
2016 Michigan Republican Convention Highlights

Michigan Republican Party nominees to statewide races were selected today.

DSC_0020The Michigan Republican Party Convention in Grand Rapids selected nominees for the State Board of Education, and University spots on Saturday.

The State wide races were the primary reason for the convention, but Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and others also spoke during Friday Night caucuses as well as on Saturday about the entire ticket “from top to bottom” as being critical for all republican seat wins.  The current RINO squish Rick Snyder has yet to endorse the nominee, but has at least stopped short of endorsing the criminal Hillary Clinton as did his ideological mentor Bill Milliken.

The slate of GOP nominees selected in the full convention include:

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Liberalocks & The Three Bears

Once upon a time, there was a little Michigan Millennial Bohemian named Liberalocks.  She  went for a walk in the  suburbs near the state capitol (Okemos).  Pretty soon, she came upon a house.  She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in because she had been taught to be entitled.

At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of gluten free porridge.  Liberalocks was hungry, and without hesitation or consideration for other people’s property, tasted the porridge from the first bowl.

“This gluten free porridge is too hot!” she exclaimed. “How dare someone leave such a hazard lying around! Perhaps I call an agency about this?  There must certainly be a law!”

Then, she tasted the gluten free porridge from the second bowl.

“This porridge is too cold,” she said “It’s just not fair!  There are standards for food service in this country! And how did my dreadlocks fall into it?!”

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Rails To Fails

Rails to trails projects - Are they worth the investment?

MicDSC_4010higan, and other states have seen a change from railroad grades to walking biking trails over the last several years.

While the old industrial infrastructure is converted to ‘cool cities’ attractions, communities are being asked to pitch in for tourism, and by golly, to commit for more of that brownfield dollar abuse as well. From today’s ticker:

“The new trail route is estimated to cost $5.3 million to complete. According to TART Trails Executive Director Julie Clark, $3.6 million (or 68 percent of the construction budget) is already earmarked in brownfield funding for the project. TART will seek an $800,000 commitment from Garfield Township trustees at their 6pm meeting tonight (Tuesday), leaving an $877,000 funding gap, or the remaining 17 percent of project costs. The city could help cover those costs, and partners could also apply for state grants, which “have funded the Boardman Lake Trail since day one,” Clark said.”

Its only money right?

One commenter says:

Kudos to the City and TART. Trails are big money for cities, both in enhanced tourism and in adding value to properties. This will open up a lot of cool opportunities and add value all around Boardman Lake.

Well snap.

I guess its “big money.”

Add to this the suggestion of creating a new parks authority, it only starts there.

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This Is Why

To fight evil we must first call it out by name.

In 2007,  Congressman Pete Hoekstra told me that the Bush administration was going to call terrorist attacks “Man-Made disasters” going forward.

It was a report of incredulity. It was the first time I became aware that our federal government was not at all interested in fighting a ‘holy war,’ and was actually more concerned that any reference to Islam in a negative way would incite more violence and hostility from Muslims as such.

It was at that point, I knew we had lost a major battle in the fight against radical Islam.

Words matter, as other popular pundits note.  The failure to recognize one’s enemy can only guarantee that enemy remains invisible until it is too late.  This administration has made no attempt to reverse that policy, and has in-fact embraced it to the point that Islam Jihad has occurred on our soil several times since 2008.

No change would be expected under a 2nd Clinton administration either.  Of this we can be certain.  Hillary’s European style pandering would likely give us more Charlie Hebdo, or Paris theater style attacks.  As it is, she is calling out for more refugee settlement of radicalized Muslims in the US and IN MICHIGAN, a position that the Obama administration has been obliging.

This speech by Donald Trump should remind folks that he is not afraid to call out an evil by its name.


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Trump Rally In Dimondale Friday

Michigan remains in play for the Trump campaign.

Dimondale-TrumpUPDATE – Doors now open 2 p.m. rally begins 5 p.m.

Donald Trump will be in Dimondale on Friday for a 5 p.m. rally.

Michigan is apparently still viewed as in play, and it It will be the second visit to Michigan for Trump in the last two weeks.

Doors will open for the rally at 2 p.m.

Summit Sports and Ice Complex,
9410 Davis Highway in Dimondale.

Trump scheduling and ticket info is available here.

Do not let the media portrayal of Trump’s polling numbers fool you.

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Are Guns Next?

Expect cigarette sting operations to be in full swing in the peoples republic of Ann Arbor this winter

Got-A-SmokeOne thing that the Democrats are good at, is ‘Nanny Statism’

If in any particular form it poses a health risk, you better damned well believe it can fall under a federal mandate, state law or local ordinance.  Democrats, progressives, and big-government little-minds know what is best for you.  Even if they can hardly manage their own lives, its for your own good.

So it comes as no surprise that Ann Arbor, bastion of elitist progressive nincompoopery has decided that unless you have obtained the age of 21, you cannot buy smokes in their little Utopian safe-space paradise. From Cap-Con:

“The Ann Arbor City Council last week voted for an ordinance that will ban the sale of tobacco products to people under 21, making it the first city in Michigan to raise the legal purchasing age from 18.”

So, has Ann Arbor made the statement that its population does not mature quickly enough to make such decisions?

Next up, no recruiting by the military of anyone under 25?


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Inside Job

Just order the damned happy meal and be quiet.

Customer:     A Whopper with cheese please

BK Guy:    I think you would like the Big Mac better.

Customer:     Big Mac? Isn’t that McD’s?

BK Guy:    Yes.  They are quite good too.

Customer:     Is this BK selling Big Macs now for the McD’s next door?

BK Guy:    Oh.. Not really, but I am.  I just think that is a better choice.

Customer:     But you work here at BK?

BK Guy:    For about 60 years. Yessiree.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Milliken Resolution

As far as the Grand Traverse County GOP is concerned, Bill Milliken isn't recognized as a Republican

Every couple of years, Former Michigan governor William Grawn Milliken trots out his endorsements for Democrat candidates.

While endorsements are a part of the political process, it is always noted that this has been by a ‘Republican’ who “is crossing party lines” to support Democrats.  Often enough it has been against incumbent Republicans, and is used in the press to promote disunity within the party.

Over the years, this has happened several times, and is consistent enough that it seemed prudent that the Republican party in his county of residence have a say in whether he is even considered to be a Republican at all.

Much in the way our nation has been beset by ‘gender confusion’, it seemed the former state executive has had a political identity crisis for some time. Supporting publicly funded abortion through the veto pen, and supporting Democrats against Republicans in critical contests not once or twice, but habitually for too many years to ignore.

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Bleakley Image aMichael J Talbot ImageAttorney Thomas H. Bleakley (P23892) has to be feeling a lot like Captain John Yossarian, the harried protagonist of Joseph Heller’s great satirical novel Catch-22. Chief Judge Michael J. Talbot of the Michigan Court of Claims dismissed Attorney Bleakley’s Helen Moore et al v. Rick Snyder [16-000153-MM] lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Legislature’s passage of the DPS bail out on August 4th, in an order published on August 8th.

The Michigan Court of Claims was moved from the Ingham County Circuit Court to the Michigan Court of Appeals by PA 164 of 2013 to:

MCL 600.6419 Court of claims; exclusive jurisdiction; exceptions; claims less than $1,000.00; powers and jurisdiction; counterclaims; res judicata; setoff, recoupment, or cross declaration; writs of execution or garnishment; judgment as final; no jurisdiction of claim for compensation under MCL 418.101 to 418.941 and MCL 419.101 to 419.104; jurisdiction of circuit court over certain actions and proceedings; “the state or any of its departments or officers” defined.

Section 6419(1)

(a) To hear and determine any claim or demand, statutory or constitutional, liquidated or unliquidated, ex contractu or ex delicto, or any demand for monetary, equitable, or declaratory relief or any demand for an extraordinary writ against the state or any of its departments or officers notwithstanding another law that confers jurisdiction of the case in the circuit court.

But, according to Judge Talbot, not the constitutional claims pleaded in Helen Moore et al v. Rick Snyder

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