
Why is Prop 15-1 a $2 Billion Dollar Tax Hike?

I don’t have time to mince words today so, I’ll let the headline speak for itself.

Media Muddles Magnitude of May Tax Hike Vote

Speaking of muddlers, it’s the parasite from Monroe, who wouldn’t go away.

allah Shazam! Yes, here’s how they voted on SB 509 and SB 1149 (Take note of names alleged Taxed Enough Already folks). More background here. Furthermore, good riddance to an Engler era affirmative action toady. Downside is Meekhof replaced that with a Richardville toady.

That said, Governor Spanky presented his $54 Billion dollar budget yesterday.

Ps. with respect to the MCC article above, well, Jim Stamas is a documented a**hole.

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R Gang: 16.7% Sales Tax Hike for *roads* is a “Grand” Bargain

How will that Sales Tax Hike work? Here’s more Snyder/Calley & Jones Day “Grand” bargain at work.

Snyder_OrrCosts for water service would rise an average of 9.3 percent this year in Metro Detroit under rates proposed Wednesday by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.

The department’s board discussed preliminary water rates for the 2015-16 fiscal year, which would rise 3.4 percent for Detroit customers and 11.3 percent for suburban users, on average.

Suburban customers’ water bills could be even higher, [snip]


Remember what WXYZ warned? Pay up, suckers.

Not to say I told ya so, but… I told ya so.

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Another Glitch in the ‘Road’ Tax Package

Legislative Craftsmanship at its Finest

Crying CEO or managerA week ago we found out that the new road tax package vehicle registration fee system would end its Federal tax deductibility.  Now Gongwer News Service is reporting another glitch, this time in the gasoline sales tax provisions of the road tax package:

Fix Planned to Correct Sales Tax Problem in Roads Plan

The administration of Governor Rick Snyder will seek legislation to correct a potential problem in the road funding plan that as written would lift the sales tax off of gasoline only for motor vehicles, but not for boats, snowmobiles and other non-road purposes like generators and gasoline-powered equipment.

As currently constructed, that would create a mess for retailers who theoretically would have to determine whether or not to charge the sales tax and even ask customers filling up a gasoline can what the intended use of the purchase is. The Citizens Research Council of Michigan, as part of a broad analysis it is conducting on the road funding plan, noted the quirk and provided the information to Gongwer News Service.

It will be interesting to see how Governor Snyder fixes this.  Purchasing gasoline for your boat or ORV could become a really entertaining bureaucratic exercise. Ready for the ‘Gasoline Police’? Think of the new forms to be filled out.

CRCoM is a collection of the usual corporate interests orbiting Michigan government. Not certain why they would have ratted out this bungle to Gongwer, but it does suggest a certain degree of unease among the establishment.

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Northern Resistance

Two Northern County parties on record in opposition to proposal 15-1.

STOP-167Antrim and Grand Traverse County Republicans have said “nope.”

Last Thursday (February 5, 2015), a couple of Northern Michigan county conventions had the opportunity to vote on a resolution in opposition to the 17% sales tax increase.  With only ONE dissenting in the Antrim County convention, and NO vocalized dissent in the Grand Traverse County convention, both county Republican parties made it clear that the tax increase was unacceptable.

The GTGOP event had about 70 voting delegates present. Antrim had 43 signed in

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Should the new MIGOP Chair have credibility, and a proven track record?

Experience is critical.

We have already suggested the best course for the Michigan Republican Party is to choose Norm Hughes to be Chair.  So are we biased?  Only that we want it to be an EFFECTIVE platform for conservative Republican values.  Name should mean far lass than the ability to bring in fresh blood, get people excited, and hold our Republican politicians to the platform with which they cloak themselves.

From a post by Norm Hughes on FB today:

“Last night at the 7th Congressional District Republican meeting in Jackson, Ms. Romney-McDaniel said she moved to Michigan from California seven years ago, She did help in a couple local elections, was a surrogate for uncle Mitt in 2012, elected to the Republican State Committee in 2013, the Republican National Committee in 2014 and in 2015 seeks the State Party Chair. That seems like a pretty fast track.

There are lots of things an effective member of the RNC can and should do for Michigan Republicans. She has a forum to speak and represent the Party, work with the grass roots and raise money. Let’s see her perform as a great RNC member. As your next state chair I will do all I can to enable and resource Ronna to be great in the important roll she was entrusted just a year ago.

The mechanics of effectively running a state Party takes lots of experience and contacts. We need someone who has shown the ability to recruit, train, inspire and lead grass roots. Someone who has run a district and county Party and knows what that entails. Someone who has run major campaigns and has experience helping the GOP win presidential elections and send REPUBLICAN presidential electors.

That is why I answered the call and seek the Chair. Together we can re-build the Reagan big tent, unify the Party and expand our base.


You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(2)

Wanna see how Much Duct Tape $700M Buys?

This much: “The greatest part of all this is that none of it is coming from the Left.”

einstein_simpleIt’s true. I mean, I completely agree with the cognitive dissonance tribe Among the Trees.

Isn’t it obvious that Rick “Vote Yes” Snyder didn’t buy The Lefts’ votes with $700 Million going to the MDP base, otherwise Lon Johnson would be squealing MCFA violation like a stuck pig just as he did over a few bucks on a stupid truck, yes?

Because, the Michigan Democratic Party cares only about fixing JUST the roads.

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