Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

People are wising up, we must increase the fear level another notch.

Another day, another “objective” reporter carrying the water for Gov. Witless and her unconstitutional actions.

I cannot speak for other parts of Michigan (yet), but with the notable exception of Charlie Langton, what passes for news reporting in Southeastern Michigan has long since morphed into a non-comical farce of itself.

Yesterday saw yet another protest against Michigan Government attempting to lockup everyone in order to “keep us safe”. To their credit, Channel 7 sent a crew out to cover it.

Did they start the report on why people were there? The effect that the governess’ illegal actions were having on their physical well-being or financial status? How a governor can claim authority that expired at the beginning of this month?

Nope, within the first few seconds we got this instead:

Many without masks, not social distancing, holding Trump posters and homemade signs say its personal freedoms they’re fighting for.”

Now, we have AG Karen attempting to crank things up another notch by telling us that there is an investigation into “credible threats” against state lawmakers.

No word yet on when she’ll investigate the assault against three individuals with media credentials who were doing nothing more than sitting in the House Gallery. I’m absolutely certain that is high on her “To-do” list, and she just forgotten to alert the press.

Adding fuel to the dumpster fire that is Gov. Witless’ “leadership” during the Wuhan situation, we have businesses who have taken it upon themselves to not ask for permission from her to re-open…they are simply doing it themselves.

Oh no, we cannot have that!

Not to fear, LEO’s will step in and set those ne’er-do-wells straight.

Wait, what?

“Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy isn’t convinced Whitmer’s order is legal and said he won’t enforce the order. It doesn’t matter to Gray because he said he’d stay open even if he gets fined.”

No, no,no,no,no,no!

This won’t do!

And what does “republican” Brian Calley (now Michigan Small Business Administration President), have to say about all of this?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Governor Leading The Lawless

The side effects of having an unrepentant lawbreaker as a governor.

Something occurred to me this morning.

One of the ways in which government has been able to operate at a board level is by Zoom, of some other streaming service.  The problem with this however, was the ways in which the streaming option limited the ability of those who wish to attend meetings and keep government open and transparent.

The answer was Executive Order 2020-15.  EO 2020-15 changed the requirements of having the meetings, to allowing by remote access with limited public interaction:

Acting under the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and Michigan law, I order the following:

Effective immediately and continuing until April 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm, to the extent that the Open Meetings Act, 1976 PA 267, as amended, MCL 15.261 to 15.272 (“OMA”) requires that a meeting of a public body be held in a physical place available to the general public or requires the physical presence of one or more members of a public body, strict compliance with section 3 of the OMA, MCL 15.263, is temporarily suspended in order to alleviate any such physical-place or physical-presence requirements, as follows:

Etc., and so on.. (feel free to follow through and see the conditions)

The order allows forms of electronic meetings that would not otherwise be allowed under legislative authority without the power assumed by the governor.  It essentially kept local governments ability to operate under ‘stay home’ conditions that might arise.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Out of the mouths of babes.

Short post today.

While driving around last weekend, I noticed something unexpected that I didn’t pick up on right away.

Business that were deemed “unessential”, had opened up, some with customers seen entering and exiting.

Families, some with small children were seen walking around and playing in parks.

And before people think that I’m narcing on business in Macomb County, quick reminder I drive…a lot! This didn’t take place in Macomb. ‘Nuff said there.

Yesterday afternoon, I spent some time with family and we ended walking up to the local park.

One of my younger family members had asked me about what was happening, why they were not in school and things like that.

I attempted to explain to them as simply as I could about what happens. I explained to them that people try to act as best as they can based on the information available. I also told them that when people get scared, despite the information available, they make choices which make absolutely no sense. I tried to break it down as best as I could, but despite my best attempts, I don’t think that they got it.

By that point, we had gotten to the playground and they had lost interest. We watched them for about an hour running around, and even gasp, playing with other children from that area. The other parents were not objecting.

That brought a smile to my face once the realization kicked in was occurring. People have had enough. People are not waiting for permission.

Hopefully, this is a trend that will continue to grow as the week progresses.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(1)

Well, that certainly didn’t take very long!

After getting hit with a ton of texts in the last hour, and a few nasty e-mails to boot, I’m going to need to walk back something I wrote earlier about yesterday.

At first, I didn’t even trust my friends on this because even I thought that that was too “over-the-top” to be true.

Well, I was wrong.

I’ll explain below.

{Click on that red button for more details}

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Oh, benevolent governess, will you please allow me to work?

So, by now, everyone should’ve had an opportunity to watch what passes for objective news coverage from yesterday’s rally in Lansing.
Allow me to go over what did happen, what didn’t happen, and what others would like for you to believe happened.

I even have some interesting images from the Michigan Senate Floor that didn’t quite make the “official record”.

{More below the fold}

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Rob Steele MD: “Stay at home is wrong”

Statewide Stay at Home Order is the Wrong Treatment for Michigan

The following arrived from the RNC Committeeman form Michigan Dr Rob Steele, a cardiologist, (and presumed expert.)

Note: Data from April 26 and 27

In my home state of Michigan, and around the country political battles and protests have proliferated regarding shelter in place and distancing orders. When it comes to medicine,” following the science” means following the data. Following is relevant data in Michigan and elsewhere.

Patients requiring hospitalization, ICU bed and ventilator availability have trended significantly in the right direction as have the number of positive tests. With increased testing in mildly or asymptomatic cases the newly diagnosed patients will be less sick and require fewer hospital resources and should not significantly inform the shelter in place order if numbers rise with increased testing.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Republican Schutzstaffel – Reporting for duty!

Senator Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield must be so proud of themselves.

I’m not sure how long this link will last before it gets ‘scrubbed” by Facebook.

See for yourselves.

You rights don’t apply here. Where do you think you’re at? America?


You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(2)

Gretchen Whitmer’s Instinctive Lies

A crisis can reveal a person’s true character.  One striking example of this is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.  She has a bad habit of lying about her political opponents whenever they disagree with her.  There are many examples.

1. Republicans in the Michigan senate approved several hundred appointees of Governor Whitmer without issue.  In February, they rejected the appointment of Anna Mitterling in a political dispute related to hunting rights.  The governor’s office immediately accused senate Republicans of sexism:

“Sen. Shirkey had promised to turn over a new leaf, but it’s now clear that they care more about their sexist, partisan games than the well-being of our state.”

Of course, there was no evidence of sexism, beyond the fact that Mitterling is female.  Senate Republicans rejected a male nominee soon after.

2. Early in the coronavirus crisis, Whitmer claimed that the Trump administration told vendors not to send emergency supplies to Michigan:

“What I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we had contracts are now being told not to send stuff here to Michigan. It’s really concerning.”

Whitmer never provided any evidence to support her claim.

3. When thousands of citizens drove to Lansing to protest the over-broad and irrational aspects of her lockdown policy, Whitmer implied that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was responsible for creating the protest:

“I think it’s really inappropriate for a sitting member of the United States President’s cabinet to be waging political attacks on any governor, but obviously on me here at home,”

(A group that the DeVos family has contributed to spent $250 promoting the protest after it had been organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, a grassroots group.)

4. Whitmer also claimed that protesters endangered lives by blocking ambulances from reaching a hospital:

“The blocking of cars and ambulances trying to get into Sparrow Hospital immediately endangered lives,”

Her claim was rebutted by Lansing police.

Whitmer has displayed little competence at governing in her time in office, but routinely lashes out at anyone she perceives as a political opponent.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

NO Authority

Michiganians must call Whitmer’s bluff.

The 1945 PA 302 does not grant unilateral power grab authority.  PA 390 Provided a check on her (or any governor’s) ability to extend such authority and subordinates PA302 with the addition of extension rules.

No one should adhere to her tyrannical decrees beginning May 1, unless Michigan’s legislature makes the mistake of extending her Emergency Declaration. Be strong and hold the line Michigan.

God Bless.

You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(2)