Qualified immunity should be challenged when used as a shield to abuse private citizens.
AG Dana Nessel is not working for Michigan. At least not for the people of Michigan.
Instead, Dana Nessel is actively combating those who take action against an out-of-control government. Her efforts include threats to those who would DARE to challenge the outcome of the elections or who would challenge the activities that occurred during the election itself.
Our “chief law enforcement officer” (her claim – not ours) failed to address the credible and direct threats to a member of a certification board, resulting in a coerced and wrongful sanction of Wayne County’s election disaster. Our “chief law enforcement officer” not only did not follow up on the real law breaking, the state then revealed that the canvassers who had only voted to certify only under duress and promises of an audit, that there would be no take-backs!
Real Law Enforcement had to step in and do the job a malfeasant AG could not meaningfully manage.
She suggests loss of license to practice law, monetary damages, and other punitive reprisals for anyone having the gall to attempt to challenge or correct the clearly tampered with election of Nov 3rd. She does so in a way that is designed to chill any further actions or voices that question the increasingly inept manner in which the ‘constitutional’ figureheads of Michigan operate.
Perhaps she does so because she is feeling particularly invulnerable, and stronger by democrat nominated Supreme court wins, and thinks she can throw her weight around with impunity. …Perhaps she can.