

Several months ago, we were warned.

The video on the right appeared amidst the nonsense of a US senate race elsewhere.  It is probably the only time in your life you will see the word “penis” in a seriously considered political video. (The ad is actually STILL posted on her official site – I have saved a copy as well)

The “P” word in this ad, is of course used to make sure that the viewers are advised that those who wear the aforementioned appliance are to be viewed with suspicion and disdain. That we cannot wait to show it off in just about every environment.  In short, that “Men are evil pigs.”

Aside from the absurdly overblown reaction to the false accusations of events supposedly 4 decades past, this candidate displayed a bizarre sense of propriety and judgement.  It was not enough for her to simply ‘hate men’ and let us know that the memberful sex was to be feared, but she actually believes that leaving such inculcation present and viewable during a statewide political contest is wise.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

NPV Gets GOP #Resistance In Northern Michigan

Wayne Schmidt more likely to withdraw sponsorship of SB1117?

Nothing is guaranteed folks.

State Senator Wayne Schmidt may not withdraw his sponsorship of SB1117, a bill that if ultimately effected, would have made it possible for Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election.  He may not change his mind after looking at the reality of what is being peddled to GOP lawmakers just in time to create dissension within the party.

But Wayne Schmidt does have folks in Grand Traverse County wondering what he was thinking.  He has fellow party members raising eyebrows, and asking “why on earth ..?”  And Wayne has a decent sense of political measure, so..

The Grand Traverse County Republican party executive committee today offered up and passed unanimously, a “simple resolution in opposition to the National Popular Vote, with notices to be sent to our representatives.”

This is Wayne’s ‘home team.’  These are the folks who must rally the troops, and the response to this particular NPV effort has seriously damaged the volunteer hours and interest.

It was an easy vote.

We encourage other county parties to follow suit and remind our GOP legislators that NPV is a bad enough idea, but bringing it out when the debate alone will have the worst possible effect on the GOP ground game, is really the true intent of it’s lobbyists.

Where have we heard this before?

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Discord & Disarray

Between bad proposals, and the best intentions the timing couldn't be worse.

Lobbyists know that our legislators have blind spots.

Its not that all legislators are blind, ignorant, foolish, or even downright incompetent.  Just most of them falling into one or more of those categories.

Unfortunately, some have gone back to the trough of stupid ideas a little too often.  Enough in fact, that they don’t even see the real reasons they are suddenly inundated with far reaching demands for change emanating from the pits of hell masquerading as fixes that are long overdue.

The convention of states (COS), and National Popular Vote (NPV) are two such changes that if successful, could threaten our very Republic.  The COS, in a way that opens the doors to quite literally writing out the very protections enshrined in our constitution.  The NPV, as a means to enable mob rule, and permanently entrench those who can then control media and other information sources.

And what about that NPV?

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Powerful MiGOP Ad In A Tweet

The wave won't be blue in 2018

A great collection of clips put together demonstrating the contrast of the left’s resistance platform, and what is already happening under the leadership of Donald J Trump. And the focus is HERE in the great state of Michigan


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John James Conversation 1

Getting to know the Republican candidate who will unseat Stabenow

In this election cycle, I am not sure there could have been a better person to take out Debbie Stabenow.

The meat puppet herself is already advertising that she is a defender of farms etc., though we know better.  It is the go-to place for her in each election cycle, even though she hates the ‘family‘ part of the equation.

Failure by previous candidates to note that Stabenow has failed the farmers in Michigan and elsewhere is compounded by being completely out-of-touch for 5 of the 6 years terms, unless one is a major donor; most of which are found out-of-state.

In this video series, John James candidly addresses such things appropriately, and with authority we have missed in prior electoral runs at this office.

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Voters Not Politicians?

The result could not be even remotely legal, so how can the proposal go forward?

The name “Puppets not People.” Would be more apt.

Proposal 2 of 2018 is one of the most bizarre creations to be tested before the voting public. Several pages of changes to our state constitution without the benefit of a convention, and a significant change to state government through a vote where maybe TWO or THREE percent of voters will have a full understanding of the changes being made.

The Michigan Supreme Court failed miserably in stopping what amounts to a coup of Michigan’s constitution. It should immediately review and recall its decision, or face future docket challenges it cannot meet.

The mess this proposal will create is undeniable.  Literally prepared for court battles, the proposal inserts language into our constitution that authorizes the commission to ‘prosecute’ the legislature for financial ability to defend itself against expected redistricting challenges.  What this means is that unlimited taxpayer dollars will be used to fend off any taxpayer disagreements with whatever crazy apportionment happens.

This ‘clever’ bit of political takeover quite frankly takes the power AWAY from the people of Michigan.  The Orwellian name ‘voters not politicians’ gives certain political influences (through social media and misinformation) more of a permanent grasp on the political mechanics, with little or no chance for timely corrections.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(3)

Who is United Impact Group, LLC?

We are here to help

A group called United Impact Group, LLC is asking clerks across Michigan for copies of voted ballots and other material from the November 2016 election, using the Freedom of Information Act. Michigan’s news media cannot seem to figure out who they are and are posting ominous articles.

We are here to help.

United Impact Group LLC is a Delaware Corporation. Their Delaware Division of Corporations file number is 6981572. It was incorporated on 19 July 2018.

Costs $ 20 to know more.

We’ll let the idiots in the media spend that $ 20. The price of an education.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)


The first Congressional District needs to reconsider inappropriate action.

There are people within the Republican party that still don’t get it.

It is one thing to privately support candidates they like.  It is fully yet another to officially endorse a candidate while the party itself is still determining the outcome.

An official endorsement implies many things, among which is the suggestion that anyone else who wishes to participate within the process is really no longer welcome.  That the efforts made to support a party committee will be diverted to represent interests that the contributor does not want.

Is the 1st CD cte trying to lessen overall involvement by those who might disagree with pet choices in a primary?

When a general election arrives it is all hands on deck as implied with membership of the party.  However, in a primary or pre-convention contest, the suggestion that all members have coalesced to agree that a single candidate is preferable over another is ludicrous and irresponsible.

I am a member of the 1st congressional district, and as a Republican delegate I was never consulted, nor asked for an opinion on the letter you see to the right.  Are we to conclude that duly elected delegates are to be ignored by the 1st congressional district executive board in the acts of favoritism?

There was no vote that we were allowed to participate in on this, and unilateral decision making is apparently the new rule.  While I had no horse in this contest, it is troubling that those who do would pretend to know my favor.

The first congressional district should rescind its endorsement until after the convention has selected its candidate.



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Convention Time

Step Right Up - The Greatest Show On Earth is about to begin!

Every two years, the factions of the Republican party get to have a little fun.

Don’t get me wrong, the democrats run the fun/ridiculous machine overtime.  No matter what anyone tells you, those who hook their wagons to the Socialist lite democrat banner are already exhibiting what should be in the APA DSM manuals.  The GOP has a few critical cases, but generally the differences are in the way we want to approach the argument.

However, there are still too many people who think that a life of crime  ..er a life of service ..  a political paycheck is the way to go.  Perhaps the prestige of those ‘power’ positions, and maybe even the real reward of patronage while in and out of office can make such aspirations appealing.

It may seem that the time spent and asses people have to kiss to grab that golden ring would be far better spent with family, doing vacations, building a business, etc.  I have run a couple of primary challenge campaigns to incumbents, but have no desire to be seated long term.  Some folks do it to effect REAL reformative change however.

I suspect most politicians actually feel that they have a ‘mission’ as well when starting on such an adventure, but also having won a campaign against an incumbent in a primary, I have also experienced the pressure of acceptance.  To the novice of political office, it is exceptionally easy to be sucked into the ‘best intentions’ paradigm.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Schuette #NeverTrump Pick Disappointing

GOP Nominee reverts to comfort zone.

We already knew Bill Schuette’s choice for Lt. Governor Lisa Posthumus Lyons’ words:

“Demeaning women and disrespecting others is unacceptable behavior. I am raising four kids to stand up for others, to love their neighbor, to exemplify respect and integrity. I do not tolerate anything less from my kids, and I will not tolerate anything less from someone who wants to be President of the United States,” she wrote in 2016.

She wrote that she had remained quiet until then out of respect to voters who had chosen Trump as the nominee, “But it is clear that Donald Trump has not earned my respect or my vote.”

Apparently, she didn’t give that vote to him either.

This morning’s radio audio has Tim Skubick asking if she voted for him.  She replied with “I support President Trump and the policies that are coming out of his administration. ” or some other variation of this, but for the three times she was asked, three times she avoided directly answering the question.

Clearly, she didn’t vote for the president in the general election of 2016.  It is understandable that in the primary other Republicans might get the vote of the flag bearer, or flag bearer jr.  Hell, we all had our favorites.  But when the choice in the general means electing a Republican or promoting a dedicated criminal enterprise, it seems a person of reasonable intelligence might choose the former.

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