Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Flint Water Quality – Michigan Taxpayers Are Going To Pay For It

Amateur Chemistry, MDEQ Lies, All Around Government Incompetence, Social Justice Warriors => Everything Goes Wrong

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Usually, when the words ‘Flint’ and ‘lead poisoning’ are used in the same sentence you get a mental image of homicides by gunshot. Likewise, in Michigan, ‘amateur’ and ‘chemistry’ conjures up images of an illegal meth lab fire. Now, however, we have allegations that the City of Flint’s amateur drinking water chemistry is causing high lead levels in children.  This story has exploded over the last week and, as usual, the ignorati in the main stream media and Michigan politics are clueless.

Flint’s emergency financial manager switched the city’s drinking water source to the Flint River in April 2014, an attempt to save the ruined city $ 30 million a year – the vigorish being extracted by the pirates at the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department. The same extortion which motivated the Detroit suburbs to create the Great Lakes Water Authority. Using river water was an intermediate step, with the ultimate goal of Flint joining the new Karegnondi Water Authority and resuming Lake Huron sourcing after the new KWA pipeline is completed in 2016.

Unfortunately, Emergency Financial Manager Ed Kurtz did not realize that river water would require much different preparation than the Lake Huron water they had been supplied by DW&SD. He rose in life as the leader of a business school, not as a chemist. It doesn’t appear that Flint Water Treatment Plant’s staff water chemists had a clue, either. Comments made by Governor Snyder at the presser for his Supreme Court nominee Joan Larsen suggest he was neck deep in this decision and also completely oblivious to the technical issues.

Flint residents protested immediately, complaining of poor taste, foul odors, and turbidity (lack of clarity). Much of this unrest was part of a long term drive to oust the emergency financial manager running Flint, the paramount goal of the city’s social justice warriors. It didn’t help that Ed Kurtz raised water rates about 50%, emulating DW&SD’s obscene fees on top of maximum taxes piracy. Public outrage has increased in Flint ever since. Genesee Circuit Court Judge Archie Hayman enjoined Flint’s water rate hike, throwing Flint’s finances back into disorder. Since Judge Haymen’s order was left in place by the Appeals Court and went into effect, Flint water collections have dropped by $ 1.75 million a month.

In all fairness to EFM Kurtz, part of his rate increase was intended to replenish $ 15.7 million which had been transferred from the Flint water fund in 2007 to pay a sewerage overflow settlement. However this entire situation was almost certainly an attempt to quickly balance Flint’s books and wrap up emergency financial management. Lansing was certainly sweating EFM Kurtz to conclude Flint’s restoration in order to shut down the social justice warriors before our 2014 election.

So what is happening here, technically? Will Detroit water fix Flint’s problems? (Hint: No)

You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(3)

He really must not be looking very hard!

Don't bother me. I'm letting people think that I know what I'm doing.

Don’t bother me. I’m letting people think that I know what I’m doing.


When he’s not busy assuaging his troubled conscience with other people’s money or letting terrorists into Michigan for the very same reason, Gov. Rick Snyder (along with his BFF’s Lil’ Guv Calley, Sen. Meekhof and apparently Speaker Cotter) are still working diligently behind the scenes to shake down Michigan Motorists and businesses to fix the perpetual joke that is Michigan Roads.

I should stress how important the latter is, because the guv’s crew often “forgets”  that goods actually get onto those shelves at your local store via truck…not some transporter beam from Star Trek or magical fairies daintily waving their wands.

I also shouldn’t need to remind anyone here of Basic Econ 101, where my boss isn’t going to eat the cost of higher fees & taxes Gov. Snyder & Co. will eagerly impose on him. He (and I’ll venture a guess every other business as well) will pass most, if not all, of that cost along to you.

Just something to keep in mind the next time you run out to your local store for anything.

So where is MDOT flushing more of your hard-earned road funding down the toilet this week?

{Continued below the fold}

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Just STOP Already!

Government simply has no idea when its time to quit tampering.

sexy2In a move to further justify the existence of the MEDC, there is yet another mechanism to interfere with your life

Yes “your life,” through your community, tampering with local politics, issues and governance.  The increasingly progressive left ‘Republican’ governor Rick Snyder has once again created a new ‘tool’ for communities to manage job creation and success. Usurping the GOP theme of lifting all boats to sell big government, the die is set for more interference.

“We can collaborate with communities to help develop the tools to advance a strong economic vision and create new career opportunities for residents,” Snyder said. “This program will help economically challenged communities be better positioned for redevelopment opportunities. “

The new effort, known as Rising Tide, is sponsored by the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development and will provide communities with the tools they need to design and build a solid planning, zoning and economic development foundation to attract new businesses and help existing employers to grow.

“As the saying goes, a Rising Tide lifts all boats,” said Steve Arwood, TED Director and Michigan Economic Development Corporation CEO. “Through this initiative, the TED team will work closely with local leaders as they create vibrant and thriving communities across Michigan.”

And if there isn’t a ring of familiarity to this, you may not have been watching your local government create those helpful little ‘authorities’ which rob your township and municipal treasuries under the auspices of creating value.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

Ain’t No Learnin’ in the Fifth Kick of a Mule

The Horrendous Campaign Finance Mess of Another Republican Candidate for the 80th House District Seat

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This is, without a doubt, the single most convoluted political mess I have ever encountered.

Allegan County Commissioner James M. Storey was one of the first to announce for the special election in the 80th District of the Michigan House of Representatives and one of the last to file. Just before he actually filed, several media stories explained that Mr. Storey was late to file because he discovered outstanding fines against his campaign committee assessed by the Secretary of State. Mr. Storey “discovered a forgotten 33-year-old open campaign account with the Michigan Secretary of State’s office stemming from Storey’s failed 1982 state House bid to represent the eastern UP.”

Mr. Story “said he agreed to amend the reports for that committee and pay a $2,500 fine to the Secretary of State as a result.” His actual predicament is far more recent than his statements suggest and his old ‘Jim Storey for State Representative’ committee still exists and still is noncompliant with Michigan election finance law.

Mr. Storey’s unextinguished State Representative committee did indeed incur an initial $ 25 fine for failing to file its 1998 annual statement (covering 1997) which eventually grew to $ 1,000 in 2001 when it was finally paid. This may have occurred because Mr. Storey moved from Saginaw to his present Holland residence during this time frame. He might not have filed an address change with the Secretary of State and missed their notices. Understandable, but expensive.

However, he filed his committee’s 1999 statement (covering 1998) on time from his current Holland residence, but then failed to file his 2000 statement (covering 1999). Somehow the Secretary of State’s Bureau of Elections overlooked this failure to file for 14 years.

Mr. Storey’s real problems with Michigan’s campaign finance law began in 2012, the year he ran for the Allegan County Commission’s 2nd District, a race which he won. He filed his 2012 annual statement (covering 2011) late, then fails to file his next four required statements until the eve of his 80th District filing.

The filing he did make with the Secretary of State in 2012 referenced 105th District state representative race.  Then on 15 September 2015 he created the ambiguous ‘Jim Story for Allegan County’, referencing his 80th District State House candidacy.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Running for Money in the 80th

An Establishment Republican Candidate Seeks Lobbyists' Love


The special election underway in Michigan’s 80th House District is a consequence of forbidden love. Now one candidate in this special election is running for the entirely legal love of Michigan’s political money class.

Michigan’s campaign finance laws do not require financial reporting by candidate committees in the November 3rd special primary until October 23rd, but three of the filed candidates have active campaign committees whose past financial statements are open for public review.

Mary P. Whiteford came in second to Cindy A. Gamrat in the 2014 regular primary election, a hotly contested four-way race. Ms. Gamrat went on to win the general election in the 80th and then got expelled from Michigan’s State House a year later – in no small part because she antagonized the Lansing political establishment.

Ms. Whiteford was clearly the establishment Republican candidate in the 2014 race. Vice Chairman of the Allegan County Republican Committee and a significant contributor to other county Republican committees and all the correct Republican establishment candidates. Ms. Gamrat, on the other hand, has a far more modest contribution record focused on Tea Party candidates.

Ms. Whiteford spent $ 87,400 in her 2014 primary effort, an unremarkable sum by Michigan State House race standards. Ms. Gamrat spent $ 54,150 in her primary victory, so there is no story here.

Both candidates’ committees were in debt at the end of the hotly contested August 2014 primary. Ms. Gamrat’s committee owed $ 7,933.47 – all to herself and members of her immediate family. Ms. Whiteford’s committee, on the other hand, owed $ 67,701.57 – all to herself.

A Year Later…..

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(5)

Smooth move there, Bonehead!

"You resigned dude! I don't know what we're doing here?"

Last night, Fox 2 Detroit aired a very interesting “Let It Rip” featuring host Huel Perkins, a VERY unusually reserved Charlie Langton (I have not seen him this quiet for so long…ever), Charlie LeDuff (who was on his “A” Game last night), and disgraced ex-Michigan Representative (and now candidate for Michigan 82nd District) Todd Courser.

The interview went much better than last week’s “Off the Record” where Tim Skubick uncharactisticly put on the kid gloves and lobbed softballs, while Chad Livengood was strangely absent from the panel.

As I alluded to above, LeDuff got in more than a few good questions for Courser (I won’t spoil them if you haven’t clicked on the link to last night’s show above).

I will save everyone some time by mentioning that the first segment is the only one featuring Courser. The “Let It Rip – On The Road” segment dealt only with the made-up Ben Carson kerfuffle from last week’s Meet the Depressed.

‘Nuff said…for now.





You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

Apparently We Need More Popcorn

Shakespearean tragedy, or phoenix rising from the ashes? At least now the voters will get the final say.

Clearly, she was serious about giving the voters in her district the final say in the matter. Just in case you’ve spent the past six days or so completely incommunicado, according to the Detroit News, WKZO-AM 590, WOOD-TV8, WXMI-TV17, the Lansing News, WWMT-TV3, the Detroit Free Press, WDIV-TV4, WXYZ-TV7, the Holland Sentinel, WZZM-TV13, and the Chicago Tribune, around 2:30 Thursday afternoon last, Cindy A. Gamrat has filed to run in the special election for the seat she was expelled from a week ago, as confirmed by the Allegan County Clerk’s Office. (Ironically, Chad Livengood got to be the one to break this story as well.) The joint opinion of the Grand Rapids Press and Kalamazoo Gazette editorial boards, whose newspaper coverage areas include the 80th District, was short and on point, but not necessarily shared by all of their readers.

Popcorn, anyone?

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(5)

How It begins

Michigan school districts have more than a few tricks up their sleeves.

Or maybe how it might end?

What we see in proposed legislation by Michigan State Senator Darwin Booher is a natural extension of what happens to a legislator’s mind in Lansing.  Senate bill 481 attempts to modify the “Recreational authorities act;” 2000 PA 321, so that school districts can then create their own ‘authority,’ build facilities, and hit the taxpayers for up to a mil with yet another creative tool of extortion.

Why would school’s need such a thing you ask? Why would a school district want, or need to create a new agency that can generate new  revenue for pools, entertainment complexes, sports venues, etc?

Hilarious question, right? However, as has been pointed out before, the formula (post proposal A) has changed.  Very much.

“Underneath the perceived troubles in funding public education is an emerging reality. Because of the nature of taxpayer funding, and the struggle for local school districts to grab their ‘fair share’ of Michigan’s education budget pie, expenses that were once built into operating budgets are now separated from them, and allowed to be levied through millage requests. These building fund requests allow for purchase of new infrastructure, equipment, and maintenance.

Unfortunately, once the funding had begun in this direction, it quickly became a running operative mechanism that allowed all manner of abuse to begin. Routine maintenance became the recipient of improvement monies, and improvement requests increased to fund facilities that went beyond necessary functionality. The latest request including a component that would have built a $26.5 million performing arts facility. (including all aspects of construction) The proposal for a declining student population at a cost of was easily declined by voters.”

All of what used to be covered under simple operations cost, has been partitioned into new funding paradigms.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Bi-Annual Reminder

Mackinac Island is always with great views, great fudge, and unforgettable politics.

As the Mackinac Island conference winds itself up, and the “drank” is consumed, we give our salute to the finest of the finest.

Six years ago, we witnessed the stunning display of so many of the ‘millennial’ generation.  When Cash was tossed around to get slick Rick some name recognition.  And a guy who for the price of a ‘drank’ and paid lodging, was willing to parade around in a free bright neon t-shirt with a Bill Schuette sticker.

The resulting hilarity is classic.

Indeed we are all laughing now.  Nothing is so funny, as expanded medicaid,  higher road taxes, reinventing ‘cool city’ utopias, a Granholm bridge, bigger and better authorities, Detroit bailouts, and payouts to crony friends.

And nothing so completely knee-slapping as a reinvention of the color green.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Glad To See The Free Press Still Reads RightMi.com

Sometimes it just takes the 'B' Team to get the conversation going.

SnydercaidA shame however that they still don’t quite understand why we are ‘right.’

We have pointed out consistently why the ACA was a bad deal.  We have pointed out correctly why Michigan should never have engaged on the self destruct that is ‘Healthy Michigan’ And just the other day we pointed out with reliable and credible sources that our predictions have been spot on.

But knowing there is a problem and correctly identifying it are two different things. We have on multiple occasions offered an accurate ‘why’ of what is going to happen.

Its what we do.

The Ivory Tower now sees there is a problem, yet opines that we are too afraid to pay the taxes for the problem, and that the FEAR of paying IS THE PROBLEM!

“If the Legislature doesn’t extend, and increase, a tax on insurers and some claims administrators, the state won’t be able to fund its current Medicaid programs. In 2017, the state’s costs will go up, something lawmakers have known for years and have they had sufficient time to craft a plan to cover the cost increase.”

A tax increase, or replacement is ALWAYS the solution, yes?

Its like food.  Fill the belly, and eventually there is a biological event that is unavoidable.  The beast that is government is still eating every last liberty and washing it down with the fruit of our labors. The editorial board of the Detroit Free Press bemoans “those who live by this ideology, all taxes are bad, all government is bad, and the only reason to get elected is to cut government past the point of functionality.”

Why should we be surprised that it is, and will continue to be defecating all over the taxpayers

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)