
Where Elliot Larsen Would lead.

Any fool in Lansing who thinks ANY form of LGBT protections added to Elliot Larsen is a good idea, needs to seek help.

FB-Coffia-LabelingDumb Dumb Dumb.

A former Michigan Democrat candidate for State Representative 104th district demonstrates typical short sighted immaturity, and a propensity for government in charge. In her post that seems to decry religious protections, she advocates ‘labeling’ as a solution to disagreement.

In her Facebook posting of a Raw Story article (complete with a couple of local ‘likes’), Betsy Coffia says:

“seems reasonable. if this type of ;aw is passed by our current GOP legislative majority, I hope to see a similar amendment.”

Can I get an “Oy Vey?

Coffia, as with many others of the progressive left, appears to have a weak understanding of the dangers of government and the evil within it that is always waiting for such an opportunity as this.  Yet the left and the LGBT movement in this country apparently wants US to label THEM so they can be ‘proud’ of their poor decision making and self destructive behavior, or at least not feel like their choices have consequence.

A change to Elliot Larsen would be terrifying enough to those who believe in the first amendment.  The addition of religious exemptions that some believe would protect our ability to practice our faith would be challenged like they are now in Oklahoma. Of course most of us would rather ignore this radical new ideology of in-your-face activism, but we must also recognize an ultimate endgame when we see it.

And call it what it is.


You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)

It’s Cookies for Coat Hangers Day

Frankly, nobody that’s a Constitutional Conservative minded type should even be phased by the Idiocracy that feel-good Lansing has become.

RepublicratHere we are 92 days later, and every Republican who boasts RTL-MI endorsements just again gave ringing State Seal approval to Margaret Sanger founded abortion.

Then again, not really surprising that RTL-MI now dabbles in costly Al Gore Warming inspired energy policy along with their bizarre Bible thumping faction with a severely delusional case of revisionist history about President Reagan.

Yep. For those who play within the Republican big tent, and so it goes

Camacho 2016!

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(4)

It’s The Little Things

Like when a district superintendent mishandles a simple charter school arrangement to a point of incompetency.

That turn into the big things.

superintendent-inkedWhat happens when a failing public school government becomes financially envious of a successful charter operation it oversees?  It tries to take it over. That is the unspoken punch line in a story carried by Capital Confidential last year.

“Livonia Public Schools is the authorizer of Hinoki International School, but the school district now is moving to start its own Japanese magnet school in the same building used by Hinoki.”

In 2014, Livonia Public Schools used its power to put Hinoki charter school out of business by ending the school’s building lease one year before the charter authorization was to expire.  Hinoki, a Japanese immersion ‘magnet school’ was in a growth phase, and showed financial strength that appeared attractive to the struggling LPS superintendent Randy Liepa.

Spurred on by a disgruntled Hinoki principal, Liepa and LPS cancelled the lease for the immersion program, while at the same time used the exact same location to start a district run Japanese immersion school. This of course left Hinoki, (the successful school that was growing)  without a building. It also meant that the school would lose its charter authorization from the Livonia Public Schools in a 6-1 vote.

“Gosh, so sorry..  We really hate to see you leave..”

Hinoki did not operate for the 2014-2015 school year.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Kids, This bus Doesn’t Move Until you all Buckle Your Seat Belts

Of course, the title of this post is as fictitious as the propaganda below.

See that? Now it’s about children’s safety so, see Sec. 257.710e (2). Precious cargo, huh?

At least the $2B annual tax hikers stopped just short of “Or even the whole bridge” in this attempt to excite the emotions of easy preyed upon dimwits who might be gullible enough to buy into this contractor lobbied nonsense.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(2)

The Science is Settled

In response to the latest manufactured controversy by those who have no respect for Freedom of Speech, and are besides themselves in their effete circle-jerk advancing their goal that is the elimination of independent thought, what we see above matters little if it’s Black, Blue, White or Gold, because without a shred of doubt it is a muhammadan empowering, race-baiting, socialistic, quisling a**hole.

The end.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)

Nonagenarian Making Sure the Action of the Party “Really Means Nothing”

One can safely say that Little Ronna failed her first test as chair with the Progressive Romney/Rockefeller wing of the MIGOP demonstrating they can still call themselves Republican when they will not uphold the Party Platform defining marriage between one man and one woman.

TwoRINOsYep. Constitution be damned, too. I’d like to be able to write-off the above as Willy milquetoast showing signs of senility, however, the old bastard was only a few comrades short of being a Trotskyite’s wet dream when he was young. Same goes for his Margaret Sanger abortion funding late wifey.

Next stop *marrying* sons and polygamy.

Ps. don’t anyone in the MIGOP act as if George and Nelson are so far removed from the Party by time when this guy started it all.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(6)

Octogenarian who Aimed the IRS at Conservatives now Advises Businesses on Government Investigations

I guess the old saw holds true… it takes a crook.

Retired [Chose not to seek re-election] Michigan Sen. Carl Levin said Monday he is joining a Detroit law firm as senior counsel and will advise businesses on government investigations.

SudsBamaLevin, 80, who was the longest [self]-serving senator in Michigan history after serving [occupying] six terms, will join Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP in April as senior counsel, the law firm said.

The focus of Levin’s practice at Honigman will “include aiding corporations with internal investigations and crisis management; assisting corporations with social responsibility and compliance issues; and facilitating alternative dispute resolutions and mediations.” Levin will also serve as an advisor to the firm’s Government Relations and Regulatory Practice Group.


As an asides, here is a fun piece of some Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn handiwork.

Yep. The old fart younger brother of Sander (where does Sandy live?) will be right at home in that cesspool of shysters.

H/t ‘featured image’ source here

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Boy, are these people stupid!







Betcha think these comments regarding Michigan Taxpayers was “secretly” overheard coming from the confab between Gov. Snyder, Ex-Speaker Bolder, Ex-Sen. Richardville, Rep. Greimel & Ex-Sen Whitmer last December just before they announced placing Prop 15-1 before Michigan Voters?

Close, but not quite.

{Tantalizing details after the fold}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

To Collect for who They Serve….

Thank to the folks over at MCC exposing this corruption.

Getting rather common, huh? Yep. It’s everywhere.

Once again, we well informed RightMi.com readers get to see the benefits of public sector unions, and there are many – for them. Why Hell, our LEO even game grant money as means to prop up their pension funds. Unfortunately, this is not a Democrat vs. Republican problem – it’s an American citizen problem. We are not of the privileged Elected Class who set the rules and bends them as they so choose (yes, LEO’s masters made that “irrelevant“).

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