If the governor cannot abide by the law, why should anyone else?
I am not advocating for lawlessness.
But the basis under which Whitmer has crafted EO 2020-33 is not entirely within the scope of the law. PA390, the act under which certain transgressions of our daily liberties might be enacted, does have rules that the governor must follow.
Specifically, it must describe the manner under which we can be assured that the ‘disaster’ has been resolved. the order must describe the conditions under which, if met become the basis for rescinding such an order.
As you see in the actual order 2020-33, it cites PA390 and in particular the section which grants her authority to make an EO. It does not however, describe what constitutes an end to the ‘disaster’ as required by section 3.
So, is this order even legitimate?
And going beyond even this particular evidence that this governor is both power hungry and in over her head, are her edicts about movement and congregation even lawful?
You Betcha!
(15)Nuh Uh.