
How to Screw Taxpayers by Ron Weiser

Mr. Gantert, at MCC exposes more Detroit Institute of Arts deceit and treachery.

Michigan_Gang_Of_PolypsSoon after voters approved a three-county $230 million millage for the Detroit Institute of Arts, its top two officers received increases of $58,415 and $98,564 in compensation.

Graham Beal, director of the DIA, saw his total compensation increase from $455,453 in 2012 to $513,868 in 2013, a 12.8 percent increase. In two years, Beal’s total compensation has increased 20 percent from $426,699 in 2011 to the $513,868.


Like I wrote before, Because Graham Beal Wouldn’t Take a Cut In Pay. Bigger picture involving our corrupt Governerd and state legislature?

“I believe there is a possibility (albeit a small one) that there could be some state funding made available towards part of the DIA solution,” Weiser told Buckfire in an e-mail Oct. 17 after speaking with Muchmore. He added that he had been helping DIA leadership find sources of money “for a long-term payment plan” since 2007.

Weiser, who is running for a seat on the University of Michigan Board of Regents [snip]


So, “Ronald Weiser, retired ambassador to Slovakia” somehow becomes oblivious to all the corruption because he serves on the DIA Board of Directors? Bullshit!

Exit question: feeling stupid yet, Mr. Anderson?

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They Just Don’t Learn

Why does the Michigan Republican Party leadership insist on doubling down on stupid?

Unless you sit on the MIGOP Policy Committee, the only clue most of us had that this was happening was a four-sentence news brief at WKZO (590 AM, Kalamazoo) – reported nowhere else according to Frontloading HQ – published a week ago on Monday night:

March 15th, 2016 appears to be the likely date of the Michigan Republican presidential primary in the next election. The Michigan Republican Party’s Policy Committee approved the date, which is the earliest a primary can be held without losing delegates to the Republican National Convention.

If a candidate wins over 50-percent of the statewide vote, he or she will be awarded all of Michigan’s delegates. If the winner has less than that threshold, the delegates will be split up based on the vote.

Which, initially, left me a bit at a loss for words. Apparently, someone was praying that this wasn’t going to get noticed. Of course, that raised the question of “why” . . . and a cursory review of the details provides us with a quite predictable answer.

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Don’t try it, Speaker Bolger.

With the days of the 97th Michigan Legislature winding down, things are beginning to get real interesting in the days leading up to the general.

In an effort to not appear “bigoted”, “mean-spirited”, “close-minded”…pretty much called everything up to (if not) including the Anti-Christ, you really got to hustle to get those thousands in donations from LGBTIQ-groups like Tim Gill Foundation & ATT Michigan (can’t forget the DeVos’), into your Restore Michigan Fund to show some returns.

But you don’t want to infuriate your party’s base any more than they already are and hand over the Governor’s Office and the Michigan House over to the democrats.

Well, Speaker Bolger thinks that he may have found a solution.

{Continued below}

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(2)

Another Day Another Progressive Endorsement

From the “Great Republicans” who “juntaLennox faps to, once again, old twaddling Bill saith:

Gilligan's Island

Former Gov. William Milliken is endorsing Democrat Mark Totten for attorney general over fellow Republican and incumbent Bill Schuette.
Milliken’s backing of Totten — a Michigan State University law professor from Kalamazoo — marks his second endorsement of a Democrat this election cycle.


Kalamazoo? Nevertheless, had not Schuette put the Baker family through a living Hell, I probably would lift a finger for his campaign.

But, Schuette did put the Baker’s through Hell with his running cover for the pork lobby, and the Nerd CPA’s affirmative action ‘placemaking’ czar in Detoilet, so – f**k Bill.

Under vote. When it comes to statewide candidates, I’ll be voting only for, Ruth Johnson.

It is way past time for Conservatives to place a cost on the dregs of the Republican Party.

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(5)

“Macomb County Human Rights Policy” – UPDATE

So here’s the rundown from this morning.

The LGBTIQ (whatever that stands for anymore) crowd, along with PFLAG, Sterling Heights “One Love”, Unity Michigan, several Unitarian Ministers and some guy from the Michigan ACLU had about twice as supporters on hand compared to those against granting special rights and infringing upon Religious Liberty.

The meeting had a last-minute addition shoved onto the agenda which delayed the consideration & vote for almost an hour and a half due to a “closed session” item (and no, I have no idea what that was all about).

The final vote on the “Human Rights Policy” was 8-5 broken down like this:

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The Joys of Obama’s Moochercare

We’re tied for 15th lowest uninsured rate in the country.

The state should experience a further decline in the uninsured because 386,000 adults signed up for Michigan’s version of the expansion of the federal Medicaid health care plan for low-income residents, a Michigan League Public Policy official said Tuesday.

SudsBamaGov. Rick Snyder helped [Modus OpeRandy] push Medicaid expansion through the Legislature last year and it took effect April 1.

That’s because the Nerd CPA knows he’ll be long gone when the .FEDGOV monies dry up.

Take a vacation, not a vote – except for Ruth Johnson.

Screw the rest of ’em.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(4)

The Other Shady Bunch

What perfect timing to have us some Wayne County Jail indictments.

Jail contractor Walbridge Aldinger was selected over objections from contractors who complained the process favored the company. Its CEO, John Rakolta, served on a board of a nonprofit led by Mullin that was paying her a $75,000 bonus atop her $200,000 salary from the county.

Nah… nothing to see here, here, here, or here.

Move along rank-and-file Romney/Rakolta cult Party sheeple.


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This Guy Has Apparently Seen Michigan Politics

There is a reason current tracking has Snyder and 'shady' Schauer in a statistical dead heat.

GOP-SplitRick Manning of Net Right Daily echoes current political CW accurately.

We have seen the efforts of the current GOP powers more strongly attacking the conservative base than attacking progressive ideology in Michigan.  It also seems to be a nationwide condition.  Writing in today’s lead NRD article touching primarily on Immigration, Manning points out that Republicans have remained the party most likely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  He writes:

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

An Open Letter to Gov. Snyder – You need gun owners

Phillip Hofmeister (President of Michigan OPen Carry, Inc.) addresses Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan regarding his stance on guns.

Governor Snyder,

I am a frank man, as many people who know me could echo to you, so I will get straight to the point: you need gun owners this November.  I know you have read the polling numbers, it’s real close — you might lose.  Those few ten-thousand gun owners that won’t vote for you (along with me) may make the difference.  Aside from the people who mindlessly follow the NRA, you don’t have them.  I know many of them are planning to do one of the following regarding their vote for Governor: under-vote, vote third party (Libertarian or Constitutional), or vote for Mark Schauer (just to teach you and the Republicans a lesson).

I’m not sure which I will do yet, but I do know this: I won’t be voting for you. The purpose of this letter is to express what you can do to win my vote (and more importantly my personal support and endorsement).  It’s simple, really.  I only ask you to do 2 things:

  1. Work with the State Legislature as well as Michigan Open Carry, Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners, and Michigan Gun Owners in sincerity and earnest to repeal MCL 28.425o and have the repeal signed into law before November’s election.  If you don’t know how to contact those organizations, that’s okay – your chief legislative assistant (Mr. Posthumus) does.  This move will make a huge electoral impact as Michigan has approximately 450,000 CPL holders — most of them active voters.  If you’re looking for legislative Sponsors I would consider approaching Sen. Mike Green or Rep. Joel Johnson.
  2. Send an open, published letter to State Republican Chair Bobby Schostak (and his successor, should he be replaced next cycle) that says the following: if the State Party holds its convention in a venue that bans firearms, you will not attend.

Yes, between now and November the NRA-ILA will sing your praise for passing its FOIA Package.  I will yell just as loudly, that FOIA package accomplished nothing.  Here’s the thing you and the NRA-ILA don’t want people to know: these records were already exempt from FOIA under Mager V. Department of State Police (Michigan Supreme Court, 1999, 460 Mich. 134).  I will make sure as many people know this simple fact as possible — that despite all the NRA’s praise, signing this bill accomplished nothing.

So really, that’s it — those two, small things.  Let’s face it: the anti-gunners are already going to vote for Mark Schauer so you won’t be losing their vote as it has already been lost.  Not to mention, the number of pro-gun voters in Michigan seemingly far surpasses the number of anti-gun voters.  All you have is gain.  Do these two things and I will travel the state with you as well as sing your praise on every social media.


I look forward to working with you to accomplish these goals.  Mr. Posthumus knows how to contact me.

Rick Snyder

Rick Snyder is no friend of Gun Owners, at present.

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