I cannot help but wonder if Sen Meekhof was ever given a copy of the MIGOP "Principles"?
“The senate passed a road funding plan this summer. The senate plan prioritizes state spending, generates new revenue for a long-term solution and returns tax dollars to hardworking taxpayers. ” – Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof (October 20, 2015).
Is it just me, or does that highlighted part of his quote contradict itself?
I’m going to keep this one short today.
{Click below to read more}
Despite having a mud-hole stomped into his last ill-conceived tax hike back in May, Sen. Meekhof along with the rest of that wacky bunch of “Quadrant Leadership” is at it again; feigning exasperation while trying to drum up support for a tax hike that a.) we don’t actually need, and b.) no one actually wants.
Oh, sure! Lansing can magically “find” over $700-million to reward the epic failure in the leadership of the Detroit Public Schools.
Over $7-million to hook a pipeline into the DWSD (which wasn’t really the cause of the problem in the first place).
But, Heaven forbid! Don’t take too much out of the general fund. We have priorities that aren’t in sync with Michigan Taxpayers which needs protecting!
The word on the street is that there are two groups who are mucking up the “Quadrant Leaders” machinations: Conservative Republicans (who are opposing this on principle) and the entire House democratic caucus (who are fearful of turning off the spigot to their favorite entitlement block).
Setting spending priorities like everyone else has been doing for over a decade in Michigan is an anathema to those “leaders” up in Lansing.
That being said, now would be a good time to contact your elected officials in Lansing (here) and (here) and “remind” them that the results of the Proposal 1 Ballot was pretty unambiguous.
If your official is one of those standing firm, be sure to thank them for standing on principle.
Stay tuned…

Meekhof and Snyder are demanding new money because they know that there is a $ 2 billion hit to the General Fund looming in 2017 to cover the Medicaid expansion. Over and above the hit coming from the latest reorganization of DPS corruption.
Our lying, incompetent Governor sold Medicaid expansion to the public during 2013 as a way to tap into free Federal money:
He figured only 320,000 would sign up and the long term consequences would be trivial on Michigan's budget. Not so. Over 800,000 have signed up and the State of Michigan has a crushing debit to the General Fund looming in 2017 when the State has to start contributing 10% of the cost. Something in the vicinity of $ 2 billion. And it only gets worse as the years progress.
This is why RINO Rick and his shills are insisting on 'new money' for the roads and vigorously pursuing 'sentencing reform' and 'presumptive parole' to empty out Michigan's prisons. They have to free up $ 2 billion in General Fund money to pay for our Governor's past lies, which will come due before he leaves office. Before Meekhof becomes Governor - at least according to Meekhof's plan.
A post in and of itself.
But WAIT!! There is More!!:
Slashing the human services budget perhaps? Riiiiight..
"Before Meekhof becomes Governor - at least according to Meekhof's plan."
There is a very colorful expression one of my co-workers likes to use about wishing in one hand and doing something else in another (which I won't specifically mention here... but I'm sure that people know where I'm going at with) whenever I hear about Meekhof's plans after he gets termed out.
And some people complain that Term Limits are not a good thing.
Between Lil' guv Calley, our bird-dog AG (who occasionally "misses" the important things more often than not) and The Queen of Pork Candy Miller herself (who is only a paper candidate and I have no idea why she is stringing people along into thinking that she will enter a race that she can lose...something she has never done throughout her political career), the '18 Gubernatorial race is shaping up to be a little more difficult than he originally thought.
And then there is our local resident egomaniac, Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel himself, whom the local d-machine would just love to ship off to Lansing in order to get him out of their hair. That PUMA nonsense aside, I shouldn't have to remind everyone that the d's have no problem rallying around one candidate when push comes to shove.
After that contest, Meekhof's run for the corner office in the Romney Building won't be as easy as he first thought.
Well, there is always MARVIN...
"This is why RINO Rick and his shills are insisting on 'new money' for the roads and vigorously pursuing 'sentencing reform' and 'presumptive parole' to empty out Michigan's prisons. They have to free up $ 2 billion in General Fund money to pay for our Governor's past lies, which will come due before he leaves office. Before Meekhof becomes Governor - at least according to Meekhof's plan."
Yep. Don't you know that unleashing Dontavius and Damonte onto an unsuspecting public won't cause ANY problems whatsoever? That's what Michigan cuck mouthpiece Nolan Finley is rushing to tell us. What he forgot to mention is the cucks won't be bothered in their gated Ann Arbor/Bloomfield Hills communities. The rest of us? Well, we all need to do our part for diversity and helping the cucks make friends and their cocktail soirees.