
Lively – Beware The Trap

Scott Lively on race and the mechanisms used to divide us.

Scott Lively is a guy who in his own right can split a room down the middle, depending where one is at.  However, his words are most often thoughtful and well considered.

But he warns those in the MAGA movement about those who vindicate arguments made against them. Popular figures who draw attention to themselves as representatives of a movement but can do more harm than good in the end.  He points out the way in which the ‘elite’s’ have positioned themselves to politically profit from divisiveness based on race.

In his most recent writing that I received by email (and you can see here), he discusses the way in which MAGA folks can be manipulated and polarized. Those of you who find their family members going off the rails (no matter which side of the argument) might look deeper to find that their (or your) arguments might be a little antagonistic and possibly fomented through hyperbole.

His concluding thoughts:

” .. What most bothered me was that Fuentes was literally and blatantly vindicating the accusations of the left against the MAGA movement, and that struck me as intentional, and thus Obiden-orchestrated. That hypothesis and the whiff of a potential homoerotic undercurrent in Fuentes’ network was partially vindicated in the recent (joint venture?) sabotage of President Trump by self-declared “ex-gay” (but still “gay” acting) Milo Yiannopoulos, using Fuentes and Kanye West as either allies or props.

Thankfully, Fuentes was only a small sideshow in the wild carnival atmosphere on 12/12, where tens of thousands of MAGA faithful from every conceivable constituency flowed and swirled like white-water rapids around both the several officially planned and the many spontaneous mini-rallies all over the Washington Mall and its environs – none of which echoed Fuentes’ themes (except a suspicious-seeming speech-maker at the Proud Boys stage the members there didn’t seem to know).

My point here is that the MAGA faithful need to carefully guard ourselves against the temptation to join the “right-wing” polar extreme that is characterized by blaming “the Jews” or “the blacks” collectively as the problem because that is just another “Whitmer trap” of the elites – used to justify the violence and cancel culture of the left, and to prevent the empowering unification of the conservative/populist Jews, blacks and whites against the elites themselves. ..”

The entire article can be read here:

Nick Fuentes and the elites’ manufacturing of white resentment

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China Taps Governor Gretchen Whitmer To Lead Lockdown Enforcement

Looking good in gray.

The ‘Bee’ nails it.

“BEIJING — This week, dozens of Chinese citizens died after the Chinese Communist Party welded their apartment doors shut and a fire broke out in the building, sparking protests. China has doubled down on its “Zero COVID” policy, however, and has tapped Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to lead its COVID lockdown enforcement measures.

“Michigan’s lockdowns were wonderfully effective in slowing the spread of COVID as well as freedom,” said a Chinese Communist Party spokesman in a statement. “Our shared values with Whitmer, who we have affectionately dubbed the ‘Ice Queen’, make her the ideal candidate to lockdown our citizens under brutal totalitarian rule.”

“Frankly, this woman is a pro.” ..”

Read the rest at the Bee: https://babylonbee.com/news/china-taps-governor-gretchen-whitmer-to-lead-lockdown-enforcement

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And When It’s Over

Leadership matters.

God willing, the gerrymandering nonsense by team Benson (non partisan my ass) will have failed in the 2020 elections.

Anyone voting for Democrats is literally by definition ..insane. Don’t think so? Try this – Insanity:

  • Severe mental illness or derangement.
  • Unsoundness of mind sufficient to render a person unfit to maintain a contractual or other legal relationship or sufficient to warrant commitment to a mental health facility.
  • Incapacity to form the criminal intent necessary for legal responsibility, as when a mental disorder prevents a person from knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Having said that.. Anyone voting for Republicans need to keep an eye on them as well. When our enemies in power hurt us, we expect it, but when our friends fail to defend us when given the opportunity and mandate, it hurts even more.

In the end, the gatekeepers of craziness can mean very much to us. To that end, what the Executive Director of Great Lakes Gun Rights Brenden Boudreau says is very true. (follow below)

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