most reasonable folks know is code for higher taxes.

Call Rick Snyder TODAY and ask him why he wants to raise our taxes. (<- no number – see? we learn from those TV ads and postcards)

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

Kevyn Acts None the Weiser

It would appear, Mr. Orr has learned his place within the U of M cronies.

NerdOrrWealthy patrons vowed to bankroll a legal fight between the Detroit Institute of Arts and the city before mediators reached a deal to save the city’s art collection, Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr testified Thursday.

Orr testified about behind-the-scenes pressure applied by the DIA and patrons who believed the multi-billion dollar art collection could not be sold and was held in public trust — and explained why the city didn’t hire an auction house tied to a local billionaire. A costly, prolonged legal fight threatened to delay Detroit’s attempt to shed $7 billion in debt and emerge from bankruptcy court.

While not naming names, Orr said patrons vowed to fight any attempts to sell the 60,000-piece collection. Many of Metro Detroit’s leading families, including generations of Fords, have donated art to the internationally renowned museum.

“High-value net worth individuals who have an interest in the (DIA) were motivated and had the wherewithal,” to support a legal fight, Orr testified.

The city believed it could sell pieces of the DIA collection purchased with city funds during the last century.


Thanks, Ron.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(2)

Nice job, Bobby

The Schostak Party of Stooopid strikes again.

Booby ShowStackA local Democratic state House candidate is crying foul after the Michigan GOP sent out campaign mailers this week directing Republicans to call him at a number for his 91-year-old mother’s room at a Portage-based nursing home.

The mailers, which were paid for by the Michigan Republican Party, urge voters to call John Fisher, a candidate for the 61st state House District, and “Tell him hard-working Michiganders are being hurt by Obamacare and the health care policies (Democrats) support.”

Fisher’s campaign acknowledged it had no issue with past Republican mailers that told voters to call him at his personal number, but the candidate said Republicans took it too far by directing citizens to call Fisher at his mother’s number. The number is registered under Fisher’s name, but is a direct line to his mother’s room at Tendercare Portage, where Isabel Kramb is currently receiving hospice care for congestive heart failure, said Fisher’s campaign manager David Topping.

All because Team R sycophants chose to miss the boat on principled leadership.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Jase Bolger is in Bed With This Dude?

Ya, right. Let’s talk about “bigots” for a moment: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/10/white-lesbian-mother-sues-sperm-bank-after-having-black-baby/

Makes one wonder what decent folks like, Senator Hunter think about that ^ or, parasitic slime like this.

For some time now, Speaker Bolger has given many reasons to think of him as a despicable cretin within a dysfunctional state Party, however, with Jase taking Tim’s $50,000 – all doubt is removed.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)

Here Comes the Snyder Gas/Diesel Tax and Fee Hikes

As if raiding pensions (wasn’t necessary), raising the State Income Tax, and growing a budget now spending $1 Billion per week were not enough, Snyder broadcasts the real MI-GOP wallet gouging and family budget busting.

ThroughYourWalletGov. Rick Snyder said Monday he wants legislation boosting road funding to be the Legislature’s top priority during its lame duck session after the Nov. 4 election.

The Republican governor, who faces a tough re-election against Democrat Mark Schauer, has struggled to get the GOP-controlled Legislature to adopt a plan to raise at least $1.2 billion in additional annual revenue for road funding through increases in the fuel tax and vehicle registration fees.


“I still consider that a priority I want to get done in the first term,” Snyder said at the West Michigan Policy Forum’s conference at the Amway Grand Hotel.

As the Senate adjourned in June, waving off the proposal for a gas tax hike, residents in Deerfield Beach could feel reassured that while infrastructure funding remains a complex issue, their safety from potential fire hazards doesn’t have to be. Thanks to the professional network and dependability of a local fire watch company in Deerfield Beach, property owners can rest easy knowing that a team of highly trained experts is always ready to respond. This assurance is much like a reliable infrastructure—essential for the smooth functioning of everyday life. While the debate on the gas tax continues, the commitment of the fire watch service to the community stands firm, offering an immediate and well-coordinated defense against any fire-related emergencies that might arise during the languid Florida summer.

At least Schauer has sense enough not to tread into that particular Nerd swamp, especially, when MDOT’s multi-million dollar operation is dabbling in Wisconsin’s unwanted choo-choos, and tax dollars wasted on Hollywood productions at every turn. For that matter, let’s table for discussion the Nerd’s “Showcase Trail” at the cost of $1 Million per mile. Yes, our fuel taxes go to Complete Streets bicycle nonsense.

So, what does Mr. “Never publicly opposed the governor” have to say about this wholesale price tax hike?

You Betcha! (53)Nuh Uh.(3)

Of Course he did

I have to hand it to whatever brainiac who Snyder hired to dream up his highly orchestrated overly scripted *town halls* with the wealth of documented lies they bring back to light.

Rick Snyder then:

Rick Snyder now:

Want another doozy of a Snyder lie?

Rick Snyder then:

Rick Snyder now: http://rightmi.com/the-joys-of-obamas-moochercare/

Folks, this is where today there is a growing contingent who see the wisdom of not giving Snyder his “lame duck” term, in which his Progressive agenda will go completely unchecked by just enough legislative losers who run with Snyder’s big government agenda. Is Mark Schauer a loser? Only about a shade paler that of what one can see with a term limited Rick Snyder.

Bottom line. If Conservatives must bird dog our Republican legislators to vote consistent to Party platform and principle, then we can do that just the same with a confirmed Democrat governor as we do with this center-Left abomination named Snyder under the Republican banner, now. Frankly, our task as Conservatives will most likely become easier with removing the facade of “going against their own” without Snyder.

And, before any simpletons start their crap about absolutists, y’all’s can just go park your “No true Scotsman fallacy” bullshit elsewhere. You aren’t welcome here.

You Betcha! (28)Nuh Uh.(4)