
The Sixth Circuit Court Queers The Deal For Homosexual Activists In Michigan

Appeals Court ruling will likely move the test of our constitution to the US Supreme Court.

Michigan has the RIGHT to determine its own marriage law.

In an about-damned-time move, a Federal Appeals court short circuits the freight train of moral relativism that has been messing with the hearts and minds of our nations youth and impressionable politicians.  As Fox News reports:

“The ruling concluded that states have the right to set rules for marriage.”

Indeed they do.

In fact, you can thank the court for clarifying what the US constitution has already guaranteed; That it’s none of the federal government’s business.  There is no place in the construct of our nation that allows a single judge to override the will of the people to determine their own state’s social construct. It isn’t provided for, and frankly a sanction should be forthcoming for any judge who attempts to legislate from the bench.

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You Scratch my Back, and I’ll Scratch…

Nice to see that “Screw you” Walker, hasn’t let his time in Lansing change who he is.

Capitol Confidential asked Sen. Walker what he thought the chances were that his bills would move through the Legislature this year.

BirdshredderFail“Well, we have very few session days left, but we also have the lame duck session,” Sen. Walker said. “With so few session days you really couldn’t say for sure that it would move – on the other hand, when there’s a lame duck session, you really couldn’t say for sure that it wouldn’t.”

Capitol Confidential asked Sen. Walker about a possible connection between the bills and Marty Lagina, CEO and founder of Heritage Sustainable Energy, which operates industrial wind plants in Northern Michigan.

“I’ve known Marty Lagina a long time,” Sen. Walker said. “He and I worked together on oil and gas development in the late 1970s. Marty has discussed the lawsuit situation with me. I believe this legislation might be a way to address the issue.”


This costly, dirt worshiping cult religion of Green Energy nonsense just never ends.

My guess is Howard’s inside deal for his buddy will take place right after the Nerd, and Calley plunder everyone’s wallet, yet again. Then, after that, brace yourselves for 30 by 35.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(3)

Red Ink and Bottom Lines

Are state taxpayers able to assign a dollar value on the Nerd’s $195,000,000 Grand “Bargain” for Ron? Sure we can – nerdy CPA’s haven’t cornered the market on owning “dashboards” yet – $17,330.25 per vote.

Add to this, taxpayers bankrolling the gifted $260,000,000 to the Ilitch family bringing the total to $455,000,000 funneled into Detroit, on just those two items alone, then it becomes – $40,437.26 per vote.

Source, or click on image to enlarge.

So, what does Thomas Adams, director of operations for the Rick Snyder campaign in Detroit, have to say? “I’m a Democrat.”

Says it all.

Congratulations, Boobus Michiganderus.

You Betcha! (43)Nuh Uh.(1)

Say NO to Al Psholka

A Conservatively Strong GOP house needs a true Republican leader.

A message from your conscience.

PLEASE consider talking to your newly elected rep about one of the most important decisions he/she will make very soon.  The Hastert rule being ignored brought us medicaid expansion, and will cost us more in gas taxes very soon.  From a Facebook post:

After the shellacking of the Dem Progressive agenda yesterday, it is time for the MIGOP to wake up and change direction. They need to realize that they dodged the bullet and rode the wave of Anti Democrat voter sentiment, NOT a wave of Pro Republican Sentiment.

The MI House republicans could start by electing a new House leader that will not be a rubber stamp for the Guvnerds’ agenda. Rumor is that many of the House Republican caucus want a chance to vote on the Hastert rule. I would challenge Cotter to make a Few Points into a Platform that would Garner him support from many of the incumbents and from most of the Newly minted Freshman.

1. Promise to allow the Caucus to vote on adopting the Hastert rule.
2. Promise to allow Tom Hooker’s heartbeat bill to be put on the floor.
3. Promise to allow ALAC (Rep. Tom Hooker again) to be put on the floor.
4. Promise to not allow Elliot Larsen, and other Legislation that does not have Majority Republican support to see the light of day.

We already face too much danger from the Lame Duck session. We can expect many of those term limited out, Jase Bolger, randy Randy Richardville, Haveman, and others seeking future appointments and Government job opportunities, to attempt to curry favor with the Guvnerd, and special interests.

A strong stand now would garner support, and help place those currently seated on notice that Business as usual will not be part of the agenda after Jan 1.

Call your newly elected Rep and tell them to support Kevin Cotter for speaker.


You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(4)

Witch Doctor

Witch doctor
(among tribal peoples) a magician credited with powers of healing, divination, and protection against the magic of others.

It’s no secret to loyal RightMi.com readers that I have little use for, Rep. Dan “Enough is Enough” Benishek. You see, good ‘ol slow-talking Doctor Dan, has this history of wanting to portray himself as a “Constitutional conservative” only to vote to raise the debt ceiling, reauthorize the NDAA, and vote to fund Obamacare. That’s a “Constitutional conservative”?

Benishemp-RINOHardly, and his 1% margin over Gary McDowell, in 2012, certainly serves to highlight that CD-1 voters see Doctor Dan as a fraud who happened to be in the right place at the right time in 2010, for certain movers and shakers within the state Party’s apparatchik.

Well, upon discovery, I just happened across Doctor Dan’s new allegiance to the Progressive Country Club, or as founder Fred Upton, would like to convince us unapologetic Conservatives, his “main street partnership”. Frankly, I do not see one thing considered normal, Constitutional, nor even Conservative about its founders and their Democrat-lite mission statement.

It is though, a clear sign of how desperate Dan Benishek is to remain in office.

It’s time for Doctor Dan to be booted from the District of Corruption, and back to his private life of billing Medicaid/Medicare.

Vote your conscience tomorrow.

I am.

You Betcha! (29)Nuh Uh.(0)

Huron Valley School leaders think feelings trump State law on guns

Government officials breaking the law without care or regard

Article originally posted on Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

The Free Press today had an article about Huron Valley schools and open carry.  In the article, Huron Valley Superintendent Baker is quoted as saying:

“I am grateful he went to the building administrator and told that principal what he planned on doing in advance,” Baker said. “I’ve had multiple conversations with (the parent), he’s talked with the building administrators, and he’s been very forthright, in some regards very progressive, and I appreciate that. He didn’t just show up unannounced. But that doesn’t change the way I feel about the law.

I for one am tired of Government types making up rules that they expect us to live by, but when the rules become an inconvenience for them or their jobs, then they feel the rules can be ignored.  For people who have been paying attention for these past 200 years, this shouldn’t be something that is a surprise.

The US Constitution is supposed to be the highest law of the land.  It was designed not to restrict what people can do, but rather restrict what the people that call themselves the Government can do.  Indeed, the Constitution creates only two prohibition against individuals:

  • Don’t commit Treason
  • Slavery

The word “Constitution” has the word “constitute” as a base word.  The document was intended to be an outline of what constitutes the US Federal Government and its powers.  But as we all know, our governments (Federal, State, Local) haven’t been good at heeding their own laws — even the Constitution.

Circa 1870 Lysander Spooner wrote this of the US Constitution in his essay No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority:

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.

It should be of no surprise the people in the Government are breaking and ignoring the rules (rules that people in the Government made).  They’ve been doing it a very long time.  Like the US Constitution, Michigan’s Firearm Preemption Law has no “teeth”, no consequences for those who break it.  That is why it is so important that HB 5500 becomes law.

Sadly, it seems House Judiciary Chair, Kevin Cotter (R) has no intentions to let the bil out of committee before the end of the legislative session this December.  Given the law stalled at its first step on a long path, it’s doubtful it’ll become law this session and with this Governor.

There is an answer to the tyranny of schools like Huron Valley though.  If the State legislature won’t address the problem, Michigan Open Carry, Inc. will seek redress in court.  We are seeking to prosecute a K12 school very shortly for their violation of State firearm preemption law.  Won’t you consider helping us today with your most generous donation?

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