You know that you’ve been played, right?
And what are you going to do about it?
{More below the fold.}

You know that you’ve been played, right?
And what are you going to do about it?
{More below the fold.}
What’s good for thee, but not for me holds oh so true for Michigan democrats.
What antics are they up to know?
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They say that in building and maintaining a brand, messaging is vitally important.
The Guv didn’t stray too far from that lesson tonight.
{The Right Michigan rundown from her (second) Statewide Huwan Virus Town Hall continues below the fold.}
From the inbox…
I’ve been told that the guv will be holding a statewide town hall, on Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00pm
Even though there was one last week, this is apparently the first one that will be shown here in Southeastern Michigan on every local television station.
Given her SS-orders, they will be taking questions from the public at the link I included above. No chance to attend one of these in person, even though she had the media attending in-person her others forays in front of the TV cameras.
Say, can the governor be cited for violating her own “social distancing” orders?
Will she go over and above her “emergency powers” and announce the cancellation the rest of the public school year because of Detroit?
Will she ask for an extension of her “emergency powers”…due to expire April 13th?
Will she have a plan on how to address the monumental economic damage her orders have caused Michigan’s economy (without blaming Pres. Trump)?
Tune in and find out.
It’s not as if you can go out and do anything else…
There was a story which a friend of mine passed along to me several years ago regarding early American History, specifically relating to government spending, which I immediately enjoyed and still remember to this day.
It focused on a conversation between one Davy Crockett and a constituent by the name of Horatio Bunce, regarding an appropriations bill in the US House of Representatives. Mr. Bunce took issue with not only the speed the appropriation was made, but why it was even made in the first place. During their conversation, he also drove that point solidly home by reminding the then campaigning Rep. Crockett:
“The people have delegated to Congress, by the Constitution, the power to do certain things. To do these, it is authorized to collect and pay moneys, and for nothing else. Everything beyond this is usurpation, and a violation of the Constitution.”
Let’s just say that Rep. Crockett had an interesting response to that situation to say the least (along with how it guided his future decisions).
So, what does a discussion nearly two centuries ago have to do with Michigan Politics today?
{Press that button below to find out.}
Some readers may recall this term bandied about several years ago, when Congress being Congress, went on a spending spree that can be accurately compared to giving an alcoholic an open bar tab and then being shocked when not only all of the top shelf inventory is cleaned out first, but the rest of the bar as well.
Take a wild guess what happened earlier this week?
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And right about now, the law of unintended consequences is kicking in (if you actually believe this was all really “unintended”).
What might this little factoid be, you may ask yourself?
{Click on that red button below to find out.}
One of the disturbing things that I’ve come across while taking care of a troubling computer issue this weekend (“troubled computer” in question now dealt with in a very cathartic manner), is the number of people who are not aware of the OTHER issues on the ballot on Tuesday.
In between what can literally be described as the “chicken little” mentality in the MSM regarding yet another bug going around (practice basic hygiene…problem solved), very little (if any) coverage has been given to the other issues down ballot whose supporters are hoping that you either a.) not notice, or b.) just don’t bother showing up to vote at all.
I’m going to do a quick recap on what’s at stake.
{More below the fold}
what happened in Vegas ..
I just had to drop this here.
I opted to watch the cage match instead of the Trump rally (I know, I know) and found it to be better than SNL as of the last decade.
Bloomberg freaks out everyone by calling Sanders what he is (A COMMUNIST – with three homes) and ol Mini-Mike himself gets skewered by the fake Indian, with a call to remove NDAs from the sexual harassment suits. The big gulp billionaire gave her the key to his private stall, and she flushed his half a billion spent down the whooshie.
Joe had a lot of energy and started yelling at everyone, Buttigig looks like he has a terminal disease (as well as a wierd teen moustache thing going), Kloubuchar was unremarkable, and Tom Steyer was missing. In a weird way, Crazy Joe remarkably laid out a case for Sanders as the next NRA spokesman!
The RNC raises another point about ‘buying the debate stage’ which won’t sell well to his bolshevik following when Bernie fails to get first round nomination in their primary.
WASHINGTON — Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on tonight’s Democrat debate:
“Unfortunately for Democrats, what happened in Las Vegas won’t stay in Vegas. Americans witnessed tonight that today’s Democrat party is willing to gamble away our future with socialist policies. They saw that their party is willing to change debate rules to benefit a liberal billionaire, but not minority candidates who ran. The fact the Democrat field is still so wide open shows how weak it truly is.
“Americans are on a winning streak thanks to the Trump Administration’s pro-growth, America first policies. Come November, Nevadans, and voters across the country, will double-down on President Trump’s record of real results and re-elect him to a second term.”
Be ready to fight Michigan.
It’s not all fun-n-games. While these misfit toys might not inspire the confidence of many in their party (or anyone with an IQ above room temp), we must be cognizant that IF any of them somehow prevail, the incompetence they promise will not be the sideshow witnessed in Nevada last night.
Talk about an easily triggered bunch.
I was asked this evening for my $0.02 regarding a video making the rounds over the past few days regarding last weeks SOTU Speech.
In it, juxtaposed between the multiple examples of the things which Pres. Trump had in fact actually cited going right here in America (despite the incessant litany of “experts” who claimed that it couldn’t be done), was Speaker Pelosi acting like a petulant child by throwing a temper tantrum and tearing up the official House copy of the President’s Speech.
Yes. Rep. Gaetz has filed ethics charges against her for that outburst. Sorry, but let’s be 100% honest here; they were never going to go anywhere anyway. Everyone should realize that the House will NEVER act against her while the democrats hold the majority. Especially considering just how devastated they were that evening (Michigan’s own Indrid Cold grinning idiot needed to console her fellow peewee squad member…how pathetic is that).
Be that as it may, someone from an outfit called Freedom Fights released a clip which made people look at her actions from a different perspective.
Hoo boy, are the democrats p.o.’ed!
After Pres. Trump pinned this on his Twitter feed, the democrats went apoplectic and demanded that it be taken down.
To their credit, Twitter & Facebook have gone on record telling the democrats that wasn’t going to happen.
The democrats like to call this video “doctored”.
I’ll let you be the judge.