
Arlan Meekhof needs to go and pound sand!

I cannot help but wonder if Sen Meekhof was ever given a copy of the MIGOP "Principles"?

“The senate passed a road funding plan this summer.  The senate plan prioritizes state spending, generates new revenue for a long-term solution and returns tax dollars to hardworking taxpayers. ” – Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof (October 20, 2015).

Is it just me, or does that highlighted part of his quote contradict itself?

I’m going to keep this one short today.

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Schuette’s Circle

Well, this is rather embarrassing for the RNC/GOPe, that is, if they had any shame.

Yep, that’s what Bill endorses but, like all other Cuckservatives, ‘ol Hinky Bill is just doing what those who hold the strings tell them to do.

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The Nerd’s Potholed Pathway to Indentured Posterity

Because we all know exactly how much Higher Ed matters.

Are you understanding it, yet?

Bonus. We all now know what the jagoff on the right in the photo above collects a taxpayer funded paycheck for.

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Act 7 Epilogue, Or Act 1 of the Sequel?

New Poll: Peabody Up, Courser Tied For Third in Historic Special Election

You may remember that, a few days ago, I had made reference to the Courser-Gamrat saga – at least from the perspective of Todd A. Courser – playing out very much like a classic six-act Shakespearean-style tragedy, in which the catastrophic resolution for TAC was the modern “ritual suicide” of a Nixonian-style resignation, right as it became obvious that republican leadership in the State House had finally brokered a deal with democrat leadership to tally the votes necessary to expel him from their membership. I also mentioned that, unlike the theatre, real life doesn’t end with the final curtain, as we saw play out a mere week later. To quote Brian Began from an Inside Michigan Politics press release from last Friday:

“Much like the residents of Elm Street and the campers at Crystal Lake, the Lapeer County Courser monster just won’t go away. It’s the sequel nobody wanted, and it’s coming to a ballot box near you this November,” said Brian Began, Elections & Research Director of Grassroots Midwest. “This is not a conventional primary, but a 30-day sprint. Courser has a steep climb, but should he convince enough of his allies to support him in November, Republicans could again be dealing with a nightmare scenario.”

So, instead of Romeus Montague, Began believes that we may rather be dealing with Freddy Krueger . . . yikes. Popcorn, anyone?

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They’re Looking at Plundering Your Wallets… Again

Here comes your fuel tax and fee hikes.

Both sides, along with Gov. Rick Snyder, generally agree on the need for $1.2 billion a year in additional road funding, but they’ll need 54 votes to get it done. Cotter’s willingness to at least consider $800 million in new revenue likely increases the odds of a deal.

SnyderCalley“For me, it’s not just about the proportion — how much is new revenue and how much is general fund — but all the other details that go into making up a package,” Cotter, R-Mt. Pleasant, said Thursday. “I want to see what are the forms of new revenue, where’s it coming from and to what degree, but then also what other pieces of the package exist.”

The governor and legislative leaders from both sides of the aisle have been meeting regularly – twice in each of the past two weeks, according to Snyder — in hopes of reaching an agreement they all can live with.

“The lieutenant governor and I, I think it’s fair to say we both think there’s been a lot of progress in these meetings,” Snyder said last week. “Issues are coming up [indeed], we’re having a healthy discussion and people are trying to be good problem solvers. People are trying to come to a good solution.”

Cotter said he thinks they’re “very close” to a deal, but he also acknowledged he’s said that before.

“I’ve been saying for some time now that I’d like to get this to the floor in October, and I think we’re on a good pace to do that,” he said.

More unaccountable government and thievery HERE

Where’s the “future budget pressures” mentioned within the article?

That’s easy – Snydercaid Expansion. Remember that crap? Yep, those chickens are already coming home to roost.

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He really must not be looking very hard!

Don't bother me. I'm letting people think that I know what I'm doing.

Don’t bother me. I’m letting people think that I know what I’m doing.


When he’s not busy assuaging his troubled conscience with other people’s money or letting terrorists into Michigan for the very same reason, Gov. Rick Snyder (along with his BFF’s Lil’ Guv Calley, Sen. Meekhof and apparently Speaker Cotter) are still working diligently behind the scenes to shake down Michigan Motorists and businesses to fix the perpetual joke that is Michigan Roads.

I should stress how important the latter is, because the guv’s crew often “forgets”  that goods actually get onto those shelves at your local store via truck…not some transporter beam from Star Trek or magical fairies daintily waving their wands.

I also shouldn’t need to remind anyone here of Basic Econ 101, where my boss isn’t going to eat the cost of higher fees & taxes Gov. Snyder & Co. will eagerly impose on him. He (and I’ll venture a guess every other business as well) will pass most, if not all, of that cost along to you.

Just something to keep in mind the next time you run out to your local store for anything.

So where is MDOT flushing more of your hard-earned road funding down the toilet this week?

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