More here.
Remember, Michigan taxpayers are robbed as well, which has to be well into the $1 billion dollar per year range now.
H/t Market Ticker

More here.
Remember, Michigan taxpayers are robbed as well, which has to be well into the $1 billion dollar per year range now.
H/t Market Ticker
Read this:
More details here. Remember, the Magic Underpants/Nelson Rockefeller wing of this state has already circled their wagon around ¿Yeb? “Asian anchor babies” Bush. GOPe has gotta Hispander, you know?
Ps. Ken Cuccinelli could really use a big cup of STFU.
Sometimes, as Republicans, we have to think a little outside the box when it comes to presidential candidates.
Right now, the story line is that the most conservative among us must support Ted Cruz, the moderates among us must support Jeb Bush, and the angriest among us must cheer for the unelectable Donald Trump.
Last week, I stretched a bit and traveled downstate to Livonia and attended a rally for Marco Rublo. I came away convinced that if he becomes the face of the Republican Party we can beat even the developing Biden-Warren ticket (Sweet Joe and Redistributor-in-chief Rebecca), let alone the duplicitous duo of Hillary and Bill.
Don’t you know that “Take a vote, not a vacation” doesn’t apply to the man at the top?
“It’s essential that making Michigan’s infrastructure safer remains a top priority. While voters didn’t support this particular proposal, we know they want action taken to maintain and improve our roads and bridges. The ‘relentless’ part of relentless positive action means that we start anew to find a comprehensive, long-term solution to this problem.” – Gov. Rick Snyder after the crushing defeat of Proposal 1 on May 5, 2015
Unless of course, you are on yet another “vacation” to peddle blueberries to the Chi-Comms?
Or, maybe that’s what he wants everyone to believe.
{More below}
Speaker Kevin Cotter's antics in Lansing may reveal an underhanded effort to raise taxes.
Michigan House speaker Kevin Cotter is turning out to be a real turd in the punch bowl.
Personal ‘Impropriety,’ and the lack of ‘qualifications’ are two very different things. Of course the State Constitution allows each house to determine the qualifications to occupy a seat as a representative. It ALSO allows the house under certain circumstances to (remove) “expel” sitting representatives with a two thirds majority vote.
§ 16 Legislature; officers, rules of procedure, expulsion of members.
Sec. 16.
Each house, except as otherwise provided in this constitution, shall choose its own officers and determine the rules of its proceedings, but shall not adopt any rule that will prevent a majority of the members elected thereto and serving therein from discharging a committee from the further consideration of any measure. Each house shall be the sole judge of the qualifications, elections and returns of its members, and may, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected thereto and serving therein, expel a member. The reasons for such expulsion shall be entered in the journal, with the votes and names of the members voting upon the question. No member shall be expelled a second time for the same cause.
Qualifications, elections, returns, are all specific to the elections, and the follow up is the expulsion clause.
Tho, I’m rather confident the list of insufferable losers will grow ’cause… #Cuckservatives
#Michigan Republicans endorsing @JebBush: @repdavetrott, @BrooksPatterson, @TerriLLand, ex-Sen. Spence Abraham…
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) August 19, 2015
On a happier note it is good to see that ¿Yeb? and Barracuda Betsy DeVos’ Common Core© is going over like a lead balloon.
Exit question: it appears Schuette has time to opine here, but not so much as a peep about any of this here, and here. Why is that? “Chief law enforcement,” right?
Irritating GOP 'operative' lands on the wrong side of the island.
Team Cruz has an issue with its vetting of campaign tools.
At least as far as the former GOP chair of Benzie County is concerned. Adrian Poulisse, a Cruz supporter and local chair has written a memo of concern to Cruz headquarters, and cc’d to Wendy Day (State Cruz chair) Pat Colbeck and Saul Anuzis, titled: “Dennis Lennox is no good for the Cruz Campaign” The memo starts with
“Dennis Lennox has been a divisive figure in Michigan Politics over the last half dozen years. He has been controversial since his time in college. He has manipulated his resume and has a history of malfeasance while serving as an elected official.”
And then points out a number of references to Lennox’s political activities.
Lennox has recently been given the job as a consultant to try to get the 9 delegates of Guam on-board the Cruz team. The weight of this, even on such a small island must certainly have its effect. Sometimes stupid decisions like stupid people, are a fact of life.
Poulisse made clear in the memo that it will serve as his letter of resignation if Lennox is considered “a must for the Ted Cruz team,” pointing out the likely resignation of others in the organization.
Perhaps we ask the MDOT why the May 5th question failed so badly.
The Michigan Department Of Transportation continues to ‘effectively’ use transportation monies provided by the richest state citizenry in the nation.
But a “wild party?” OK, maybe just because its usually accompanied by cookies and orange juice. And yes, as some readers might suspect, I have the sarc switch on. ‘Effective’ use of our taxpayer dollars might actually mean that we don’t have to face the crony machine kicking into full gear tomorrow. The Steudle led MDOT does indeed continue to spin its wheels and waste our resources in areas not reflected in their mission.
There is no question the good works provided by our blood letting missions will save lives, and continue to provide our hospitals with the perishable commodity that we all share. Indeed we have need for those organizations who will accommodate blood drive efforts, and we hope those needs will be met.
However, it is neither the mission or responsibility of the Michigan Department of Transportation to manage,, aid, provide assistance, or promote such efforts. Yet they think it is:
August 17, 2015 — The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) encourages state employees and the general public to give the gift of life by donating blood at the Ishpeming Transportation Service Center (TSC) Aug. 26.
The Upper Peninsula Regional Blood Center will have its mobile collection vehicle at the facility from noon to 2 p.m. The TSC is located at 100 S. Westwood Drive in Ishpeming.
“Making the decision to donate blood can save lives, it’s really just that simple,” said Harmony Michaud, the MDOT employee coordinating the event. “We sometimes take for granted that there will always be blood readily available in an emergency, but what if no one donated? It only takes 10 minutes to donate and it could help save a family member or friend – or someone else’s family member or friend. There are a lot of people who need long-term treatments and donated blood is their lifeline.”
Harmony’s paycheck is from the state (taxpayers), not the UP Regional Blood Center.
Perhaps her time might be best spent filling out the warranty orders?
Policy Changes:
Making MDOT accountable.
What good are road warranties, if you won’t enforce the ones you have already?
Given that literally MILLIONS were wasted when it was recently reported that MDOT let road warranties expire without any action being taken, legislation should be implemented to hold those accountable. No one would tolerate an employee who simply walked off in million in Michigan Taxpayers money, so why should hiding under the guise of being an appointed official and not doing the job you were hired to do, be any different?
Some things are hard to change, yes?
Some folks expect action to fund more of the same to happen this week.
Two apostles can teach us much about handling a current scandal.
For a little over a week now, we’ve been . . . treated . . . to a bit of a media circus revolving around a couple of tea party legislators in the Republican House Caucus in Lansing. Predictably, there has been much hand-wringing and calling for heads coming from key figures within the statewide republican establishment. Also predictably, there has been much hand-wringing and calling for heads from within the statewide tea party movement.
I say “also predictably” because many of the high profile tea partiers in this state have developed a habit of happily piling on any politicos from “our side” who screw up publicly. Given the way that these people are finding fault with every single republican POTUS candidate for 2016, I suspect that Jesus Christ himself could be on the ballot, and two out of every three tea partiers in Michigan would still figure out a reason to crucify him. Speaking of which . . .
A little unique perspective can be very helpful.
I don’t think any of you need to be told what to think, but it is not hard to imagine that many (like myself), like to hear other well reasoned opinions about the more difficult topics of the day. Occasionally, we might even have an epiphany. So when Isabelle Terry wrote with the following:
There is a saying in Lansing: What happens in Lansing after 5 PM stays in Lansing.
It is a small suburb of Vegas in the debauchery sense.
Deals over taxpayer money suddenly turn to deals over acts of heterosexual sex, homosexual sex (likely more rampant than the heterosexual sex judging by the huge numbers of effeminate men romping around the MIGOP) and drugs use. The politicos are sluts in money, power, and physical highs.
Players play, secrets are kept.
That is… unless you are speaking the truth.