
Not a Gadsden to be Found

Living in Michigan, is one step closer to getting a whole helluva lot more expensive.

A House committee on Wednesday voted to permanently shift money from Michigan’s general fund to transportation spending. Another panel approved legislation bringing the diesel tax in line with the gasoline tax and taxing fuels on price instead of a flat per-gallon basis.

Fuel taxes would grow with inflation.

The $450 million is just a third of what Gov. Rick Snyder says is needed to bring Michigan roads up to par. Michigan’s gasoline taxes are among the country’s highest while its per-capita road spending is among the lowest because the sales tax on fuel primarily goes to non-transportation funding.

Then, there’s the 900% increase on business.two-headed-snake

Permits for oversized and overweight trucks would jump to $500 under House Bill 5452, as amended and advanced by the transportation committee. Overweight permits currently cost $50 for a single trip or $100 for multiples. The original bill would have doubled those fees, but Rep. David Rutledge (D-Ypsilanti) won an amendment to raise the rates even higher.

MDOT gets to run further amok entering into agreements, too. Sure is a winning stratagem all them TEA folk have chosen with allowing the bastards to run wild simply because the Majority in Lansing has an “R” after its last name.

Out of sight, out of mind.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(1)

Who Is The REAL ‘Hate Group?’

Anyone Who Disagrees With These Folks Is A Hate Group.

Its tough to stand for decency, rule of law, the constitution, and traditional values any more.

Its bad enough that the SPLC has been presented as a legitimate decider of who is a hate group, and who is not.  Its hard to argue with their designations when listing supremacy groups (Neo-Nazis and Islamist organizations), but when calling traditionalists hate based?

Political correctness, driven by an emotional need to have a certain group’s behavior unconditionally accepted, has placed those who desire a safe, moral and aesthetically appropriate social environment in a bad light. Media driven values degradation has produced a new class of minority, and if you disagree, or are a practicing Christian, you must be a hate filled bigot.

Traverse City Family members have stood out in the cold, put up with physical assaults by those who disagree with their message, and have yet to hurt, maim, or intimidate any single person because of color, creed, their behavioral orientation, or gender.  This group  provides literature to help folks escape the trap of homosexuality, and produces educational videos designed to encourage more wholesome choices.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(3)

Speaking of Deadwood

Go HERE, listen to this bizarre-o-land “Mike & Mike” smear job performed on Rep. Tom McMillin.

These rank-and-file Party apparatchik politicians never meeting a seat at the taxpayer trough they don’t like just make my skin crawl, anymore. Bishop actually passed the buck on the largest tax hike in the history of this state (not to mention also allowing the vote on the smoking ban), stammers around on the pension tax vote, endorses the Nerd’s performance of expanding SnyderCaid welfare, DRIC bridge, and Income Tax hike, all the while sitting there rubbing elbows with this jagoff that voted to fund Obamacare, and further crap like the Patriot Act, and CISPA. Ya, right, as if Rogers is all about national security? Despicable beyond “embarrassment”.

Mr. Wu, what says you about Bishop, and Rogers?

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(1)

Sunday RightMi Reader

Blogging Around The Geat State Of Michigan On State Local And National Issues

logo-sphereMIRS Weekly Report – Primary challenges emerge for 19 GOP incumbents Yours truly quoted with one of our favorite lines.

Grassroots In Michigan – Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes! Clearly Joan has had enough of that. The transportation bills seem to promise more taxes. And under a ‘Republican’ administration, no less.

Motor City Times TWOFER! – Robin Hood Tax: Another bad European idea that will find its way here Minimum wages are too low, right? AND Regional blackouts coming to an electrical outlet near you starting in 2015 Driving home the point that the EPA is a thing that must be removed .. like yesterday.

Michigan Taxes Too Much – ICY Michigan Just because there was a lot of ice this year.

The Shekel – Several articles on a recently attended NRA convention Quite complete with pictures and seminar reports.

Wayne County Taxpayers – Contacts in All 83 Counties are Now a Reality for Part Time Legislature Petitions If you need some petitions, we’ll get em to you.

Watchdog Wire – OPINION: Sports Media Scrutinize Richard DeVos’ Views on Traditional Marriage Thanks Izzy! This is just really good on a number of levels.  I’ll leave it to the reader to figure out why.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

How Can Rich Perlberg Walk Straight?

Obama supporter thinks he can prevail in Michigan's 42nd district Republican Primary.


And man parts the size of watermelons.

That is the only way I can describe one of the ‘Republican’ candidates in Michigan’s 42nd district State Representative race. The former general manager of the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus entered into the four way Republican primary April 11, and apparently offers himself up as the RINO candidate.  (sorry Kevin, this one sticks)

And other Republican In Name Only candidates could only be jealous of the nerve Rich Perlberg has demonstrated in calling such a socialist standard as Barack Obama, a good choice for conservatives.  Jennifer Hensley documents the history of editorials from the Press & Argus including doozies like this endorsement:

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(2)

Set Up To Fail

Michigan Paid Up Only 55% Of Enrolled in ACA

healthThe number of paid enrollment across the country is bad enough but in Michigan only about half have opened their wallets.

Michigan’s number is less than the 67% national percentage of enrolled + paid ACA participants in the federal exchanges.  (note the 67% may change soon as Oregon joins the federal program, currently with 0 participants) That 67% figure undermines the 8 million number that the administration says are signed up, resulting in just over 5 million to date having signed up and paid.

In Michigan only 55% of enrollees in the ACA have opened their wallets. And along with those 55%, there are some other numbers that stand out; Of the under 18 year olds, only 6% are enrolled and paid, the 18-25 year olds only 10%. Given that the plan to fund the ACA was with these healthy young specimens paying their fair share up front, this is going to pose a little problem for ongoing operation of this scam. Heck, even the 26-35 demographic has only a 17% E & P.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Amash V Ellis Money Quote

ellisThere is very little you need to know about Brian Ellis

Ellis who is challenging constitutional Republican incumbent Justin Amash in the third congressional district race holds little support from any grass roots.  Ellis’ primary financing is from himself and Washington lobbyists, with less than 3% coming from small donors.

But the real kicker is what the former Granholm appointee and Michigan strategic fund huckster says openly.  From the Washington Examiner:

Ellis also has no patience for Amash’s insistence on abstract ideas like the Constitution and liberty. “He’s got his explanations for why he’s voted,” the Weekly Standard quoted Ellis saying, “but I don’t really care. I’m a businessman. I look at the bottom line.”

Oh.  How nice.

Though we’ve probably reported on this before, its good to have a reminder there are still plenty of RINOs to go around.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ready to play ball now, Heartwell?

Readers of Right Michigan are probably keenly aware of George Heartwell’s flagrant disregard for state law and the 2nd Amendment.

The city of Grand Rapids (and now the City of Jackson as well) is getting taken to task in the Western District (the Jackson case is being handled in the Eastern District) for promoting policies, customs, and ordinances that are illegal under state statute (MCL 123.1101 – 123.1105).

The unfortunate thing about this is that unlike TCAPS, the taxpayers are probably going to be on the hook.

Well, that may change.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(2)

AFP Begins Obamacare Punishment Regimen

Watch for sweaty brows.

afpmiLansing’s legislators who sold their souls during the Medicaid expansion trick are already learning of the failure (job losses, hospital staff reductions, false savings) that they enacted in Michigan by embracing the Obamacare mandate.  Unheeded warnings by activists, REAL economists, and a history of failure by government resulted in a number of Representatives, and Senators expanding welfare through healthcare, and accepting a few shekels from the most tyrannical US federal bureaucracy ever.

And now its time for them to pay the piper, and AFP has started its reminder campaign.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)