Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Trump Flash Mob locations – Updated

trump-mobSign Rally Flash Mob for TRUMP

Tuesday Aug 30th 4:00-5:30

Muskegon County: Harvey and Sternberg

Livingston County: Grand River and Orndorf, Brighton, Meijers

Macomb County:
1. 12 Mile Road and Van Dyke
2. 23 Mile and Gratiot. Meijers
3. 9 and Jefferson. Park grass lot SW corner.

Saginaw County: Trump Hdqtrs, across from Firestone on Bay Rd, next to Woodcraft store

Baraga County in the UP: M38 and M41

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Presidential Debate Crawl – Update.

So, I just wanted to take a few moments to do a quick down and dirty update for everyone on how tonight’s Presidential Debate Crawl put on by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, went in Novi.

I’m going to toss in a few additional notes on some things that I’ve observed as well as a few more upcoming events.


Yep, this MUST be the place.

{More details below the fold}

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Okay, time for some fun for a change.

My apologies for not having this up sooner, but this message originally got flagged and sent to another folder.

If anyone is in the Novi Area next Monday Night (September 26th), the Michigan Conservative Coalition will be holding a Presidential Debate Crawl @ the Emagine Theater where everyone can watch Trump beat the tar out of HRC (figuratively speaking, of course).

Doors open at 6:00pm at the Buffalo Wild Wings across the street.

At 9:00pm everyone is invited to head over the Emagine Theater and watch the debate in a larger than life venue.

Afterwards, everyone is invited to the Ihop for coffee & munchies.

All in all, it sounds like a fun event to meet and interact with fellow Conservatives from across Michigan.


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$257K Per Legislator

With all the box seats are sold out, Michigan taxpayers are all in the peanut gallery.

Money Transfer ImageFor each of the 148 State Senators, and State Representatives in Michigan, lobbyists spend about a quarter Million bucks each year.

According to Craig Mauger at the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, this year they are on track to keep it going.

Over the first seven months of 2016, January through July, lobbyists reported $21.7 million in spending, according to disclosures filed with the state at the end of August. That total, $21.7 million, is the most spent on lobbying over the first seven months of a year in Michigan’s history.

Its all innocent ..of course.

But please remember, your guy is in Lansing, and is outnumbered by trained agenda wielding operatives by a factor of 20 to 1.

Not only is there more money trying to influence Michigan’s elected officials, there are more lobbyists as well. There were 2,998 lobbyists and lobbyist agents registered in Michigan in 2015, up from the previous record of 2,959 in 2012.

And that means “20 to 1” is just the average.

But rest assured, all that money is only spent on positive outcomes, AM I RIGHT?


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Mecosta County Austin Blair Day Dinner

2016austinblairflyerMilwaukee Sheriff David Clarke will be Keynoting the Mecosta County Austin Blair Day Dinner.

Hosted by the Mecosta County Republican Party, the common sense constitutional sheriff will speak to dinner guests September 29, 2016 at the Holiday Inn in Big Rapids. Reservations and more information here.

6:30PM  Dinner (Doors open 6:00PM)
VIP Reception (100 club) 5:30PM
Holiday Inn
1005 Perry Avenue
Big rapids, MI 49307

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Define “Blown Away”

Will Michigan continue to provide unchecked investments for unworthy results?

pure-somethingI would say that yes, we were indeed “Blown away” by the abuses of our state government allowing such abuse by the taxpayer.

Pure Michigan has become the key phrase for all thing corruptible and cronyist. According to Cap Con, much of the taxpayer largess spent on economic development has yielded zero benefit. They point out:

“.. In addition, some investment groups received millions through the fund but created zero jobs and no proceeds ..”

“Investment”  ..It has a catchy ring to it, yes?

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So What About The Big M?

The 'progressive' left will leave no institutions standing when it is through.

msu-towerHas the left destroyed all of our traditions yet?

Perhaps not, though progressives cannot abide by any roadblocks to the ultimate agenda of ‘change’ toward their vision of a Utopian prison for all.  David French in The Left Is Weaponizing Sports, reminds us that it ain’t over till every institution has been destroyed, and the bonds that hold us together have been severed:

While the NCAA — as perhaps the peak representative of progressive hypocrisy and cheap virtue signaling — is an easy target, its action raises a much more significant concern. Simply put, there are not many cultural spaces remaining where Americans can meet on more or less neutral ground — where Americans of all faiths and political beliefs can meet, unite, and share a positive communal experience.

Our political polarization is but one symptom of our increasing Balkanization. When I speak, I sometimes challenge audiences to name one significant cultural force or trend that is binding Americans together, rather than pulling them apart.

The NCAA is being used as a weapon.

Which begs a great big question:Aren’t we supposed to store weapons in a safe place?”

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2016 Michigan Post-primary State House Fundraising

September 1 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature.  Here are summaries of the total amounts raised (with cash on hand) in competitive general elections for Michigan state house.  XX means the report has yet to be filed.

17. (Safe D) (R) Bellino 43K (19K) (D) LaVoy 54K (5K)
20. (Lean R) (R) Noble 27K (10K) (D) Pubur 28K (19K)
23. (Tossup) (R) Howey 67K (37K) (D) Camilleri 62K (7K)
24. (Lean R) (R) Marino 110K (42K) (D) Peterson 75K (20K)
30. (Lean R) (R) Farrington 76K (32K) (D) Notte 46K (14K)
39. (Lean R) (R) Kesto 176K (101K) (D) Stack 6K (13K)
41. (Lean R) (R) Howrylak 84K (34K) (D) Peltonon XX
52. (Safe D) (R) Clark 15K (4K) (D) Lasinski 123K (19K)
56. (Lean R) (R) Sheppard 107K (64K) (D) Redmond 23K (10K)
57. (Tossup) (R) Kahle 88K (28K) (D) Schmidt 22K (21K)
61. (Lean R) (R) Iden 132K (82K) (D) Fisher 33K (17K)
62. (Tossup) (R) Bizon 109K (85K) (D) Haadsma 77K (47K)
64. (Lean R) (R) Alexander 104K (4K) (D) Brooks 16K (6K)
66. (Lean R) (R) Griffin 110K (50K) (D) Brown 62K (29K)
71. (Tossup) (R) Barrett 130K (77K) (D) Abed 50K (25K)
76. (Safe D) (R) O’Neill 40K (6K) (D) Brinks 70K (40K)
79. (Lean R) (R) LaSata 50K (14K) (D) Seats 9K (6K)
83. (Safe R) (R) Hernandez 49K (8K) (D) Frank 9K (4K)
85. (Lean R) (R) Frederick 126K (30K) (D) Karhoff 11K (4K)
91. (Tossup) (R) Hughes 182K (119K) (D) Lamonte 143K (103K)
97. (Safe R) (R) Wentworth 53K (14K) (D) Townsend 8K ($250)
98. (Safe R) (R) Glenn 179K (98K) (D) Malicoat XX
99. (Tossup) (R) Hauck 53K (21K) (D) Mielke 109K (70K)
101. (Tossup) (R) VandelWall 66K (52K) (D) Scripps 107K (22K)
103. (Lean R) (R) Rendon 84K (41K) (D) Stancil 31K (1K)
104. (Lean R) (R) Inman 122K (29K) (D) Coffia 35K (16K)
106. (Lean R) (R) Allor 77K (21K) (D) Kennedy 20K (3K)
108. (Tossup) (R) Lafave 41K (3K) (D) Celello 59K (21K)

I moved 83 and 97 to safe R based on these reports.

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The Movement

Statewide rallies for Trump firing it up!

DSC_0481Meshawn Maddock laid it out the best.

In a Freep article, she correctly assesses the reasons to have the micro events across the state in support of Trump and Pence. She says:

“This is an action thing, you take an hour out of our life, you don’t wait all day to hear a Trump speech,” said Meshawn Maddock, one of the organizers of the flash mob. “We came out to show people who are undecided a movement. We’re trying to show all of these people that we have hope again.”

DSC_0500She is spot on.

The typical media treatment of anything Trump is anything but reality.  Right now as these stories are going on out there, the social media trolls are hard at work attempting to diminish the positive effort made on behalf of the GOP presidential team.

Typically, each social media posting has one or two trolls who are either paid, or simply have no life.  They refuse to let any positive statement go unchallenged through ridicule and insults.  Many supporters rightly avoid the verbal melee, and opt to keep their opinions silent; the goal of such subterfuge.

Reality can rear its head with proper reporting however.

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